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Moans left both Jason and Milena's mouth as Jason thrusted into her, making her grab his hair. He smirked, letting out another moan even though he wasn't enjoying that moment at all. "Get out, we're done here" Jason said, zipping his pants and Milena looked at him in disbelief.

Jason liked Milena. As a friend. Milena is nice girl but sometimes she would freak out because even though her and Jason broke up three years ago, she would still be over-protective and she didn't want anyone touching "her man" at all costs. Deep down, everyone thought she was crazy and, was she?

However, Milena got up, grabbing her clothes while she smiled putting them on. Jason gasped. He had completely forgot about Justin, and there was nothing he could do about it because he was obviously too busy fucking Milena. "Shit, shit!" He said, but Milena laughed.

The man ignored her giggles and grabbed his coat, immediately leaving his office and hurried up because deep down, he still hoped that Justin would be there waiting for him. "Mr. McCann, the CEO of Griffiths Enterprises called, he's-" Jason's assistant said while he hurried to get to the elevator. "Tell him to call back later, I need to leave!" He cut of the woman who just stood there a little confused but then got back to her work.

Once Jason got to the coffee shop, there was no one there but the employee who was about to close the shop. "Hey, umm did you see a short boy here on the shop?" "I've seen a lot of short boys. What does he look like?" He asked. "He has dark blonde hair, hazel eyes..." He explained, and the employee giggled. "Do you mean, Justin Bieber? He stops here sometimes. And yes, he was here. He seemed like he was waiting for someone but then he ended up leaving" "Did he left too long ago?" Jason asked, still hoping he would see Justin down the streets. "Yes. He seemed very upset when he left" Jason nodded, looking down. "Thanks for telling me"

He couldn't believe he stood the boy up.

Justin cried until he got home. He knew this was going to happen, he knew Jason would stood him up because he probably was busy with something else, or with somebody else. Justin didn't knew why, but just the thought of it broke his heart.

The boy sighed as he heard his mom's screams from outside the house already. Assuming she was drunk, and probably arguing with one of her thousands of men, Justin entered the house through the backyard and silently made his way to his room. "Justin!" Justin mentally yelled as he heard his mom yell for his name.

"Damn it!" He thought. He turned around, seeing the woman come up to him with a glass of wine on her hand. "Yes, mom?" He asked. "Today you're going out to dinner with me and with a very important business man, so I suggest you start getting ready. I want you to look nothing but the best tonight" Justin tiredly nodded. "Now, go get dressed" She demanded and Justin walked into his room, grabbing a outfit he could use tonight. (Outfit in the image)

He showered and then got dressed, spraying a little of his favorite perfume on his neck. All of a sudden, his mom walked into the room. "Are you ready? He sent his driver to come pick us up, so make sure you don't take too long, he's already outside!"

Justin's eyes widened. Why would the man send a driver to come pick him and his mother up? "He must be really rich" The boy thought to himself. He smiled and left the room, leaving with his mother.

Once they arrived to the famous (and expensive) restaurant, Justin looked around. He never ate at this restaurant. But, to him, the food looked very yummy but also very expensive. "Nathan!" Justin's mom spoke up, walking over to a man who hugged her, turning his eyes then to Justin. "Michelle! Finally I get to meet your son, Justin" He smiled at the boy who just smiled back shyly.

Justin got very confused especially because he knew that man from somewhere. Oh! That's right! Justin saw him once on a article in Forbes magazine.

The man walked up to Justin, "Hello, kid. I'm Nathan McCann but you can call me Nathan" Justin smiled shyly.

"Hi" He spoke, sitting down next to his mother who was always making sure that Justin would say the right things at the right moment.

Michelle didn't want the boy to ruin this dinner. This dinner truly meant everything to her so she could get a way to make Nathan McCann turn her into a supermodel. But that wasn't going to happen at all... She always had the dream to become a model and being friends with McCann would surely guarantee her a modeling career. Or at least she thinks it will. All that she thought that she needed to do, was go out with the man a few times, make him realize she was "model material" and then it was all done. But he wasn't looking for someone like her, that's for sure.

Nathan McCann owns a fashion company, of course he knows so many people from the fashion industry. Such as Ralph Lauren, Tom Ford, Marc Jacobs, etc. And Michelle did want to take place in the fashion industry. But she wasn't really what he was looking for... He was looking for someone who would be capable of making people in love with the brand, with clothes in general. He was looking for someone new and somehow unique. 

That night, the man was keeping his eyes on someone that he would love to put in the fashion industry. 

And that wasn't Michelle...

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