「tsun-tsun • 10」

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"[Name]." Semi catches his breath, resting his hands on his knees. "Where are the others?"

"They um... They left." You mentally curse Tendou, and you were sure your face would be so red that it would explode way more terrifyingly than a rotten tomato would.  

"Semi-senpai?" You call when he does not reply and blankly stares at you.

"That JERK!" He screeches after a couple seconds, and you watch in awe as the boy begins to panic and flip out his smartphone.

"He isn't even picking up!" He groans, after no luck. You sigh a little and give your senior a smile.

"Well... Then, since they left too, I guess I'll-"


You tilt your head in confusion and stare at the 18-year-old who was standing in front of you, wearing a fresh pair of red shorts matching with his grey sweater.

"I mean well you CAN go, but like. Can you NOT go." He stutters, and you can feel your heart racing up a bit. As if it didn't start racing the moment you began speaking to him.

You wouldn't have refused him even if he didn't give you the stern, yet panicked expression that was now plastered on his face.

You were doomed.


"Can I... Can we... go there?" He wants to know, pointing to the arcade.

You take a deep breath and try to keep your cool while you nodded in reply. He gives you a relieved smile and walks in, and you follow him, thankful that he doesn't see your reddened face.


Semi Eita was a very competitive person.

You found this out after the games at the same game stand, where you had won nine times in a row.

When he wins the tenth time, he shoots his hands in the air and laughs like a little boy.

"HA!" He cheers. Moments later, he sits down on the bench, obviously realising how childish he might have sounded at that.

You can only giggle in amusement.

You might have liked him for his looks at first, but you were learning so many new things about this boy, and you couldn't help but love him even more with every new thing.

"Semi-senpai, you're so cool," You blurt out, and the boy immediately looks up to you.

Oh wow, nice going. Now enjoy while your face turns red and he'll see.

You tap at your nails, trying to distract yourself from looking straight at his face.

"You're the substitute setter, and you still try so hard to improve. You're always doing the right things, and I really look up to you."

When he doesn't reply after a long time, you look up to see that his light brown eyes are glowing.

"That... Means a lot. Thank you, [Name]." He says, a small smile spreading on his face. He stands up and takes a look at his smartphone.

"It's really very late now, and we both should be heading home now." He lets you know, and you nod, taking your junk food haul before you two walk out.

"I'll see you tomorrow Semi-senpai."

He replies by shaking his head.

"I told you to not call me that!" He mumbles, walking ahead. "Now hurry, and let me walk you home."

"But Senp-"

"Come walk with me, will you?" He turns around a little and motions with his hand for you to come up to him.

You inhale a generous amount of air before you walk up to him.

Walking beside him still made you feel giddy, and you can barely believe your luck. It was as if you were using all the luck of your lifetime, and you weren't even upset about that. You were so happy, you could die.

"This is your place, right?" He asks, pointing to the name board with your last name written on it.

"It is. Thank you so much, Semi-senpai." You say, facing the boy with the light hair. He gives you a little nod and turns around.

"Hey, [Name]?"

"Yes, Senpai?"

"You... You said I try hard, right?" He wants to know.

"I did."

"Then come watch our next match. I'll try twice as hard for you, then." He has to say before breaks off into a run.

Not giving you a moment to reply, and leaving you speechless.

It wasn't new, him leaving you speechless, but every single time...

You just can't seem to get over it.


a/n: i can't stop crying bc i love semi so much like omhf.

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