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Justin grabbed his books and pencil case, putting them back in his backpack. He closed the zip, putting the backpack on. "Hey Justin! Do you want to hang out with us now at Diego's?" Delilah asked, and he silently shook his head no. "I'm sorry g-guys but I can't. I h-have to do something b-but if I have time I'll d-drop by Diego's to s-say hi" He replied, with a smile. "How did it go with Jason the other night?" Joy winked at the boy who blushed a little. "It w-went good, n-nothing more than that. Bye!" Justin said, giggling, and left the school.

Justin took the bus, and went to the company where Jason worked. Since Justin didn't have his phone with him now because his mother took it away from him, every single day, after school, he would catch the bus and meet Jason. You could say they're inseparable now.

The boy walked into the huge company building that was replete with people. He looked around and walked up to the front desk. As always, he was hoping to find Jeanette, the nice girl who was always attending people at the front desk. Instead, the boy found himself in front of Milena. "Umm I'm looking for Jason's office. I forgot where it is" He said, quietly, waiting for an answer. "You again? You clearly didn't understand what I told you the first time." Milena glared at Justin.

"I don't w-want trouble. I j-just want t-to find Jason's office p-please" He said. Justin didn't like getting in trouble but he wouldn't mind fighting with Milena since all she has been doing was trying to mess with him and Jason. "Get the fuck out-" Milena trailed off, but suddenly she was interrupted. "Babycakes! You forgot already? It's on floor 15" Jeanette came up to Justin, with a smile on her face. "Thank you Jeanette!" Justin smiled, then when Jeanette wasn't looking, he stuck his tongue out at Milena who glared.

He walked into the elevator, clicking on the button with the number fifteen on it. He waited and waited, since the elevator would stop on every level because there were many busy people in the building. Finally, when he arrived to the fifteenth level, he smiled and knocked on the door on Jason's office. It didn't take long until he got a response from the man. "Come in" Justin smiled when he heard his voice.

The young boy twisted the doorknob and stepped into the man's office, closing the door behind him. "Jason!!" He cheered, running to the man who waited for him with open arms, also with a smile on his lips. "I've missed you, baby" Jason answered, making Justin's cheeks color turn into a red shade. Justin let out a giggle, which was, for Jason, the cutest thing he had ever heard.

"Already, Jase?" Justin asked, giggling at the end. "Yes, I did. I haven't been with you since yesterday. You didn't text me. You didn't call me. So yes" Jason answered, looking at his baby, focusing on his beauty. "Um Jase I didn't call you or text you b-because m-my mom took my phone a-away from me. I'm s-sorry" Justin pouted, crawling into the man's chest. "You already know I'm kidding, right babyboy? I would never be mad at you for that" Jason kissed the top of the younger boy's head. "It's a shame you can't see all the photos I had taken for you." Justin said.

That made Jason stop right on his tracks, and rewind to make sure that he really did say that. "Hm and what kind of photos are those?" Jason asked, rubbing the side of Justin's waist gently. "I'm not telling you!" Justin giggled, kissing the man's jawline.

"That's okay. When you have your phone back I'll make you show them to me" The man whispered, kissing Justin's shoulder.

Justin giggled, with a slight blush on his cute chubby cheeks. "Daddy?"

Jason almost choked on his own saliva when he heard the boy call him that. "My friends say you're my daddy, so you're my daddy" Jason's eyes widened, he still out of words.

"Do you even know what that means?" The older man asked.

"Actually, I do" Justin smiled. "I'm not saying daddy as if you're my dad, but in other way" The younger boy smiled, placing his hands on Jason's chest. The man was already kind of turned on by the way Justin was talking to him.

Justin seems all innocent and he really is, but when it comes to things like this he kind of isn't innocent.

If only Jason could tell how many times he had the burning desire to fuck Justin, everyone would be shook.

Suddenly, Justin placed his lips on Jason's. He didn't know exactly how to kiss, but he managed to kiss the man with everything he had and he was enjoying every single part of it.

Jason was a little shocked at the fact that Justin was the one to make the first move. But he liked it. Jason placed both his hands on Justin's hips, slowly continuing to kiss the younger one.

And they were both enjoying it. 

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