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Jason pulled his hair. He didn't know that having the girl work for him would bring so much but so much trouble. "You fucked up everything, Sofia!" Jason yelled at the girl who just stood in the doorway with a victorious smile on her lips, making Jason even more furious. "I don't care, at the end I got what I really wanted, didn't I?" She smirked. Jason wanted to punch her in the face but he didn't hit on girls, even though hitting her right now is a tempting offer for him. He glared at her, "Why did you even kiss me? Now he thinks I fucking kissed you back, which I did not" Jason ran his fingers through his hair. 

Sofia chuckled. "I've been wanting to do it for a long time. Why do you think I even needed this job? Because of money? My parents are loaded" She explained, making Jason's blood boil. "You are so fucked up, now you've completely ruined everything I had with him" Jason sighed. "Jase, don't be sad! You don't have him but you can still have me" She squealed, making her way next to Jason and the man quickly got away from her. "Did you even think you had a chance with me Sofia? Look at you" Jason laughed furiously. "You're so fucked up and you look like Shrek's wife. Did you ever consider casting in one of their movies?" Jason laughed even more. "Please get out of my sight, I don't ever want to lay my fucking eyes on you again" Jason grabbed his phone and was about to exit the room, "And oh, you're fired" Sofia groaned in annoyance. 

The man left the building and quickly got into his car. He wanted to apologize to Justin and he wanted to do that in person, even though he knows that Justin isn't going to want to have him around or even want to talk to him. 

Minutes later, he pulled up in Justin's driveway and got out of the car. He walked up to the front door and knocked on the door. Quickly someone opened the door - Delilah, but when she saw who it was she closed the door again. "Come on! I just want to talk to him" Jason said loudly so she could hear him from inside. Delilah opened the door again, with an annoyed look on her face. "Could you possibly leave him alone? He's having a hard time because he saw his first love kissing that monkey face so please do yourself a favor and leave" Delilah rolled her eyes off and was about to close the door, but Jason put his foot on the doorway so that wasn't possible. "Do I have to chop your foot off?" She asked with a sarcastic smile on her lips. 

Jason sighed. "She was the one who kissed me. I pulled away once she kissed me, I didn't even kiss back" The man tried to explain and Nicole appeared. "Oh, Jason McCann, that's the most classic excuse men use" Nicole said. "I swear I didn't kiss her!" Nicole cocked up an eyebrow. "And I thought you were the classiest man in the fashion industry... Bruh, I was wrong! When you said Gigi Hadid had the perfect walk I even ignored it because I really thought you were a good man but now I can see, people who say Gigi Hadid has the best walk are traitors. I should have known" Nicole rolled her eyes and fixed her Chanel dress. "I was just saying that because my dad told me to. I think she's a mess when it comes to walking" Jason said and shrugged. "Did you? Oh, a man who still listens to his daddy. Never trust those!" Nicole said and then closed the door on the man's face. 

Maybe it was too soon to talk to him about things. If today was too soon, Jason would try tomorrow until the boy hears him out and knows the truth. 


"Here... drink it" Evelyn said as she handed Justin a mug with chamomile tea. "What is t-this?" Justin asked, while grabbing the hot mug. "It's chamomile tea. My mom used to make it for me all the time when I was stressed, it really does calm your nerves" Evelyn smiled and Justin cracked a little smile. "T-Thank you, Eve" He said, taking a sip of the delicious tea. He sighed and Delilah and Nicole walked into the room. "W-Who was it at the door?" Justin asked, sipping more from the tea. "Uh, no one. Just drink your tea and everything will be fine" Delilah said and Justin nodded. 

He placed the mug on his nightstand and looked at his friends. "I never t-thought my first l-love would end up like this. I never thought he was capable of doing something like this, after all the things he said and the things he d-did" Justin said and a tear fell to his cheek. Joy immediately got up and wiped the tear with her thumb. "Don't worry about it, Jay. You're a wonderful person and it's his loss that he did this to someone so special" She said, making Justin smile. 

"Thank you f-for always being here with me guys. You're my best friends" He said, before they all hugged in group. 


ok so a few more chapters and this story ends!
and i'm probably going to update like once a day because
i already finished writing it!

about the catching feelings story, I'm actually thinking of 
discontinuing it because I don't have any ideas for that story
really, and I wanted to know y'alls thoughts about it. 

thank you for reading!

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