「tsun-tsun • 07」

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Walking with Semi was a dream come true, but it doesn't turn out the same way as it happened in your fluffy daydreams.

In fact, it was really, quite different.

For one thing, you had walked only four blocks when Tendou Satori is seen waving towards the hazel-brown eyed boy.

"Heya, SemiSemi!" He greets, wrapping an arm around Semi's shoulders.

What is with that cute as hell name, Tendou?!

"Semisemi?!" You echo, and Tendou glances at you and gives you a big grin.

"Yes, Eita likes being called Semisemi."

"I do NOT." The setter replies, and you can't help squealing. What a cute name!

"Senpai, can I call you Semisemi too?" You ask, and he looks away from brushing Tendou's arms off from his own shoulders. He stares hard at with wide eyes before he shakes his head.

"Don't call me that... and Senpai either." He says quietly, and you can see his face is slightly red.

Tendou glances at you a little before he puts his hands on his hips.

"Don't listen to him, [Name], he loves being called Senpai. Especially by you." He gives a wink before he runs off.

Semi does not get the chance to bash the middle blocker's head into bits.

"D-Don't listen to Tendou." He says and you have to try your hardest to hide your smile. He doesn't speak after that, and maybe you might have wanted to talk a bit to him. But seeing his flustered face was reward enough.

Slowly getting there, [Name]!


Two days later, Semi shows up to your salon again.

"I see we're having a frequent customer, eh?" Your co-worker, Shiina, teases, and you shoot her a death glare before you guide the boy to a free station.

"The usual?" You ask, and instead of nodding like he usually does, he laughs a little.

"I've only done it once and you already call it 'the usual'?" He asks, making you flush.

How could you not love the boy? Slowly, and steadily, you were becoming closer to him, and the best part was that you had almost forgotten about your idiot frenzy of trying to get him to notice you.

You had learned to start living your life, and every day had started to be more exciting, thanks to him.

Damn, you wanted to thank him for that.

"If you could go to the past or the future, what would you choose?" He asks while you mixed hair dye and developer in a small bowl.

"Hmm. Maybe the future? I don't know, that's a weird question, Semi-senpai."

"Well," He says, and you notice he doesn't react to you calling him 'Senpai' this time, "I'll choose the past."

"Do you have a reason for it?" You ask, and he tilts his head down to make it easy for you to apply the colour.

"Yeah, a major reason."

You decide to ditch asking him what it was, because if he wanted to tell you, he'd have told you it point-blank.

"Hmmm..." You hum a little as you work your way through the tips of his blond hair.

His hair is so soft that after washing off his hair, you find yourself messing around with it a little.

"O-Oi what are you doing?!" He stutters after a couple seconds and tilts his head up to look at you.

"Ah, I'm sorry!" You cry and turn around.

What was I thinking? How embarrassing!

Seriously, you had a large record for doing something embarrassing in front of him.

A large record, at that.

"Thank you, [Name]." He says, and you can hear the way his shoes squeak a little when he stands up. Taking a deep breath, you turn to face him.

It is only then that you notice that the colour wasn't as dark as it had been the last time. This time, the colour is more grey than black, and you gulp in horror.

"A-Ah, wait, I might have washed it too quickly... It's not dark black like the last time..." Your voice trails off as he glances at his reflection in the mirror.

"Actually," He pats his hair a little, "I like this more."

He gives you a smile, and waves before he walks out; leaving you speechless and blinking at the closed door until your co-worker yells at you.

Semi Eita is a wonder. Your brain keeps on repeating until you finish your work at your station.

Fifteen minutes later, work wraps up for the day, and you step outside and take a whiff of the warm air.

You are slowly stretching your arms when a boy wearing a beige uniform and red tie waves from the other side of the road.

A classmate? You wonder, squinting your eyes to get a better look. After all, it had started to become dark.

You could not believe your eyes when you see that it is Semi.

Semi was waiting for you to finish your work...?!


a/n; aaaa longest chappy so far! how are you guys enjoying this? and omfg why is semi so hot aaa i'm crying AND THE FULL BODY PICTURES OF HIM GOT RELEASED AND I AM SCREAMING LIKE WHY YOU SO FINE BOI WHYYY 

pls get him to marry me i kriiiiiii ;w;

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