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This chapter is dedicated to alyssa_mahoneee because she is so amazing and has voted for each of my chapters and also commented a bunch. Love you girl!

Also I just want to let you guys know that I really appreciate it when you vote and comment and put my stories on your reading list it's so awesome. But I'm going to start requesting a certain amount of comments and votes for me to update and I'm not going to tell you guys because then people will just write comments and vote until the goal is reached so...
I basically just want comments and votes from the heart ❤️😊


"Why is your flight so fucking early" I grumbled as I grabbed my car keys to take Austin to the airport.

"You know, in all the interviews I've down I've always said I needed a girl who would be willing wake up at 5 in the morning and go on a flight with me. And I ended up with you" I turned my neck as fast as I could to look at him as we were in the middle of my staircase, almost giving myself whiplash.

"What are you trying to say that I'm not good enough for you? I wanna see you try and find another girl that will take your bullcrap as well as I do" I sarcastically laughed.

"Are you saying that your to good for me because I wanna see you go find a guy that's going to deal with your crazy ass" Austin quickly remarked back while I locked my front door and started walking towards my car.

"Whatever" I huffed turning on the car to let it warm up. In the next couple of minutes we where on our way to the airport to meet up with the boys and Austin's mom.

"Don't 'whatever' me, I don't understand why your acting like this"

"Acting like what Austin, your the one who's talking a whole bunch of sh*t"

"Your acting like a bitch. I could of just went with my mom and the boys you didn't have to take me"

"Am I not allowed to complain about that I'm tired. Jesus, Austin your overreacting about one little complaint" I countered back as I pulled out of my driveway.

We drove the 40 minutes to the airport in complete silence. Occasionally I would catch Austin staring at me and then he would look away starting at the scenery outside.

I took another 10 minutes to find parking but I though that was a pretty good time but Austin had opposite thoughts. He kept tapping his finger impatiently and mumbling.

I parked the car and toon the key out of the ignition.

"I'm sorry" I heard Austin mumble with his head down "I love you and I couldn't ask God for a better girl to have by my side" so out of all things I could of done I started crying.

"I'm sorry. I'm just really stressed and your gonna be gone for almost a month and I'm going to miss you so much. And I feel so bad cause I knew what I was getting myself into but I didn't think it would hurt this much when you left" I ranted while sobbing my eyes out have to take multiple pauses to recollect myself so he could understand what I was saying.

"Don't worry babe the time is going to fly by while I'm gone. And then when I'm back and annoying the hell out of you, your going to wish I was gone" we both started laughing as he wiped the tears of my cheeks.

"Ok" I whispered smiling brightly at him. Taking this moment to recollect myself.

"Good. Now let's go before I miss my flight" we took his luggage out of my trunk and started walking towards the airport. I was glad I wore my memory foam sandals cause it was a lot of damn walking. We eventually found Austin's mom and the boys sitting in a VIP waiting room. Austin notified me that the fans at airports where crazy so they booked a room to wait in.

I hugged Mama and each of the boys while saying a hello. Then I sat down next to Austin as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Oh I forgot to say congratulations to the both of you" Austin's mom beamed as she stared at my ring.

"Wait I'm confused" Robert said

"Robert your literally always confused" we all laughed and then Alex was the next to speak.
"So wait why is she saying congratulations and why does the ring look like it's worth more than my life"

"We're engaged" I said softly smiling and holding up my hand. The boys were quite and looked at the both of us slowly as if we we're lying to them.

"So wait" Zach paused "this is for real, like you guys are planning a wedding and then spending the rest of your lives together"

"Yeah basically" Austin replied.

"Well congrats" all the boys stood up and hugged us but you could tell they were still kind of confused.

"Thank you" I smiled sitting back down and snuggling into Austin's side.

"Flight 731 to Los Angeles, California will begging boarding" was spoken over the intercom. Everyone turned and looked at Austin and I probably expecting me to be the overdramatic girlfriend that start bawling her eyes out. But instead I stood up with a smile and told them I would walk the over. It took us maybe 2 minutes to get to the destination were I would be saying bye to Austin for the next 3 weeks but it felt like it only took us 2 seconds. The time was now flying by as the intercom lady gave another warning about their flight to LA.

"I guess I'll start with you boys" I said giving them each a hug and letting them know I would miss them. Then punching Alex in the stomach for tripping me. We all laughed as he hunched over his luggage and caught his breath while complaining. I then hugged Michele while she began to wide a couple tears cause she said she would miss me and she didn't want to deal with Austin being all depressed. After the short conversation we had everyone said goodbye one more time then left me and Austin alone.

"I'm gonna miss you a lot. You know that right?"

"Yes Austin I'm going to miss you a lot too" we both laughed. He leaned in and kissed me so I grabbed onto him and didn't let him go until we heard the final warning for his flight.

"I love you. Be good okay" I eyed him.

"I will and I love you so much more baby girl" he kissed me one last time before grabbing his luggage and walking off.

I ended up grabbing a cup of coffee and then going to my car. I called Bailey but she didn't pick up. So I called Brianna but she didn't pick up either. So I ended up sitting in my car and crying about how lonely I am and how if Austin ever left me I would be screwed.

You Are My All // Austin Mahone\\ #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now