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"josh," tyler groaned needily, snapping the other boy out of his daze.

"what," josh sighed, exhausted from his recent internal panicking.

"i'm bored," the brunette pouted.

"then go home," josh replied, standing up from the chair he had been sitting in for the past 2 hours. tyler rolled his eyes as his stomach growled loudly.

"um," the boy's face turned bright red at the awkward noise. tyler grabbed a pillow and shoved it on his stomach in an effort to calm it.

"yeah, you need to go home," josh spoke, bored. tyler groaned before falling backwards on the stiff mattress.

"but why, my family doesn't love me. i'd be doing them a favor by disappearing," tyler pouted.

"well they don't hate you," josh replied. tyler turned away from josh and pulled the blanket over himself. "plus, you probably have food at home whereas i never have food."

"i'm not hungry," tyler replied, his voice muffled by the blanket.

"bullshit. when's the last time you ate," josh asked. there was a brief silence between the two before tyler finally replied.

"yesterday morning."

"jesus christ, taylor! you need to eat," josh ripped the blanket off of the boy.

"it's tyler, god, stop telling me what to do," the brunette shouted angrily, hugging the pillow closer to him.

"get up," josh spoke sternly.


"get up," josh demanded more aggressively.


"tyler, if you don't get up im calling the police on you and making them take you back home," the blue haired boy threatened.

"i'll just tell them you kidnapped me."

"do you really think they're going to believe an angsty teen over a responsible adult," josh asked with a smirk. the boy stood there for a moment as tyler stayed silent. "that's what i thought, now get up."


"we're going to go pick pocketing so i can get money," josh explained slowly, treating tyler like a child.

"but that's illegal," tyler replied in a monotone voice, his eyes meeting josh's.

"i honestly don't care," josh replied, his tone sharp.

"can't i just stay here and wait until you come back?"

"no, if i leave you, you might tell the cops something crazy like that i tried to kill you."

"josh, please let me stay," tyler begged, his brown eyes big and sad.

"if you don't come with me right now i'm going to fucking strangle you," josh shouted in a burst of anger, making tyler tense up in fear.

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