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Danielle's P.O.V

"Danielle I have no idea what your talking about do just leave my room so I can change please!" I knew Brianna was getting really annoyed because he said in the text he was going to take her out at 10 and it's already 9:30 so I'm just going to drag this along the longest I can.

"I'm not leaving and tell me Brianna where are you going" I said clearly annoyed myself. It took all of me to not to blow up in her face and slap her.

"If it's any of your business which it's not I'm going out with a friend for breakfast" Are you fucking kidding me. She's so shady.

"Really who are you going with?" I asked trying to sound more curious than mad.

"It's a guy friend" she said

Then she added quickly " You don't know him so don't try guessing!"

That's when I had enough. She crossed the line by now.

"Really Brianna so I don't know my ex-boyfriend the one who broke my heart only three weeks ago, the one who cheated on me. The one you said you hated and where going to kill once you saw him. Now I find out your going on a date with him. You must be kidding me. I thought you where my sister not only my sister but my twin sister!" I screamed at the top of my lungs I'm pretty sure the neighbors and the whole house could hear. But no one dared to come in the room they know I have to be really mad if I'm screaming cause I'm a really sweet girl. But once you lie to me I can't stand even looking at you.

She just stood there shocked that I screamed that loud because like I said I can be loud and scary of you piss me off.

Her mouth would move occasionally but no sound would come out. But when she finally said something it was something that I didn't want to hear.

"Danielle your overreacting, it's just a date. If I where you I would be dating someone else by now."

I said the first thing that came to my mind "When you figure out what you are doing and when he breaks your heart don't you dare apologize to me and the reason I'm not dating anyone right after I broke up is because I'm not a whore like you!"

With that I walked out if her room and went to mine. I sat on my bed and cried for hours.


I woke up at about three feeling somewhat better. But I still had some thinking to do so I decided to go to this little coffee shop about a mile away called Carbella's. My dad says I'm addicted to coffee.

I changed into shorts and a black v neck and a pair of flip flops I found under my bed. Then I let loose my long curls. That's what I love about my hair I didn't have to so anything to make it look good it just stays in its place. I didn't put on any make up cause I'm sure I'll cry more in the next couple of minutes.

I decide to walk to the Carbella's, it's only like a mile away.

Once I got to Carbella's I remembered the barista right away he's been working here for the past 2 years and I know him really we'll he's in his first year if college now. He always used to serve me and David before. His name was Tom. Right when I walked up to him I smiled and he replied with

"Hey Danny your usual?"

"Yes please" I was surprised he always guessed what I wanted even if it wasn't my regular. He put in my order and since no one was behind me we started talking.

"By the way where's your boyfriend, David I think it was, you guys are always together." he laughed

I held in the tears brimming my eyes and said softly "Yeah we broke up"

He quickly replied with 'I'm really sorry' and 'I didn't know'. I said it was fine though but he could tell it really wasn't. He dropped the conversation and when he got my drink I saw it was a large and I usually order a small.

"Um Tom I usually order a small" I said taking out extra money

"No worries it's on the house"

"Thanks Tom" I took my coffee and gave him a hug. He gave me a kiss in the check and whispered in my ear "he was a dick anyways I didn't like him"

I laughed and smiled at him

Then waved as I started walking away

I have no feelings towards Tom he's more like a brother to me and I'm like a sister to him and I like that about him.

I started to think and when I think nothing good happens trust me. That's when I say David's car zoom past me a couple tears started to fall down my checks. When I was about 10 houses down from mine I bumped into someone and thank god my coffee did not spill all over me. When I finally looked up I didn't believe who it was I did a double take and I rubbed my eyes like three times but that person was still standing there.

You Are My All // Austin Mahone\\ #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now