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Justin grabbed his backpack, zipping it. "Can you guys d-do me a favor?" Justin asked and the group nodded - including Evelyn, who has been hanging out with them sometimes. "I need you guys to drop me by Jason's company so just I can say hi and then we can leave! I just need to say hi, I haven't seen him in a while 'cause he's so busy w-with things lately" Ethan smiled and nods. "Of course! I don't mind doing it at all" Ethan said, grabbing a fry from Justin's plate and then eating it. "Hey! That's mine!" Justin said and smacked Ethan's hand who hissed. Justin chuckles "That's what you get for messing with my food, huh" Ethan glared at Justin who giggled. 

"Guys I don't know about y'all but I'm in the mood for an ice cream" Delilah said, getting up and fixing her black skirt. "Girl, me too. Let's get some ice cream" Nicole said and got up. She was wearing a beautiful Chanel dress, as she always does. She wears nothing but high-end brands. "Bring me one!" Justin said as he finished his plate of food. "What flavor do you want, cutie?" Nicole asked and Justin thought for a few seconds. "Vanilla and strawberry, please" He said and the girl nodded, walking up with Delilah to the counter to get the ice creams. 

"So, how are you dealing with the James' situation?" Joy asked Evelyn who sighed and shrugged. "I don't know. He's been texting me non stop and calling me but I'm just going to ignore his ass and change my number" She chuckled and Justin did too. "I'm glad you could see how bad he was for you. You're so much better without him, Eve" Justin said. Evelyn smiled. "Thank you Justin and I'm sorry, again, for doing what I did to you. I really regret it" Justin cracked a little smile. "It's fine"


Justin got out of the car, closing the door. Ethan opened the window. "Don't take too long, lover boy!" He said and Justin nodded, chuckling at the end. He walked up to the main door of the big building and looked around to see how many people were there. Some of them rushing to get to work, some of them rushing to get off work. Justin had not seen Jason since last week. Jason said he was really busy with work, he usually gets at this time of the year. Justin walked into the building. He smiled when he spotted Jeanette, he really liked her. She hasn't been nothing but nice to him since he first met her. 

"Hi Jeanette!" Justin said happily and the girl smiled. "Hi, cutie! Going to see Justin?" He nods and the girl winks at him, chuckling at the end. "Bye, I'll be right back! It's just a quick visit" He said and walked towards the elevator. "Don't forget it's in the fifteenth floor!" Jeanette yelled and Justin nodded, with a smile on his face. He clicked on the button so the elevator would arrive but when it did, a sea of people left the elevator. Wow, it must be a really busy day for McCann's enterprises.

Justin walked into the elevator and clicked the button with the 15 on it. He enjoyed the happy elevator music while the elevator took its time to get to the desired floor. Once it did, the doors opened and Justin got out, his smile never abandoning his lips. He was excited to see Jason. It wasn't like they were dating. But they had already admitted their feelings for each other and Justin thought that probably Jason would ask him to date him when he turns eighteen. 

He made his way to the door, opening it. He was hoping to see a Jason, sitting on his chair, with a stack of papers surrounding him but that's not what the boy saw. Instead, Jason's lips were locked with Sofia's and a feeling of anger and betrayal quickly invaded Justin. Jason immediately pushed Sofia away, still not noticing Justin's presence in the room. "Are you fucking insane, Sofia?!" The man asked. Justin felt his heart breaking into millions of tiny pieces while he watched the two. Jason heard Justin's sniffles and looked at the door. A heartbroken Justin was standing in the doorway. Jason felt his heart clench. "Oh my god, Justin" He walked up to the boy who smacked his hands. "Don't even dare to touch me!" Justin yelled, while tears fell off his hazel brown eyes. 

"J-Justin I swear it was h-her" Jason tried to explain himself, with tears welling up in his eyes but Justin was too hurt to even think about anything. "I trusted you. I trusted you and that's what hurts the most. I knew this was too good to be true" Justin said and ran away from the man, getting into the elevator and clicking on the button before Jason could get into the elevator too. 

He couldn't believe what he had just seen. The man he had trusted, the man he was in love with, had just kissed - betrayed, him. Once the elevator arrived at the 0 floor, Justin ran outside and got into the car, crying. "Justin??! Justin what happened?" His friends asked. "P-Please drive" Justin said, covering his face with his hands. "Cutie please tell us what happened" Joy said, worried. 

"Jason c-cheated" Justin cried onto his hands. 



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