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Austin's P.O.V

"Austin stop I have to go to practice" she laughed as I shook my head no and sunk into my bed and pulled her with me

"C'mon Austin please" she wined and I groaned as I lifted my head up and looked at her with squinted eyes

"No stay here you can miss one practice" I spoke. I was so tired and Danielle came over after school to pick up the charger she left here and I convinced her to take a quick nap with me. But now she wants to leave.

"You must be kidding me I better be dying or someone else better be dying for me to try to skip practice" she frowned and ran her fingers through my hair.

"Ok well since I see you're not gonna budge I'll go with you?" I smiled

"Good you can finally meet Mrs.Cindy and you can go see Maddie" She stood up and turned around. I stared at her ass when she was bending down to get her duffle bag

"Are you listening to anything I'm saying?" she asked turning to face me

"Um yeah of course I am baby"

"So what did I just say?" She asked

"Ok I have no idea" she smirked and mumbled something

"C'mon let's go" She grabbed my hand an pulled me up. I grabbed my phone and my wallet on the way out of the house. I locked the house door and unlocked my car doors. I helped Danielle get in and patted her ass when she was about to sit.

"Can you stop being a perv for a minute gosh" she groaned as I got to the drivers seat of my car

Danielle started giving me directions and in no tine we where there. Well more like 20 minutes. We walked I to the studio and there was a beautiful glass chandelier and the place just looked really fancy.

"This used to be an opera house but then Mrs. Cindy remolded the whole thing and she made her studio" Danielle informed me. I nodded my head and kept looking around.

"You wait right here I'm gonna go put my duffle bag down. I sat down on a couch and waited as she went through a door that said changing room. She came back out in a pair of spandex shorts that mad me want to bend her over and do things that I probably shouldn't say and a sports bra on and some weird looking shoes in her feet.

"Are there any guys that dance here?" I asked wrapping an arm around her shoulder

"Yeah only a couple don't worry ok there all just friends" I nodded and clenched my jaw a little. I really didn't want guys looking at her while she was half naked but I took her word for it.

We started walking up the stairs and she said "You know I'm about 5 minutes late because of you" I smirked and kissed her forehead

"That's not a good thing you have to make it up to me?" she smiled and winked. Trust me I will.

We took a turn and she went to open a door that said Studio C on it and once she opened it all the attention was focused on us. I was about to step in when Danielle stopped me and pushed me back a little

"What happened?" I questioned

"Take off your shoes it's a rule" she pointed at my sneakers. I bended down and took them off and put my babies to the corner. Then got back up and wrapped my arm around Danielle's shoulder.

There was about I would say 15 girls in the room and Mrs.Cindy obviously standing with a clipboard. She eyed me and then Danielle and then my arm that was around Danielle's shoulder.

"Nice of you to join us Danielle" she smiled then Danielle spoke as we approached her "Hey Mrs.Cindy I just wanted to introduce you to my boy friend" she continued "Mrs.Cindy this is Austin Mahone , Austin this is Cindy Aucosta but you can call her Mrs.Cindy" Being the gentlemen I am I got down on one knee and kissed her hand then getting back up and saying "Nice to meet you"

"Oh nice to meet you too Austin" she smiled

"Well I better get going again nice to meet you" I smiled and pecked Danielle on the lips

"Oh Maddie and Martha should be downstairs in the store you'll find it don't worry" I wave goodbye to the class and Mrs.Cindy then walked off

Danielle's P.O.V

I saw Austin walk out the door and I smiled to myself. I got into my spilt position and started stretching while all the girls still stared at the door.

"Well girls let's get to work c'mon" Mrs.Cindy put her clipboard down and the rest of the girl started stretching. I saw Holly giving me a dirty look as she stretched behind. I smiled at her through the mirror and she scoffed.

"C'mon girls get up" We started off by doing our positions

"First position" I put my arms around my stomach like a basketball hoop and put my heels next to one another horizontally

"Seconds position" I spread my arms out and kept my heels in the same place

"Third position" I left one arm spread out and lifted another to make half a circle around my head

"Fourth position" I crossed my legs and curved my arm that wasn't above my head in half a circle around my stomach

"Fifth position" I left my legs crossed and lifted the one curved arm that was curved around my stomach above my head with my other arm

"Ok girls let's work on leaps I want you all to line up and do a calypso leap one by one" A calypso leap is when your leaping like if your doing a spilt in the air but you want your back leg to bend and reach your head while your jumping

There where only about 15 of us so the line wasn't that long but Holly was a couple people I front if me since I was the last person to go. She leaped and to be honest it was actually good. I guess she took a lot of classes this summer.

Mrs.Cindy looked at me and gave me a knowing smile that said 'Don't underestimate her'

It was my turn to go and I took a deep breath and prepped for my leap then leaped and perfectly finished.

"That's the perfect example of a way to a calypso leap and I didn't see any of you prep except Danielle so..." she trailed off

An hours an half later the class was finished so I went downstairs to the store and bought a water bottle then sat with Martha

"So where's Maddie and Austin?" I asked looking around

"They got hungry so he took her to Subway" I laughed and nodded my head

10 minutes later I saw Maddie run in eating apple slices and Austin behind her laughing. I smiled and picked up Maddie then sat her on my lap.

"So tell me Maddie how was preschool today?" I questioned tickling her a bit.

"It was good there was this boy and he's so cute and we shared our crayons." my eyes widened and I started laughing so hard. I heard Austin's and Martha's laughter as well.

"Well you be careful boys are dangerous ok there gross" I looked up and smile at Austin. He held his hand up to his heart and pretended to be offended as he walked towards me. Maddie ran out of my arms and Austin cornered me and said "Really boys are gross"

"Yeah there nasty and have coodies" Maddie said laughing across the room

"Really well Danielle likes me" Austin fought with the four year old

"I have no idea why" Oh my lord this girl is to funny I thought as I was dying laughing

"That's it both of you" Austin picked me up and slung me over one of his shoulders then picked up Maddie and out her over his shoulder and spun around some

The one think I noticed was I haven't laughed like this in a while. And Austin was the reason I was laughing like this now. I know I love him because I'm not looking for anyone else anymore. I only see him.


Hey guys this was just a filler chapter the good stuff is coming next chapter

Teaser: Danielle and Brianna talk and let's say a lot is said that can't be taken back

Please give feedback it helps me and inspires me to write faster. So does voting!

Love you guys! Thanks!

You Are My All // Austin Mahone\\ #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now