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Justin sighed as he ran his eyes through all the books. He had been studying all afternoon which had him very bored. He couldn't find anything better to do and since his friends were all kinda busy and Jason was busy at work, he didn't have anyone to hang out with. He decided to study since he was kind of late in his studies and some tests were coming up. He hated maths, though. He never understood how people needed to know all of that. Equations? Who does even need to know that? 

He finally finished the exercise he had been trying to do since 15 minutes ago. School was really exhausting for him sometimes. He took a deep breath and glanced at his watch. It was 8:12 p.m and he was already tired of running his eyes through the notes Nicole had borrowed him. Justin closed all the books and all the notebooks, turning on the television. It was only a matter of 15 seconds until someone knocked on his door. He wondered who it could possibly be. His mom was on a business trip so it wouldn't be her and usually nobody knocks on his door at this time. 

Justin got up and slowly twisted the doorknob, opening the door and finding out that the ones that were on the other side of the door were his friends. "Hi Jay!" Delilah said, excitedly while a smile was hanging on her pretty red lips. "What are you guys doing here? And dressed like you all are going to a party?" Justin said and turned off his television. "Because we're going to one! And you're coming with us, sweet cheeks" Joy said. Justin's eyes widened, "I just f-finished my study and I feel like I'm dying because I hate maths and you g-guys want me to party?" He asked, making the group laugh. "Yes" Ethan replied. 

"Come on, let's get ready and we'll leave together! Me, Delilah and Nicole will help you choose an bomb outfit while the guys stay here watching tv" Joy smiled and Justin sighed, nodding slowly. "There will be free food!" Diego warned and immediately the young one smiled. "Hell yeah I'm going!" Justin said. 


"I think Nicholas will be there but whatever" Delilah said, rolling her eyes. "Girl just forget him! He's not worth of a fine ass like you" Nicole said while searching through Justin's closet, in hope she could find the perfect outfit for the party. Justin was sitting on the edge of the bed watching the girls chat and going through his clothes. He didn't have that much clothes but the ones he had were pretty cool. "Aha, found!" Nicole said with a smile on her face, showing her pearl white teeth. Justin smiled and peeked to see the outfit. "Go put it on, I'm sure you'll look really fine Jay" Joy said and he nodded, grabbing the clothes and heading to the bathroom to put it on.

Justin had these clothes laying on the closet for a while now but never thought that putting them all together could give a really bomb outfit. [outift on the image up there] He left the bathroom and smiled at the girls who gasped when they noticed how good Justin looked. 

"I did a good work" Nicole mumbled, with a smile on her face. Justin nodded slowly, smiling at her. Joy was the first to get up, ready to go to the party. "Let's go party y'all!" Joy ran downstairs and they all laughed. Suddenly, Justin's phone beeped and he grabbed it. 

Jason: I miss you sweet cheeks

Justin: I miss you too Jase. I'm going to a party with my friends. Talk to you later! 

Jason: You're having fun while I'm going to be in the office all night! Yikes. Just kidding, go have fun lil angel, love you


Diego parked next to the mansion where the party was at. They got pretty lucky because almost all the parking lot was full with cars because it's a high school party so obviously there's going to be lots of people attending. The music really loud from the outside and they could see some people hanging out in the front yard of the house. Justin only imagined how people his age could have such good and big houses and their parents letting them trash the house completely.

The group of friends walked up to the mansion, the girls already gossiping about who's going to be or not in the party. Justin wasn't a big fan of high school parties, but he kind of liked to go to them if he was accompanied by his friends. Last time Justin went to a party and started wandering around alone it gone completely wrong. 

They walked into the mansion and the really loud music blasted through it. The girls walked up to a empty spot and went over there and so did Justin and the boys. Justin was looking around and trying to see if he could recognize anyone from school until he felt someone touch his shoulder. He turned around to see the boy he had met a while ago at the club but somehow he forgot his name but felt really bad for it. "Justin?" The boy said with a wide smile on his face. "U-Um hi-" Justin trailed off. "Chris. At the club a while ago, remember?" Justin nodded with a smile. "O-Oh yeah!! I remember you I just d-didn't remember your name, I'm so sorry about that" Justin apologized and Chris chuckled.

"There's no need to, It's been a while and I completely understand" Chris nodded. "So how's everything with that jerk McCann?" Chris continued, and the fact that he used that name to mention Jason pissed Justin off a little bit. "Did you mean Jason? Because that's his name" Justin mumbled. "I really did mean to call him jerk but I get that, I would act like you if I was in your position" Chris rolled his eyes off. "Why do you hate him so much?" Justin asked, looking at Chris who shrugged. "He's a jerk. You really act like you know him but you don't" Justin cocked up an eyebrow at what Chris had just said. "What do you mean?" Justin asked. 

"He's not who you think he is. Meeting people on the internet can be dangerous" Chris said and then left the boy alone in pure confusion. 


Hi! Thank you for reading. 

I wanted to advise some of my Catching Feelings sequel readers that I'll probably won't be updating that story anytime soon because I'm out of ideas for it. I will for sure be continuing it I just don't know when because the ideas don't seem to get to me. 

Anyway, I'm writing a new Jastin story and I plan on publishing it soon! 

Thank you for reading and you can share your thoughts or opinions or questions about the story on the comments. 

Omegle ; Jastin (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now