「tsun-tsun • 12」

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As on any other Sunday afternoon, you are lying on the couch, and going through various social media when there is a knock on your door.

Groaning, you slug yourself up to the doorway and open the door, only to see Semi Eita standing at your doorstep, holding a paper bag in his right hand.

So who could blame you for closing the door as soon as you saw him?

That is such a rude thing to do, oh my god, what the hell is wrong with you? You slap your face ten times in a row.

"U-Uh, [Name], I'm sorry, I should have informed you earlier... Well, I'll leave this here then." You can hear his voice call out.

Was he leaving?

"N-NO!" You manage to yell out. "Please wait for a couple minutes."

You slap your face ten more times. Why would you ask him to wait?!

"O-Okay." You can hear him reply, and you run to change out of your worn-out overalls. You make a mental note to get a peephole so you don't do something embarrassing and rude like that.

Why am I such an idiot? You want to cry as you hurry to open the door.

Semi is leaning against the wall, and he turns to face you.

"I'm sorry for-"

"No, I'm sorry!" You say, and you move aside a little. "Um, would you like to come inside?"

The volleyball players' eyes go wide as he gulps. He then glances down to the bag he has in hand.

"W-Well, I do have a lot of t-time on my hands so well, o-okay..."

You have to turn around a little to hide the smile forming on your face. Semi was such a tsundere, and he was so bad at being one, at that.

Semi excuses himself and takes his shoes off, stepping inside the living room and glancing at you.

"Ah, yes, please sit down, Senpai."

"How many times should I tell you, don't call me that, [Name]." He groans, rubbing the nape of his neck. He then sits down and puts the bag on the coffee table.

"That is?"

"The box from the other day. I wanted to return it."

Meanwhile, you are standing in front of him, panicking about where you should be sitting.

Should you sit on the sofa chair on the left?

Or should you sit beside him on the couch?

What if he doesn't like it?

Maybe you should bring out a beanbag or something from the attic-

"Hey, can you sit here?" He interrupts your thoughts, almost making you jump a foot. You see that he is patting the couch, beside him, and you gulp.

So he wouldn't mind...

You are a nervous wreck as you sit down beside him, too nervous to look up to his face.

"Thank you, [Name]." He says, and you have to look to your left to meet eyes with him. He has his eyes closed and lifts a leg onto the couch. He then turns around to face you properly and dropping a hand over the top of the couch.

You can barely take the feeling of being in such a close proximity with him. You can smell the faint smell of his soap mixed with his boyish smell, and unconsciously, you find yourself reaching a hand out towards him.

Your hand rests on top of his hair, and you run your fingers through his blond hair.

"E-Eh?! You- W-What?!" He cries, but he does not move a single inch.

You close your eyes at the familiar feeling, and a smile spreads on your face.

You really were in love with this boy, and you can only wish you had the guts to actually say it instead of stalking him every waking second.

Your eyes fly open when you feel a hand caress your face.

Semi runs his fingers on your face, moving a little closer, enough for your legs to brush against each other.

"Really, [Name], you're going to make me lose it."




Tsun-Tsun • Semi Eita ✔Where stories live. Discover now