Chapter 6

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*Author's Note*

So I kind of published this by accident but I hadn't been done editing. So if you get any weird notifications it'll probably just be me fixing any potential errors. Sorry about this.

The sky that evening was swirls of pink, blue, and orange. It was almost as if someone had mixed the colors with their finger. I felt the whisper of wind against my cheeks, and it sent the slightest of chills throughout me. As I crunched my way through the forest stepping on the rotting, shriveled up leaves, I regretted not having a jacket. It was obvious that fall was starting to make it's appearance.

I had come back from the pharmacy, thankful that nothing bad happened during that experience. I searched for the spot I had been in when I first came to the forest, and after a couple minutes I found it. I had left a couple of binders from school there, they were heavy and I hadn't wanted them to drag me down.

With a blank mind, I sat down and rested my head against a tree. I watched the sunset, and the reds and oranges of the trees eloping the forest. It felt as if I had sat there for forever thinking of nothing, just enjoying the quiet and beauty of my surroundings. That was until the question, the dreaded question I was trying to avoid popped up in my head, loud and clear.

Dan, where are you going to go?

That's when my hands started to tremble, and the peace I had been enjoying flew out the window.

There was no way I could stay in this forest at night, with no lights anywhere I wouldn't be able to see a thing. To make things even worse, I was afraid of the dark. I knew it was stupid, so stupid but I was always scared that in the dark someone or something could always be lurking and ready to strike at any moment. Turing to a wolf at night would make you think that you could never have that fear, but not for me.

I also knew that there was no way I could go back to my house. It was highly likely that my father was still there, and who knew what he would do to me if I came back.

I fiddled with my phone as if that would help. I only had 35% percent battery, what was I even doing on it? I turned off my phone, but in the back of mind I remembered that there was something I had to do on there.

Then I remembered the piece of paper I had been playing with when walking home from school today, a moment that seemed ages ago when in fact it had only been hours.

A spark went off in my head, mabye fiddling around with my phone did help.

No, there was no way I was going to invite myself over to Phil Lester's house. We've only had one proper conversation which had been today, and he had only given me his phone number today too.

For my first call to be asking if I could sleep over, that was a bit much. I couldn't do it but I had to. No matter how much I dreaded the idea I knew there was nothing else I could do. This was my only option unless I wanted to sleep outside, by myself. I couldn't let my anxiety towards the idea stop me.

So I just grabbed the phone, and dialed in the phone number on the piece of paper. Even with every part of me screaming to stop, I completely ignored it and went ahead to press the call button. I knew that I had to do this, so the longer I hesitated the more difficult it was going to be.

While waiting for him to pick up, I started biting my lip furiously remembering why I hated phone calls. I didn't have time to think of what I was going to say, I hadn't even planned it beforehand. I couldn't see any facial expressions, so anyone could secretly loathe me but use a happy tone, fooling me into thinking they felt great. That is what I feared most.

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