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Justin grabbed the control remote, zapping through all the boring channels on the television that clearly didn't have nothing he would enjoy watching. He grabbed the bowl, grabbing a handful of popcorn and stuffing them in his mouth. Even though his week has been the most boring week that he's ever had in his life, he was glad for it because his mom was being extra attentive to him even though she wasn't home most of the time. But when she was, she would take care of him, just like the good old days they used to had before. It's like she realized she should be a better mom when Justin got into the accident. It's when you lose people (or when you get close to losing them) that you realize that you really need to be a better person. 

He has been contacting his friends all week long, and they wouldn't stop blowing up his phone with get better texts and updates on what's been happening at school, which was cute. But his friends weren't the only ones doing that. Jason has been visiting him and always calling or even texting him to check if he's okay all the time. That was it, Justin thought Jason was a keeper. 

Justin's eye sight moved from the television to his room's door when his mom walked into the room. She smiled sweetly, handing Justin a little bowl with candies. He smiled in a way to thank the woman who smiled back. "I have something to tell you" She said while her smile didn't even dare to abandon her facial structure. "Is something bad?" He asked, putting a red m&m into his mouth and chewing on it. She shook her head no, still smiling. He was shook on the fact that she wouldn't stop smiling and that she would be so caring out of nowhere. Bipolar much? 

"You're going on a one week trip with Jason" She said in a fast way, making Justin almost choke in his own saliva. "I'm going what??" He said, not believing what she had said at first. "You are going on a one week trip with Jason!" She repeated the words from before, leaving him skeptic. His smile grew bigger and bigger, as he reached to hug her. "Is this really my mom? Was she abducted by some aliens?" He asked, a wide smile on his face. The woman laughed, kissing his cheek. "W-Why are you telling me and not him?" Justin couldn't stop smiling and he also could not believe in what he was hearing. "I don't know, he asked me to. Now I have to go to work, see you later" The woman leaned on to press a small kiss on her son's forehead. 

Justin immediately grabbed his phone when the door closed, dealing Jason's phone number. 

"What d-do you mean I'm going on a trip with you?" Justin said, Jason laughed when he noticed the excitement in his voice. Jason didn't even know how his mom was letting him do it. "I'm going there to do business but I have some days off and I decided I'd bring you with me so we could spend more time together. Italy" Justin almost screamed when he heard Jason speak. He was half italian because of his father so he always wanted to go there. "I c-can't believe it! And m-my mom let you do it?" "She did" "Okay so when we're leaving?" Jason laughed because he knew Justin was already too excited. "We're leaving next week. I gotta go now, I have a meeting soon" Jason said. "Bye Jase!! I love you and thank you" "I love you too baby, see you later" 

Even though Jason and Justin both say I love you to each other, they aren't dating and probably won't too soon. Even though Jason thinks it's not, we all both know that his love for Justin is so totally obvious but he won't convince himself of that. Justin is slowly starting to understand the real meaning of the word I love you when he says it to someone, who in this case, is Jason. The boy had never fall in love for anyone and he never had no one treat him the way Jason does. But that he felt something, he for sure did. 


this chapter's a lil short so sorry for that :( but you'll
enjoy the next one ;)

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