「tsun-tsun • 08」

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Get a grip. Take a deep inhale. Is your hair okay? Are there creases on your skirt? All the buttons are in their places, right? Millions of thoughts run through your mind as you cross the road with trembling hands.


"Like I said, you need to quit calling me that." He mumbles, crossing his hands across his chest. You take note that he has a bigger build than most of the other volleyball club members, and you begin running fantasies in your mind when he waves a hand in front of your face.

"[Name], you okay?" He wants to know, and you shake your head.

Nice timing to space out, [Name]. You mentally curse yourself.

"Yeah, I am. Did you keep something at the salon or..?"

"Oh, that. I was waiting to walk home with you." He says, scratching the nape of his neck.

"Um. What."

As soon as you say that, you want to dig a hole and bury yourself inside it. What kind of a response is that to someone who waits for you to walk with you?!

But who could blame you? Semi Eita was waiting to walk home with you, you wanted to scream in joy.

"I see you walking home from this way. Where's your house?"

And you thought you were the stalker.

"S-Senpai what are you-"

"Hey look, there's cotton candy!" His glare-like expression softens and he points to a dimly-lit stand on the other end of the block.

He breaks into a run, and not just any run. A run that makes you catch up to him at least ten seconds after he does.

And by then, he has already placed orders for two of them.

"But Senpai-"

And for the umpteenth time, you are broken, mid-sentence, when he hands you the first cotton candy the man at the stands hands to him.

"Think of it as a thank you." He urges, gratefully taking his candy and paying for the items. He starts to walk and you follow him, not wanting to be left behind by his large pace.

"But I was just doing my job," You start to protest, and he glances at you. He bites a big piece of his candy and groans when the entire thing comes off from the stick he has in hand.

"Greeefteh*." He mumbles with his mouthful of the cotton candy, and you can't help but burst into howls of laughter.

"Semi-senpai, look what you've done!" You cry, helping him bite off a bit and sticking the remaining on the stick in his hand.

"That was embarrassing." He states, and you shake your head.

"I think I've done more embarrassing things in front of you anyway. Senpai, you looked cute just then."

Semi blinks a couple times and stops walking. You turn around to face him and realise what you'd just said.

"I mean, like-"

"It's the same for you too, [Name]. You think you've embarrassed yourself in front of me but to be honest with you," He pauses, looking to the ground.

"You're really cute." He has to say. In a swift motion, he opens the gate beside him and dashes inside, without another word.

You can only stare at the way the third-year disappears from the staircase view, in wonder.

Luck was being a little too lucky with you, wasn't it?


a/n; *he's trying to say 'Great', but since his mouth is full, it comes out as 'Greeefteh'. AAAA SO CUTE SEMISEMI uhuhu ;w;

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