「tsun-tsun • 04」

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You strike out another date from your calendar before you go to sleep the next night.

The days seemed to be passing even faster, and you didn't have any way of meeting up with Semi to say thank you.

Frankly speaking, you didn't know why he got you macaroons in the first place.

And he was always with his friend Reon, or worse, Tendou. You couldn't really approach him at those times because Reon intimidated you, and Tendou is even worse because he would never quit being an annoying asshole and irritating you; as seen from your endless stalks of the light haired boy.

At this rate, he'd graduate and leave before we even become friends! This is your biggest worry, as you try to fight your insomnia.

Semi was always at morning practices so meeting up with him then was a no-no. And by the end of the session, he'd rush to the volleyball club, and you'd rush to your two-hour shift at your neighbouring salon.

Dang it, this really is just my wishful thinking, being able to get Semi-senpai to notice me. You sigh out loud before you finally fall asleep.

 • • •


The next day, work wraps up a little earlier than usual. You do a couple stretches before you let loose your hair and walk out to go home.

But when you see lightly coloured hair on a tall boy in a Shiratorizawa uniform, you hide behind one of the telephone poles.

What on Earth was Semi Eita doing in your neighbourhood?

Was he trying to find you or something?

Suddenly, your heart begins to race really fast, and you have to hold the pole to calm down.

Somehow, this wishful thinking makes you smile a little, and you follow the boy inside a convenience store.

You couldn't stop cursing yourself for how low you stooped with your stalking level. You hide behind the healthcare section while he picks out a packet of sushi.

Hmm, so Semi likes sushi huh?

Stupid heart, thinking he was around to see you. Hahahaha nope.

When he walks away from the frozen section aisle, you sneak to where he stood, and see that the type of sushi he had picked out has the label 'Tekka Maki'.

Well, that was new information for you.  

He pays for his items at the counter, and his turn is so swift that you barely have time to hide.

Don't. Don't. Don't. You pray, to yourself, before you hear him calling your name.



"Ahhh, Semi-senpai! I was just trying to buy this," You grab the first thing your hand reaches for.

"O-Oh." He covers his mouth with his free hand a little before he snickers a little.

What was so funny?

When you glance at what was on your hand, you are horrified to see a packet of tampons.



"I-I mean uh not this just like I kinda just-"

"You're kinda funny, [Name]." He says. " I noticed you the minute I saw you because you were still wearing that."

It is only then that you realise that you still had your work apron tied around you.

Lord, what do you have against me? You want to cry out loud.

"You were shopping for supplies, right? You didn't want to weird me out by saying the name of something I didn't know, I bet." He wants to know, and you are dumbfounded at the conclusion he has drawn out of the situation.

"Errrrr yeaaaaah."

He then turns around and begins to walk away.

"See you later." He utters before he goes out of earshot.

You put your stupid packet of tampons- they weren't really yours actually – and take a deep breath before you rush outside.

Just your luck, you'd miss him.

Groaning, you make your way to your house.

What an idiot, embarrassing yourself in front of your crush. Way to go!

And you even had forgotten to thank him, in the end.

But a small smile creeps on your face when a small realisation hits you.

It means you still have another excuse to talk to him, again, after all.



Tsun-Tsun • Semi Eita ✔Where stories live. Discover now