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I DO NOT TOLERATE NEGATIVE COMMENTS! You may vent over characters and whatever else in the book, but the nitpicking and complaints on the way things are written, WILL BE DELETED!

1.) This book is currently under major construction, so please note that unless the word REWRITTEN is by the chapter number, it is an older chapter and may not line up with the previous chapter. If there is a major change, I will make an authors note at the end to inform you.

2.) I love criticism, I believe it makes a person's work better. That being said, there is a difference between constructive criticism and plain negativity. (ex. "Your ending sucks. Maybe I'd read the next book if you didn't have such crappy endings.) Yes, this was a real comment that I received. COMMENTS SIMILAR TO THAT WILL BE DELETED. But, if you have something constructive to say, please feel free to do so.

3.) I will admit that I was inspired to write this by the Twisted television series, but the characters and story line are completely my own and is not similar to Twisted. SO PLEASE DO NOT COMPARE THE TWO.

4.) If you have a problem with any of the warnings above, I suggest you stop reading at this point.

Thank you, and have a blessed day. (:

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