「tsun-tsun • 06」

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"Good work today!" Your co-workers sing in unison.

"Your paycheck will be ready in fifteen minutes. Is that okay?"

"Mm! Thank you!"

When you take off your gloves to wrap up your final appointment of the day, you catch sight of an unusually coloured head passing by the window.

And you'd know that head anywhere.

"Shiina-san, is it alright if I head off, right now?" You ask, tossing the gloves and your used materials to the trash bin.

"Eh? What about the check?"


Your co-worker sighs loudly.

"Go ahead, [Name]-chan." She urges, and you thank her before you grab your bag and run outside. Semi makes the turn right when you do, and you run off to see where he is heading to.

You knew you stalked him a bit but this was crazy.

Semi continues to walk for a couple blocks before he enters a gate. You wait until he climbs upstairs before you come out of your hiding behind the telephone booth.

When you see the name 'Semi' written in block capitals on the gate, you sigh loudly before you turn around and walk off with a big grin plastered on your face.

Now you knew where he lived, and coming across him accidentally-on-purpose would be a nice idea.


So much for nice ideas.

Two weeks, and you were never able to catch the boy coming out from his door.

And today, you had given up.

You pass on combing your hair and putting on light make-up.

If Semi wasn't gonna see you, then there wasn't any reason, anyway.

But as usual, you were wrong.

Very wrong.

You are picking out a ready-made bento from the convenience store when you feel a tap on your shoulder.

"[Name]?" Semi looks surprised, as he watches you drop the box as soon as you see him.

Semi Eita fresh in the morning is not only a sight to behold, but you could easily catch a soapy smell from him.

Holy shit, you were surprised you didn't blurt something dumb out, like 'hot damn'.

Dammit, you should have put some effort into looking better! The one day you decide not to, he shows up?

Not cool, Semi-senpai. Not cool.

"Not cool?" He asks, picking up the bento you had dropped.

Dang, you had said it out loud?!

You are internally pulling your hair in frustration while you take the bento from him.

"Since you dropped it, it's preferable that you pay for that one." He advises.

How embarrassing, to be told that by Semi!

You watch as he smiles a little before he walks to the counter to purchase something. Why are you always blessed with this dumb luck? You can feel your lips tremble as you turn around and pick up some chopsticks to go along with the box.

"Hey, [Name]?"

Semi's voice makes you turn around. He is waving at you.

"What are you waiting for? Let's hurry and walk to school!" He calls.

He wants to walk with you?! You almost cry out loud and you hurry to pay for your purchases.

Things were looking up.


a/n: aa semi why u so pretty //kries//

semi in glasses is my new aesthetic welp

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