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this time the update is legit,,, unlike that time i accidentally hit publish,,,

"tyler?" josh knocked on the door. "tyler, are you in there?"

tyler opened his eyes in confusing, his back aching and his skin cold from the cool bath tub. the boy rubbed his eyes and stared up at the ceiling, remembering the events of the night before.

"can you unlock the door? i have to pee." the older man continued jiggling the locked door knob.

"fuck off," tyler yelled back, nauseated with anger.

"tyler," josh repeated, his tone serious.

"leave me alone," the brunette yelled in response.

"please, can you open the door," josh begged, jiggling the knob in exasperation. tyler rolled his eyes before crawling out of the tub and looking in the mirror.

he was a mess. his entire face was blotchy and puffy from his tears, and it was all because of his stupid parents and some stupid boy. eventually he got bored of looking at his tired appearance and unlocked the door, walking past josh with his heart pounding anxiously.

he was unsure if josh was still mad at him or how he'd confront josh or if josh even knew tyler had heard him. either way it made him incredibly nervous which led to his horribly rapid heart rate.

josh rushed into the bathroom and shut the door, allowing tyler some time to examine the room. the sheets were disheveled and josh's clothes were all over the floor. beside the unkempt bed, the night stand was littered with empty cans of beer and tiny liquor bottles. it looked as if there was a high school party but really it was just a deranged man and a mystery woman.

tyler eventually sat down on the floor next to the window. he was unsure of what to do, so he just looked outside. the boy avoided thinking of anything because he knew it'd just make him upset and he was too tired for that.

however, avoiding the subject was harder than he thought. he was lost in the situation and had no idea how to handle things. but the brunette knew things had to be handled regardless of how he felt.

"josh," tyler squeaked after the man opened the bathroom door.

"yeah," he replied, clueless. tyler took a deep breath, preparing himself to confront the man.

"never mind," the younger boy shook his head, returning to the window. he realized that what josh did had nothing to do with him and he shouldn't be so bothered by it. afterall, they weren't even considered friends.

"what's wrong," josh asked, absolutely ignorant. the older man sat on the messy bed and looked at the other boy curiously.

"what's wrong is i'm pissed," the younger boy huffed in response.

"why? did i do something?" josh questioned.

"are you kidding me?" tyler turned to face the man, dumbfounded at his stupidity. "you told me i didn't mean anything. do you not see anything wrong with that?"

"woah now, i would never say that," josh's eyes widened and he looked down at his lap in fear.

"well you did. then you left. is any of this adding up or should i dumb it down a little more," the brunette continued angrily. each word that came out of josh's mouth infuriated tyler to the point of him snapping just a little.

"why would i leave?" josh questioned, still very much in the dark.

"because that's what you do. when things get hard, you leave. why don't you know any of this," the teen rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"i was uh, i got pretty drunk last night. like black out drunk. i don't remember anything," the man explained in embarrassment.

"well that's just the icing on the cake isn't it," tyler laughed, pain lacing his expression.

"does it get worse?" josh asked, his question causing tyler to huff in aggravation.

"you came back."

"oh. that's all?" the man's expression softened.

"with a girl."

"oh," josh's expression dropped again.

"you're a shit person you know," tyler added bitterly.

"look, i'm sorry about that, but i was drunk and angry. what did you expect me to do?" the man defended himself, only worsening his case.

"i expected you to not be a total dick! you're repulsive and selfish and i can't believe i was beginning to actually like you," the boy bursted out in anger, the circumstances making him sick.

"you think i'm repulsive," the blue haired boy asked, his tone hurt.

"well when you ask someone to make out with you then have loud sex in the room next to them it comes across as pretty nauseating." tyler stood up and walked to the mini fridge, pulling out a water.

"shit," the man muttered. "tyler i'm so sorry. i do stuff like that and i don't think about what i'm doing enough ."

"that's such a half assed apology," the boy scoffed before sipping his water.

"please. i feel really sucky about this whole thing. can't we just forget this happened and carry on?" the blue haired boy pleaded, his chocolate eyes glimmering with regret.

"um," the boy took another sip, slowly looking around the room in false thought. "no."

"tyler," josh begged. "you're one of the only few people i actually like, can't you forgive me? this was a big mistake and i get that but please can't we move on?"

"why should we? we don't know each other and like you said, i mean nothing to you." the boy returned to the window, his face stuck in a sour scowl.

"tyler." josh sighed. "you're being ridiculous," the boy observed, beginning to get frustrated.

"are you gonna leave again," tyler smirked, growing morbidly amused at the horrendous circumstances.

"you're just as much of a dick as me," the older boy muttered in irritation.

"i doubt it," the brunette challenged, upset that his morality was brought into question.

"you're rude, manipulative, blunt, narcissistic, and you have annoying mood swings," the man answered, the words making tyler even angrier.

"you know what," the brunette began, setting down his water bottle. "i'm gonna be the one to leave this time. fuck you."

"fuck you," josh replied lazily, bored of the word. tyler marched out of the room and into the hall, slamming the door shut behind him.

"damn," the boy mumbled in realization after getting halfway down the quiet hallway. he had no idea where he was going.


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