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Justin laughed at his friends conversation. It was Tuesday after school and Justin had no idea in how his mother let him sleep over at Delilah's house tonight. There were more people coming though, including Ethan and Nicole. Justin hardly left his room since him and his mother had that fight so he was pretty much surprised that she let him go hang out with his friends and sleep over at someone's house, which she had never let him do before. 

Delilah sat down, with a smile on her face. "Hey guys, I heard that today is going to be a fashion show and many famous people are coming. It's going on tv live! Should we watch it? We could order some pizzas and watch it together" Delilah grabbed her phone, unlocking it then. 

Wesley shook his head, laughing

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Wesley shook his head, laughing. "No, there's no way I'm going to watch a fashion show! We should watch a movie or something. I heard that Neighbors 2 is good" Wesley smiled and Nicole shook her head. "No! I vote for the fashion show. Who's with me?" Nicole said, raising her hand and so did Delilah, Joy and Andrew. "What? Andrew, you're supposed to be on my side" Wesley said, slapping his arm. "Hey, fashion shows are cool! And on fashion shows there are hot girls, and I don't mind watching that at all" Andrew laughed.

"So, who is voting for the movie then?" Ethan said and immediately rose his hand and so did Wesley, Bryson and Diego. Justin didn't raise his hand, the boy didn't mind to watch a fashion show or a movie so he was cool with the two. "Boom! I guess the movie wins, ladies" Wesley said, a victorious smile on his face. Joy stopped him from grabbing the remote. "Stop! Justin didn't vote yet! So, Justin, what side are you in?" 

Justin shrugged. "I don't mind watching a movie but I also don't mind watching a fashion show so I guess i-it's up to you, guys" Justin said, stuttering a little. "If Justin votes on both sides we win!" Diego said and started doing a little stupid dance, but Wesley joined him and both danced. "Boysss don't be mean! Please, the fashion show! I heard that Kendall Jenner is walking on the runway! For Calvin Klein" Delilah whispered the last part. "The fashion show wins!" They all said in union and the girls laughed, and so did Justin. 

"Diego order some pizzas!" Joy said and handed him the phone so he could order the pizzas and that's what he did. Ten minutes after, the pizzas had already arrived and they were all sitting down on the carpet and on the sofa. Everybody's eyes were on the television, as it showed the models getting ready backstage. 

"I don't get how these models are so skinny, like" Wesley spoke up, eating his slice of pizza and Ethan rolled his eyes. "They're models. That's what they're supposed to look like" "Actually there aren't only skinny models on the fashion world. Some brands are already investing in plus sized and curvy models!" Nicole explained while taking a sip of her coke. "How do you know so much about fashion?!" Diego asked Nicole and she winked. "Fashion is my business" 

"Guys shut up! It's the red carpet now! I'm dying to see Kim Kardashian and Kanye" Delilah said and the girls got focused on the television while the guys just kept eating and eating. Justin ate his slice of pizza like it was his last meal in the world and looked at the television. The boy was enjoying being with his friends and he was thinking he has to thank his mother for letting him go. It was really nice of her. 

"Jesus, what type of dress is Taylor Swift wearing? That's awful" Joy said. "That's Versace from last year!" Nicole said and closed her eyes at the sight. The girl was really in love with the fashion world and she hoped she could become a model in the future. Or even a fashion designer. 

"Guys wh-" Ethan was going to talk, but closed his mouth when Delilah interrupted him. "SHUT. UP." She said, loud and clear, and everyone shut up, their eyes glued to the television. Justin even choked on his pizza. 

Joy let out a little scream. Oh god, girls and their obsessions with famous people. "Oh my god its Jason" Joy said. "Fucking" Delilah continued. "McCann!" Nicole finished. 

Justin was shook with Jason McCann's beauty. The man was wearing ripped jeans, a nirvana t-shirt and white vans. Even though he wasn't dressing too fancy, like the rest of the people on the red carpet, Justin still thought he looked stunning. We can say Justin was pretty amazed by the man, who was making different poses for the cameras who took numerous pictures of him. 

"Oh wow, he's beautiful" Justin said without even noticing

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"Oh wow, he's beautiful" Justin said without even noticing. The girls all smiled and turned to him. When he noticed he was thinking out loud the color of his cheeks turned to a deep red. "Oh my god it's official, Justin finally has a crush!" Nicole cheered and so did the other girls. "Isn't Jason McCann everyone's crush?" Joy asked rhetorically. Justin just stood there confused by their slang. 

"B-But what's a c-crush?" The little boy asked, confused. 

They all looked at each other, including the boys, trying to figure out how to explain the word to him. "A crush is someone whom you find very attractive" Joy explained and Justin smiled shyly. Yes, he thought McCann was attractive has hell. "Usually the act of having a crush is falling hard for someone even though it isn't love yet" Diego said, letting out a laugh then. "It's an amazing thing that gives you feelings of nerves and excitement, also known as the butterflies in your tummy, whenever you see them" Justin blushed even harder. 

He never had a crush. I mean, sure... He had seen very handsome guys on his life and all that but none of them was compared to Jason McCann. 

"But Justin, you're right. Jason McCann is beautiful. That man has my heart forever" We heard Delilah say and Justin nodded shyly, grabbing another slice of pizza because all of that crushes conversation was making him hungry. "Ay papi, you're killing me with those ripped jeans" Joy said and they all laughed. 

Talking about the name Jason definitely had Justin think about his Jason and even miss him a little. 

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