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josh's tapping foot cut through the silent and unsettling atmosphere annoyingly. it had only been a few minutes after tyler's embarrassing confession and josh seemed rather upset. tyler didn't know why though, the situation didn't directly or even indirectly affect him at all. it was in the past and didn't matter anymore. just another grudge tyler held onto, plain and simple. yet josh seemed irritated. this irritation increasing as the seconds ticked on.

"i have to go do something," josh suddenly spoke, standing up and rifling through his bag quickly. the man shoved something in his pocket, glancing back at tyler with an uncertain look on his face before leaving the room. the door slammed and tyler was alone once more. leaving seemed to be something josh did often.

josh did a lot of things. like forgetting names, his mind stumbling on the letters and causing slip ups like tyrone or taylor. it was annoying at first, but tyler found it to be a cute little quirk of his. he thought josh's inability to do simple things made his ability to do things like start a car that much more impressive. how could someone forget names yet know how to start a car without keys?

tyler wasn't sure, that was another thing josh did a lot, confused tyler. the brunette could examine the man and believe he had him all figured out, and then he'd do something out of character and unexpected. like returning to a house he had already attempted to rob, or like fucking him in the back of a car. tyler knew he should hate this inconsistency, despise it for uprooting him from his established and stable life with his not so loving family. but it lured tyler in, excited him, kept him on his feet. he hadn't experienced this much in his whole life.

tyler really liked that about josh. his constant need for action. whether it was thieving or just driving, josh had to be doing something. sure it wasn't always exciting, but it was quite different from tyler's usual routine of laying in bed, scrolling through tumblr until he passed out. josh's habit of provoking tyler had allowed him to do things he hadn't before, like break into a store and walk around in heels.

tyler sat in the lounge chair, wistfully thinking of josh and all the things he did that he liked. there was a lot of things about josh that tyler enjoyed. his smile, his cleverness, his bold personality, his soft eyes. the man's positive attributes flooded tyler's head and brought a small smile to his face. he really liked josh. josh really liked him too.

it was difficult for tyler to accept his attraction for josh though, due to his internalized homophobia pounded into him from years of negative lectures from his family and kicks in the ribs from his ex friends. but he couldn't act like the flutters in his chest that only happened when josh said something dumb or did something cute were nothing. he had to stop trying so hard to ignore the boy and just let things happen.

but he had just let josh leave. the brunette wasn't sure if that was the best idea. he seemed mildly angered and him being out in public in that kind of emotional state probably wasn't the best idea. but if tyler had stopped him things might've turned sour for him very quickly. so maybe it was okay that josh left. he'd come back. he always did.

however, it still confused tyler as to why he left, and what he grabbed before he made his sudden exit. with this new found curiosity, tyler stood up and approached the bag. he knew what was in the bag but he wasn't sure why josh would take any of it. there was only food and clothes from what tyler knew, so was he missing something?

the brunette picked up the surprisingly heavy bag and dumped the contents out onto the bed, the large pile causing him to huff at the sight. there was definitely a lot to sort through. so the boy got to work, carefully separating the items, wary of possibly dirty and possibly clean clothes.

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