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Danielle's P.O.V

I looked at him up and down like five times making sure this is real. His hand was on my back making sure I didn't fall when we bumped. I kept staring at him and he kept staring at me.

"Sorry" we said at the same time

He laughed which made me laugh almost immediately

Oh my his laugh it's just amazing

I'm talking to Austin Mahone. I'm not alive.

"No I'm really sorry though" he said

"No it's 100% fine" I think in dreaming.

Wait what if I got hit by a car and I'm dreaming. I blinked a couple times. Apparently I'm awake.

He took his hand off my back and held it out for me to shake "I'm Austin"

"Trust me I know" we both laughed

"What's your name?"


"So can I call you Danny?" he asked rocking back and forth on his heels.

"Yeah sure"

"We'll Danny it's very nice to meet you and I have 20 minutes to kill so you wanna walk."

On the inside I was freaking out but on the outside I was like 'Yeah sure whatever'

We started walking in the opposite direction of my house, just talking about random things and laughing a lot. He had asked me a whole bunch of questions but I didn't see this one coming.

"So Danny why would such a pretty girl like you be crying on such a beautiful day outside?"

"No reason I'm fine really" I said quickly

"Come on tell me please!" he gave me the puppy eyes and I was tempted but I resisted

"Seriously I'm ok just a long day" I stated, looking down and kicking a rock but ended up scraping my toe.

"Shit, that hurt" I stated sitting on a bench that was near us

"See what happens when you don't tell me what's wrong" I laughed and took a sip of my coffee.

"No I just happen to have a little bad luck" I frowned

"C'mon who am I going to tell? I don't know any of your friends or family"

"Ok fine I'll tell you. Christ, do you ever give up" I rolled my eye and laughed a bit more.

"Nope I don't give up on things I like" I eyed him and we both laughed at the same time.

"Who would've known you where a romantic Mr.Mahone" I nudged his shoulder

"Well Miss.-" he paused and thought for a quick second "I do not know your last name mind sharing that information"

"Actually yes I do. I never tell my last name on the first date"

"So you consider this a date" he smiled warmly at me

"No that's not what's I meant, you knew what I meant" I punched his shoulder

"Stop changing the subject and tell me what happened to make you cry. Cause whatever or whoever it is I'm gonna beat them up" he ever so gently nudged my chin and we both broke into a fit if giggles, like innocent school children.

I told him everything. It's weird how I felt like I could trust him. I really don't know what got over me I think it was the way he stuck his lip out while I talked.

By the time I finished the story he looked shocked.

"Wow that's crazy" Is all he said

"I know" I replied

"But you know your ex doesn't deserve you or your tears because your to beautiful to cry please don't cry"

He put his thumb touched my check and made a small circle. When he touched me I got this weird feeling in my head but I knew it would never happened so I struggled it off.

Like come on we just met?

So I just said I'm ok.

"Since we've been gone for 40 minutes already and my mom is going to kill me anyways I'll walk you home" he started to stand up from the bench and when I was about to stand up he said "No I'll carry you" Before I could protest he was making me jump on his back and was walking. He was so strong you could feel his biceps flex and let me just say it was hot. Or at least he's sexy.

Then I heard a flash. It was a camera. Out of nowhere like 7 men came out as started taking pictures if us. Of course paparazzi had to ruin our moment. I hated them they where's always after any story they could get there hands on and I'm pretty sure my dad is going to see this. Suddenly I felt my feet on the floor and Austin yell "Run!" and I ran as fast as I could which was to fast for austin because he kept getting left behind . I had to slow down a lot for him so he could lead the way because I had no idea where we where going.

We ran for another minute or so the we way his car and I love his car so much. It's like the coolest car ever like who else had a red range rover. I have the same model but in white. "Get in the car" He unlocked the door and we got in. Once we got our breath back he took my small hand in his big one and wrapped his finger around my hand put our hands up in victory screaming "We made it!". I was laughing really hard. We where still holding hands and it made me feel a little light headed. God what is wrong with me I haven't felt like this since... well...David. Fuck. I'm a horrible person, using Austin as a rebound like this.

I took my hand out of his and then there was an awkward silence. So I just took out my phone and started scrolling through Instagram. He broke the silence by asking "Do you want me to take you home now?"

"It's ok I can walk" Right when I was going to open the door he pulled me back and said "Please let me drive you home" he begged

"Ok fine"

He drove me home me giving home directions and making small talk. When we got to my house I was about to open the car door but he pulled me back again. "You know you tend to do that a lot" I said giggling at him

He chuckled nervously and asked "I was wondering if you wanted hang out with me again?"

"Wait don't you live in Miami?"

"No me and my mom wanted to move back to Texas but not to San Antonio so we moved to Austin."

"Oh ok" I smiled

"So do you wanna hang out with me again?"

"Yeah I would love to" I said

"Amazing!"he laughed

I rose an eye brow at him but he struggled it off.

So we traded numbers, he followed me on Instagram and Twitter and we took some cute pictures. Well they where cute because he was there.

He walked me to the door we said our goodbyes he was hugging me when he whispered in my ear "Your beautiful don't let anyone tell you otherwise ok" I smiled and said ok.

When I was walking through the door I knew I was going to get it because I told my dad I was going to be gone for 20 minutes it's been an hour and a half. I unlocked the door and stepped inside.

You Are My All // Austin Mahone\\ #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now