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Hey guys I just want to thank you so much for all the votes, reads, comments you guys have been leaving they are awesome and I'm sorry I haven't updated I just been super busy with practice and my boyfriend. I'm going to try to update a lot more often and pay more attention to the book. Again thanks for all the love and support!

Ok so time for dedications *everyone starts to clap and cheer*
This chapter is dedicated to Obey_Rita because she makes awesome book covers and she's really cool so go follow her and read her books and stuff.
I'm sorry I'm so awkward 😂


"Thank you for an amazing night" I hugged Austin as we stood at my front door.

"The pleasure is all mine babe" he slowly kissed my lips and then of course the door magically had to open. I groaned in frustration as I saw Nic ushered us inside when I turned around.

"You know I'm older than you right" I whined pulling Austin by the hand into the house.

"Yes I do but I'm your brother, so older or younger I have to protect you" he smiled.

"Your worse than dad" I muttered but he didn't hear.

"Is Bailey here?" I asked Nic already knowing the answer would be yes.

"Yeah she wanted to wait for you to get home to ask you how your date went" he started walking up the stairs while Austin and I stayed on the first floor of the house.

"How am I going to tell my dad that I'm engaged" I sighed leaning my head onto Austin's chest.

"Well he kind of already knows" I heard Austin breath out.

"Did you ask him for permission" Austin had a cheesy grin on his face and nodded saying "Well it's something along the lines of that"

"Okay..." I looked at him like he was crazy and then went to the intercom of the house to call a family meeting.

"Everyone please come down stairs to the living room for a quick family meeting please. I repeat everyone please come downstairs to the living room for a family meeting please" I started walking towards the destination of our family meeting as I saw Michelle was already in there.

"Hey kid how'd you get here so fast?" I laughed sitting on the couch, Austin trailing not to far behind me.

"I was already in the kitchen so..." She explained.

"Oh okay" I laughed nervously. Then Nic walked in glaring at me.

"You made me walk all the way up the stairs and then you call family meeting. Like how the hell does that work. Your evil that's what you are" he complained sitting down across from us as person after person started walking in. And then came a pregnant Brianna.

"This better be damn important you made me walk all the way down the stairs" I rolled my eyes at her as she sat next to Michelle.

"Okay so now that everyone is here I have an announcement to make" I smiled widely as I turned the ring around on my finger so everyone could see the diamond and then held up my hand.

"Oh my Jesus Christ" Bailey gasped as her hand flew up to her mouth.

"Well it's about time" my dad said. Getting up and hugging Austin and I.

"Okay what the actual fuck is going on" Brianna laughed "this isn't just my pregnant mind playing tricks on me right."

"No because I'm seeing the same thing and I'm pretty sure I'm not pregnant" Nic replied.

"Okay so if you haven't noticed I'm engaged guys" I spoke

"With that type of diamond everyone's going to know your engaged" Bailey gawked at my ring getting up from her seat and then holding my hand in hers.


So after I broke the news to the family and everyone understood they where not being punked. We decided if would be best for everyone to get a goodnights rest. I handed Austin the pajamas my brother lent him and took off my dress putting on a pair if shorts and a dance competition t-shirt.

"Are you excited?" Austin asked as we both laid in my bed under the covers.

"About what?" I laughed and out me head on his chest already feeling the heat wave coming from him.

"About being engaged, planning a wedding, all that good stuff" I pondered about it for a minute. Then honestly answered "Well I'm really scared to death but at the same time I'm really happy and excited. Are we crazy for doing this?" I asked while drawing circles in his chest.

"Yes" He answered bluntly "crazy in love" I shook my head and laughed.

"You know I love Beyoncé" we laughed even harder.

"I love you" I stated.

"I love you more baby girl" he kissed my forehead and drifted off to sleep as I stood well awake just thinking. I decided I wasn't going to get any sleep so I softly left Austin's embrace wiped the sweat off my brow and started walking downstairs towards the kitchen. I grabbed a glass and went to pour myself some water.

"Hey honey" I gasp and turned around quickly almost giving myself whiplash.

"Jesus dad don't scare me like that" I whisper-yelled at him.

"Sorry" he came over to me and kissed my temple "what are you doing up at this time?" He asked leaning against the counter top.

"I should ask you the same questioned" he smiled and nodded from left to right. "What?" I asked.

"I just kept thinking in the back of my head she's gonna give me a sassy remark" we both laughed and I leaned against him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Dad are you really ready to let me go" I asked tearing up.

"Of course not, your the last one of my kids I want to let go. Of course I wanted Nic to leave since he was 5 and then Michelle's like super independent and smart for her age. and then I don't even know what to do with Brianna" he paused as we laughed as quietly as possible. "But your my baby and I want to have you in good arms before I leave-" I interrupted him

"Stop dad don't talk like that you still have something left in you" I fumed quietly.

"Danielle calm down I just don't want to leave you out there all alone in case I leave I want you to be secure so the rest of the family can be secure. Without you were a hot mess" I chuckled thinking how true that was.

"Okay well your gonna help with all this damn wedding planning then because I'm not doing this shit by myself" I playfully hit him

"I'm not saying I'm going to like it but I'll help you" I thanked him and gave him one last hug before walking up to my room to find Austin still under the covers. So I carefully got onto the bed and stayed a good couple of inches away because who am I kidding it's the middle of fall in Texas and its way to hot to cuddle.

You Are My All // Austin Mahone\\ #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now