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tyler woke up to a thump downstairs. he groggily lifted his laptop off of him and groaned as he sat up and checked the time. 3:12 am.

"what the heck," he yawned, rubbing his eyes. the boy stood up and opened his door, walking slowly down the stairs in the dark. it seemed like no one was down there. maybe he heard the noise in his head. but he was already on the last step so he decided to inspect the area. just in case.

tyler stomped lazily through the hallway, flicking on the lights as he made his way through the house. he reached the kitchen and hit the light switch, hearing a door close shortly after. tyler's body stiffened and he crept further into the kitchen, looking around nervously. he stood in silence with his back against the fridge, listening for any signs of an intruder or a demon or anything. the scared boy let out a shaky breath before moving away from the fridge.

"shh," a warm, slightly raspy voice spoke into tyler's ear as a hand instantly covered the brunette's mouth. tyler stumbled backwards, his body slamming against someone. the boy froze as he heard a low laugh in his ear and his tired eyes shot open as the severity of the situation hit him.

the boy internally panicked, unsure of what to do before he rammed his elbow into the stranger's stomach. the intruder lost their balance and tyler turned around, backing up until he hit the counter. the person suddenly lunged at the boy and reached for the knife block beside him. tyler yelped and kicked at the stranger's knees, causing them to collapse on the floor as the knife in their hands fell onto the kitchen tile. tyler clumsily ran away, not bothering to look back at the intruder.

"shit," tyler shrieked as his ankle was pulled out from under him and his body was slammed onto the floor. tyler rolled over on to his back as the stranger crawled on top of him, grabbing tyler's neck. tyler's hands reached up to the person's head, tugging at their ski mask before his hands were pinned above him. the stranger began choking tyler, causing the brunette to suddenly smirk in pleasure.

"what the fuck," the intruder spoke, sitting up and removing their hands.

"that was exhilarating," tyler smiled, his voice strained. the brunette cleared his throat and released a sigh. "are you gonna kill me?"

"oh, um, well i didn't originally intend to but you're probably gonna call the cops or something so i guess i just gotta," the stranger replied nervously.

"that's fair i guess," tyler replied. the boy laid there for a while, expecting to die soon. "so, are you gonna do it?"

"yeah, totally, i just um," the intruder spoke, their shoulders slumping a little. tyler rolled his eyes and pushed the stranger off of him.

"well if you're not gonna kill me then just go," tyler huffed in annoyance. he didn't really mind the thought of being dead since he sort of minded the thought of being alive.

"but like, aren't you gonna call the cops or whatever," they asked.

"well, no, because nothing really happened. do you want me to call the cops," tyler asked as he stood up.

"hell no, if i was a convicted felon it'd be even harder for me to get a job than it is now," the stranger explained.

"okay, then, well, um, excuse me, could you please leave" tyler asked, his voice high. he began to get a little nervous around this person and started to become self conscious of his actions.

"i'll leave once i know your name," they asked, standing up and meeting tyler's eyes.

"only if you show me your face," tyler crossed his arms. the person huffed and looked down at their feet.

"but then you know my identity and the mask is supposed to prevent that," they whined. tyler rolled his eyes and tapped his foot impatiently.

"come on, just show me your face, tell me your name and pronouns and all that standard stuff. you already know my name, my face, and even my address so it'd only be fair."

"fine, my name is josh. and my pronouns are he or whatever for all that tumblr crap you're into," he spoke, pulling up his mask and revealing his face. tyler smiled at this and took in the other boy's appearance, especially taking a liking to the boy's faded blue hair.

"i'm tyler," he replied as josh shoved his ski mask into his pocket. "so, um, you should probably go."

"yeah," josh bit his lip, causing a small flutter in tyler's chest.

"this was fun but hopefully i won't see you later," tyler awkwardly laughed.

"ha right, well uh, bye tyler," josh spoke, stepping backwards.

"bye josh," the brunette waved, watching as the other boy left through the garage. tyler stood there for a moment, staring at the floor before deciding to return back to his room. he turned off the lights and trudged up the stairs, the house feeling silent and empty.

once the boy returned to his room, he laid back on his bed and closed his eyes. but he couldn't sleep. not when all he could think of was josh. everything about josh amazed him. his mess of muted blue hair. his coffee brown, sort of squinty eyes. and the fact that he meant tyler no harm originally. all of it made tyler smile even though it was all so incredibly messed up.

tyler played the situation in his head over and over again, each time seeming just as silly as the last. it was terrifying at first but then it was flattering once josh had stated he didn't come to kill tyler. it was relieving to find out someone you didn't know didn't want you dead when you felt like everyone wanted you dead.

eventually tyler fell asleep as the sun began to rise and for once he didn't dream of nothing. he just had a nightmare about being murdered by a burglar. but it wasn't too scary because it didn't actually happen. but still, tyler felt like he'd rather not go to sleep for a few days. maybe because he was worried about being brutally murdered. maybe it was because if he was awake late at night he could see josh again.


oh look, an update 5040594 years later ! !
i had like a totally different idea for this but then i thought someone broke into my house and i was all omg this could be a good joshler idea bc i have gr888 survival skills so i saw the opportunity and i took it so alwasys follwpow yer drams nd doent lit g o !!#!# 4!
anYWAyS, ily

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