Chapter 5

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I walked home and I held the slip of paper, playing around with it and folding it around. The paper with his number on it.

Could I call him a friend? I mean I did have his number, and I did know a fair amount about him but...

I couldn't call him a friend. No, no, no, Phil didn't deserve this freak show.

There was still a part of me, a small part that wanted me to call him a friend. Longed for it actually. It was so, so nice to talk to someone. To just forget about everything, and be in a positive place for once.

You don't deserve that Dan.

The voice in the back of my head was right though. Always.


When I came to my house I saw the door was already opened, which suprised me. What I saw inside shocked me even more.

The house was a mess. Shattered glass, scratches on the tile floor, and decorations from the shelves were scattered everywhere. As I walked in I even saw some furniture flipped over. What the fuck happened? My parents were supposed to be at work, so could someone have broken into our house? That seemed like the most logical answer, but it was scary to think about that. The person who did this could still be here and probably was, oh god. I should get out of here as fast as I could before they found me.

Every instinct was screaming at me to run but I didn't. Instead I went around the house and started to look around. I smiled, this was perfect. Once I found the person who wrecked the house, they would probably kill me. A normal burglar would just take all the valuables and run, only a crazed serial killer would wreck an entire house for no reason. Ah what a perfect way to exit this world. At least now people wouldn't laugh when they heard how I died.

Except when I turned the corner into the kitchen, I saw my own father standing there looking out the window.

Questions raced inside my mind. How could my parents have done this, they never did shit like this. They always just sat there in silence, they never did anything or got into any fights. Wasn't my father supposed to be at work? How could it have gotten this bad, the entire house got messed up, it's not possible it's not...

"Daniel," my father said sharply cutting off my thoughts.

Every inch of my body was telling me to run. To just make a fucking run for it because I sensed that something bad was going to happen, but I couldn't move my body just went stiff except for my hands which were trembling. I still felt so overwhelmed.

"Daniel get out of the house."

Any normal human being would've blasted out of that place, but no not me. It scared me even more that my father used such a deadly calm tone. The fear made me feel glued to the spot I was standing in. Besides how could have I just left this place even in this wreck...

"I told you to LEAVE!" my father boomed.

My legs started shaking I needed to leave, I needed to leave before he did something bad to me, I've never heard any of my parents use that type of tone on me. I needed to leave, he was probably the one who wrecked this place, I couldn't have something as bad as what happened in this house happen to me, but I wanted answers that I couldn't get. I could feel my eyes tearing up, all the emotion inside was starting to leak out, but I absolutely could not cry in front of anyone, especially him.


My father charged towards me like a bull, and before I could even move my feet he slapped me and punched me. I fell to the ground, but got up as quickly as I could and finally sprinted out of the house, running faster than I ever have in my life while I felt blood drip all over my face.

After running for what felt like forever, I finally stopped deciding that I was at a safe enough distance from my house. I panted and wheezed, while wiping away the blood that was on me.

Thank god I lived next to a forest. After I caught my breath, I went as far as I could into the wooden area without getting lost. Then I started crying. Down here in the forest, the outside world couldn't see what a wreck I was.

I hated everything, I hated my life. As soon as things started getting just a little better, everything just went to fuck. My life was already horrible as it is, and now I had to worry about the family aspect of my life. I mean to normal standards it still wasn't good even when things in the house where how they normally were, with my parents constantly ignoring me and making no attempt to interact with me. For me though, that was good enough. It was better than having pushy parents who actually cared, because this way I wasn't disappointing anyone but myself all the time.

Why had my father gotten all angry at me? None my parents ever even showed emotion towards me ever, and they weren't angry at each other ever. What had gotten into them?

I was scared, because I had no where to go. I couldn't spend the night in the forest, I was scared of the dark. Anything could be lurking in here. I couldn't go back, no I didn't want to get anymore bruises. My father was a big strong man, he could easily send me to the hospital.

I longed for the safe protecting walls in my room. In my room I could be and do whatever I wanted, now out here I had to fend for myself and worry, worry even more than I usually do.

I checked to see what I had with me. I had my backpack from school. There was some money, food, and energy pills in there which was good so the backpack wasn't completely useless. I could buy some sleeping pills at the pharmacy nearby, I didn't want to have the worry of transformation lingering in my mind. I also checked my pockets, I had my phone and a little more money in there too.

I sat down and cried some more, letting everything out because I couldn't contain it anymore. I already had so many unanswered questions lingering in my mind, and now there were even more. I hated unanswered questions, I was sick and tired of them. How long until I completely fell apart?

*Author's Note*
Thanks for more than 100 reads😊 I'm glad people are actually reading this story and I hope you like it so far.

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