「tsun-tsun • tanjobi omake」

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to my beautiful husband, my tsundere senpai, or should i say, SEMIpai? xD

happy birthday, semi eita ♥ i fell for this boy the second i saw him in the manga, and i've been obsessed with him ever since [as seen by publishing this book lmfao]. and then seeing him animated makes me love him even more omg he is bae goals >w< ALSO THE SCREENCAP OML LOOK AT HIS HAIR I AM SO DONE--

anyhow, here's a bonus chapter on the occasion of his birthday; a continued chapter to this story! hope you guys enjoy! ♥


You had asked him what he wanted for his birthday since weeks ago.

After you had come up with an excuse when he asked how you knew - and you knew because of the creepy stalker that you are - he had said he just wanted to spend it with you.

As romantic as it sounded; and after having been too flustered to reply to that as well, you were desperate to give him something- anything - to thank him for everything he did for you.

In fact, you had bothered him so much that he literally asked if you would colour his hair for him, at the comfort of his own home.

While this wasn't much of a big deal, Semi had told you that he had wanted to ask you to do it for him once, only, he didn't know of an excuse to do so.

So you were more than happy to do it for him.

As the days passed and his birthday neared, you began to get more and more nervous.

Semi's birthday this year fell on a Friday.

You had all the materials you needed for the procedure in a bag inside your backpack, and you had even managed to wake up early to make him some muffins as a treat.

From a muffin mix, of course, no way you could make them from the scratch.

But when you hand them to Semi after he steps out to his porch first thing in the morning, you can see his brown eyes widening before he accepts your gift.

"Happy birthday, Semi-senpai!" You greet, and his face flushes red

"Like I've said multiple times... Why do you keep on calling me that?" He asks. As he did, you notice once again how attractive he looked in his light blue shirt paired with his checkered trousers. His white blazer was unbuttoned, and the way his purple tie fluttered around in the gentle wind that was blowing also made strands of his hair wave around over his face.

The Shiratorizawa uniform - you had to admit - literally shone when Semi Eita was the one wearing it.

And he was dating you!

"Don't be such a tsun-tsun, Senpai!" You say with a smile, watching him save the muffins for lunch. He lets you know he'd comment on the taste later, making you realise that if calling him 'Senpai' gave you one point, he had taken the lead with two more points by just that sentence.

The two of you then step out of the porch to walk to school together. As you do so, you notice Semi's pinky lightly brushing against your own. This was his indirect way of saying that he wanted to your hand.

Tsun-Tsun • Semi Eita ✔Where stories live. Discover now