hello faithful readers!

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To all my readers,

Hello again! If you still have this lodged in some deep, dark part of your library, I thank you for being patient! Thank you for waiting for me.

Let me tell you what's been up:
So while I was away, last you heard I was fighting depression and anorexia.. However sad, its true. But I'm on the mend!

I was in an abusive relationship and the person I was with beat me (literally and figuratively) down to almost nothing. I was with them for six months. Then I met my new boyfriend. If you read my Destiel One Shots you'll come across a chapter titled Fair Magic. That was my actual fair experience last year and the boy it was with, Garrett, is my boyfriend now. Sweet, I know, but really. I'm recovering. And although I'm working two jobs and balancing a somewhat social life I've made a promise to myself to come back to Wattpad and actually get things up for you all.
Again, I'm so sorry for being away, I have to work tomorrow for seven hours but I have Thursday off and I fully intend to spend my day writing you guys a new, hopefully long, chapter!

Thank you,

Audrey xx

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