「tsun-tsun • 03」

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As the clock kept on ticking, you could feel your forehead producing generous amounts of sweat. In fact, you have to drink water to not die from dehydration.

The bell signalling for the end of the session rings, your mind not wavering about your meet-up with Semi a single bit.

So by the time the bell rings, you have all your stationary packed, all ready to go outside.

You are standing outside the door to your class for four minutes before Semi appears.

When you see that he is wearing his volleyball jersey, your legs feel like jelly.

Because he looks just as good as he does in his uniform.

When he jogs up and stops in front of you, you can feel stares from many of the girls around you. You can't say you blamed them.

After all, what was a super attractive boy doing talking to you anyway?

"Sorry, I went to change before I came." He informs, and you wave your hands to show that it was fine.

You then clumsily reach for your bag and take out the phone which you had kept in the outer pocket.

"Thank you, so much." His lips twitch upwards before he turns around. He seems to have second thoughts before he turns around.

"I still haven't caught your name properly."

"I-It's [Last Name] [First Name]." You reply.

"Semi Eita."

"I know, Senpai." You smile at him. His eyes go wide at the word you purposefully had said, and he gulps.

"D-Don't call me that."

You have to bite your tongue to stop yourself from screaming out loud. You watch the way he looks down at you before he glances at his wallpaper. His eyes go wide as soon as he catches sight of it.

"[Name], you didn't see this, right?!" His face is red, and you are tempted to tell a little white lie.

"I didn't."

More people are watching the Semi who sighs in relief before he turns around again, murmuring something under his breath.

"I'll visit the salon again the week after the next." He promises before he jogs off.

After which, you begin squealing with your friends, who had been spying on you.


Two days pass by, and you don't see him except for the occasional times when he'd go to the vending machine with his friend Reon.

Well, not exactly seeing him, more like you stalking him.

Maybe the unbelievable reality really was too unbelievable to be true, after all. What were you even hoping for?

"I'm here, Shiina-chan." You call, making your way into the small salon you worked at.

"You have a gift from a secret admirer, [Name]-chan!" She says, handing you a small paper bag. You open it and find it filled to the brim with macaroons.

"Who?" You wonder out loud, tying your apron and putting on your gloves.

"That dude who you did hair colouring for a couple days ago. Yesterday, was it? I don't know, just hurry and start your work, you lazy girl." She hisses.

But really, who could blame you when Semi Eita had left you macaroons at your workplace?


a/n; good GOD. help. i am drowning in semi eita hell and i'm not even sorry

Tsun-Tsun • Semi Eita ✔Where stories live. Discover now