「tsun-tsun • 01」

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It wasn't a lie to say that you had a major crush on the attractive volleyball player of your school, named Semi Eita.

And it also was not a secret, the fact that he would never, ever notice you.

That bit you knew for sure.

"I'm going ahead!" You wave to your friends before you run the thirty-three block to your part-time job, a small salon near your household.

"Ah, [Name]-chan, welcome! Hurry, we have a lot to do!" Your co-worker looks panicked as she rushes around, almost dropping her plastic cups and cream bottles.

"Block D, quick! There's a hunk who wants to dye his hair."

"Yes Shiina-chan, I'm on it!" You hurry to switch to your work combo, putting your hair in a bun before you rush to block D with your apron and gloves.

There is a boy sitting on the chair, and the first thing you notice is that he is wearing the Shiratorizawa Academy uniform.

The next thing you notice is that the boy has light strawberry blond hair.

No. Way.

Gulping, you hurry to face the customer, and almost drop the mixing bowl in your hand.

Semi Eita is sitting on the chair, scrolling through his facebook feed.

He notices you from the mirror in front of him and squints his eyes at you.

"U-Um. Hello, so uh I'll by dyeing your hair for today," You say as calmly as possible. But inside, you could swear that you would lose it any second.

Semi opens his mouth as if to say something but then shakes his head. He then gives you a single nod, and you place the supplies on the counter.

"Um, my name is [Name]. What colour do you want to dye your hair, Sir?"

This makes Semi burst out laughing.

Crap, did you say something dumb?

Your fingers begin to tremble and you watch the way the boy sighs and puts his phone away.

"One, don't call me Sir. We're from the same school," He says, pointing to your uniform that peeked from behind your apron. "Second, I don't want to dye my hair fully. I just... want a small change."

"A small change..?"

"Like maybe, highlights?" He wonders out loud. For someone who you always saw as a really calm and collected person, he looks pretty confused now.

"Er, I don't think highlights would go with your hair colour..." You point to his hair, and he blinks a couple times before he faces the mirror.

"Might I suggest dyeing the tips of your hair?"

Semi glances back to you before he pouts.

"I t-totally had that in mind when I said highlights, okay?"

You try your best to hide your smile, and nod and rush outside to collect the colour and developer needed for the procedure.

You see your reflection from a mirror in block E, and you begin wailing. You looked awful! And this was your golden chance to get him to notice you!

For drastic measures, you untie your hair and put some chapstick on before you rush back in.

But Semi does not look up from his phone even after you begin applying the hair dye on the tips of his hair.

So much for getting Semi Eita to notice you.


a/n: here's my 7th haikyuu book for my new obsession, semisemi ♥ good lord, he is so pretty and i have a humungous feeling that he's gonna turn into my favorite character when they animate him in s3 lolol.
i know that shiratorizawa has dorms, but for this book, we will assume they don't 😌

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