Love sick~m.y.g((fluff, angst))

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"How could he?!" You ran away crying on the way to your apartment.

You finally got in front of your apartment's door and took out your key. You struggled a little. You vision was blurry because of the crying. You unlocked the door and threw it hard so it could close.

You were mad, sad, confused, and most importantly betrayed. How could he do this to you?? You kept thinking.

"I-I need s-someone" you said. You went to search for your phone and took it. You scrolled through the screen to search for the contacts.
You called two of your best friends and they didn't pick up saying they were busy.

So you had no choice and called Suga. You clicked his name on your phone's screen and dialed him. And after almost giving up, he picked up.

"Hello? You know you disturbed my beauty sle-" he stopped as he heard you sniff.

"Are crying (Y/N)?!"

"M-maybe" you said

"What happened?" After he said that all you did was break into sobbs you couldn't keep it in anymore.

"I'm on my way" that all you heard before he hung up.

You collapsed on your living room's couch crying. "I-I can't do this a-anymore!" You said while crying. "What did I do to him?"

And the memory of your boyfriend(now ex-boyfriend) appeared in you head.


You were on your way to his apartment to surprise him. You were bored so you just wanted to cuddle with him.

You reached his apartment door and you were about to knock but heard some voices.

"I love you so much there is nothing more I could ask for"you heard your boyfriend's voice say.
"I know, boyfriend" you heard another girl say and she giggles afterwards.

You felt heartbroken and you thought to yourself. 'This is not true maybe they are joking or something right? Right?!'

You quickly opened the door(which was unlocked like always) and you quickly dropped your things and felt your eyes water as you saw them kissing. 'T-this can't be happening'

You quickly left running back to your apartment

End of flashback

You kept replaying the scene in your head and all you wanted was to drown on your own tears.

Suddenly the door slung open, and there he was to your rescue, Min Yoongi.

He quickly closed the door and went running to the kitchen and then upstairs.

He came back with (your favorite flavor) ice cream with spoons, a blanket, and you favorite movie. He sat besides you and have you a hug.
You quickly hugged him back and cried into his shoulder. He just stroke your hair and whispered calming things to your ear like
'Everything's going to be ok' 'I'm here now'
'You are alright'.

After you calmed down you finally told him.
"WHAT?! How could he that bastard!"he said.
And then he whispered "I'm going to kill him"

You never knew why he was that protective over you but you always decided to ignore it.

He consoled you once again before you too the ice cream out of his hands and started eating it.
He chuckles at your sudden reaction.

After laughing and talking with him you fell asleep in his shoulder and he muttered soothing you didn't understand before sleep overcome your body.

"If you knew.." He said and you drifted of to sleep finally

"I love you(Y/N), I love you so much it hurts"



Hope you enjoyed it and thank you so much for reading it!!


-Admin k.g.m out (drops imaginary microphone)

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