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Austin's P.O.V

Tony Romo is standing right infront of me. He just opened the door for me. I'm like fangirling. God I sound really messed up right now. Whatever. My jaw is almost touching the floor right now let me tell you.

"May I help you son" He said to me I just stood there like an idiot and starred at home for a couple seconds, get it together Austin.

"Yes it's a honor to meet you sir" I held out my hand and he shook it.

"So who are you again?" he laughed

"Oh I'm Austin I'm here to pick up Danielle"

"Are those roses for me or Danielle?" he laughed

Right there I saw her coming down the stairs looking amazing. Wow she took my breath away. Oh my listen to me again. I really need to stop.

"Hey daddy, hey Austin" she gave her dad a hug and stepped outside.

I gave her the roses and she smiled and thanked me the gave them to her dad so he could put them in a vase.

"Ok you two go have fun but not too much fun and don't be back to late"

"No sir I'll have her back by 9:00 the latest"

He gave me a nod and we said bye then when we started walking toward the car he yelled "Hey austin just have her home by 10 it's fine"

I yelled back "Thank you sir"

He give me a nod and closed the door.

When he closed the door Danielle hugged me and put her head on my chest. This is how it should be her in my arms I love this feeling.

I just hope nothing ruins this day

Danielle's P.O.V

My dad must really like Austin. He's never done that before it's weird. Whatever I get to spend the whole day with Austin. I spun like I'm a stalker and I feel like I'm using Austin as a rebound for David. But I do want to get to know him first then see where everything takes us.

Once my dad shut the door I hugged Austin and looked up cause he towers over me and laid my head on his chest. For some reason it felt right. I let go and he groaned.

"What's wrong?" I asked him

"Your really cozy come back" he put out his arms and pouted. How could I not go back into his arms. We stayed there for a couple minutes until I let go.

"Come on Austin we have to go... Where are we going?"

"That's for me to know and for your pretty little head not to worry about"

"Whatever just know I hate surprises but I'm letting this one slid" I rolled my eyes at him

He opened the passenger door for me as I smiled "Thanks"

"No problem"

I got in the car and it was really clean and well maintained. There were a couple thing thrown around but not much.

"Hey can I put my bag in the back?" I asked as he sat down

"Yeah you didn't have to ask me"

"Ok I was just making sure"

After he turned on the car and we started driving I yawned because I only got like 7 hours of sleep. Me and Michelle stood up till like 4 in the morning.

"Hey if your tired fall asleep ok we still have like another 40 minutes"

"Nah it's ok"

"No seriously come on I don't want you to be tired ok"


I tried falling asleep but the AC was on blast and I didn't want to bother him but then I shivered

"If your cold I'll turn down the AC sorry I like it cold in my car" he's just too sweet

"Nah it's ok can I use that sweatshirt that's in the back though?"

"Yeah go ahead"

I looked at it and it was so cute it had cheetah print on it and it looked really soft.

I took off my seatbelt put on the sweatshirt and put my seatbelt back on.

The sweatshirt was pretty big on me so I snuggled up into it and curled into a little ball in the seat and like that I was out.


I heard Austin talking to someone on the phone so I just kept my eyes closed and pretended I was sleeping.

"Yes mom we will be back by that time"

"Um cook lasagna that's her favorite"

Wow he actually remembered from yesterday when we where playing 21 questions. I'm surprised.

"Yeah... Okay... love you... bye... ok that's fine... mom I already said bye... ok I love you see you later" he hung up and sighed

I heard the camera sound of his phone. He took a picture of me. I'll delete it later.

Before I could think anymore he tapped on my shoulder but I wouldn't budge he shakes me a little but I still wouldn't budge.

"Come on Danny wake up please"

Then I heard the car door open and close. Then my door open and he unbuckled my seatbelt and picked me up I snuggled up into his neck.

"Ah so you are awake huh?" he laughed

I smiled against his neck and then opened my eyes. He looked at me and put me down. I felt sand on my toes. Apparently we are at the beach. I was hoping we would be here.

I opened my eyes and saw a blanket and food on the sand and two surfboards. I love to surfboard. I have an aunt that lives in California right on the beach. I love going to her house I'm there usually the whole summer but this summer I came home early.

"Did you hear me. Hello" Austin said waving his had in my face

"No sorry what happened?" I laughed

He laughed with me and I smiled

"I was asking if you wanted for me to get your bag out of the car?"

"Um no it's ok I'll get it"

"Nah it's fine I'll get it"

"Ok fine" I sighed, he's a stubborn one.

He came back with my bag and I thanked him. We sat down on the blanket and I saw all the food he had subway, chocolate strawberries, chips, candy, and some water bottles.

"Really Austin candy"

"Yeah what do you expect from me I'm not a health freak like you. Anyways it's not going to affect you your skinny."

"Whatever I need to watch my weight, I'm a dancer"

"No your perfect the way you are, please believe me"

"Fine if you say so"I looked down at the sandwhich.

We ate and fed each other strawberries he dropped one on me and made a mess. So now where about to get it in the water. When I took off my sundress Austin was staring at me with his mouth open. Why? I don't know I look like every other girl. See I might be confident but around guys I'm a little shy and awkward you could say.

You Are My All // Austin Mahone\\ #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now