Chapter 2

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^^^^ Katherine's outfit
Katherine p.o.v.
   I awake to the sound of the alarm yet again, only this time instead of seeing a sad Elena, I see a happy Elena.
   "Whats got you all chirpy?" I smirk knowing it might have something to do with a green eyed beauty. I get up and get the clothing I want to wear today and head to the bathroom.
   "I know I will see him again." she smiles brightly. I smile even though she can't see. I love my sister, yes shes annoying at times and shes all strict, but I love her. So when shes happy, I'm happy.
   "Yes you will sister, yes you will." I peep at her and see her all giddy still.
When I'm done getting ready she puts her diary away and we both start to head out of our room. On the way out we get stopped by Jenna who is all pretty in her purplish violet dress.
   "Do I look adult? As in respectfully parental?" she asks looking between us and her outfit.
   "Depends where you're going." Elena says. We follow her while she starts to walk fixing her hair.
   "Jeremy's parent-teacher conference." she says stopping in the hall way mirror. "Hair up or down?" Pulling it up. Elena moves so that I can get a better look knowing I'm the fashionable one.
   "Sexy stewardess..." I say while it's up, then she puts it down,"Boozy housewife." I finish wrinkling my nose playfully. Elena nods in agreement causing Jenna to nod.
   "Up it is." she declares. "You're feisty today." she smirks at Elena then looks at me," You're always fiesty." she smiles again. I look at Elena and raise a brow.
   "I feel good, which is rare. So I've decided to go with it. Fly free, walk on sunshine, and all that stuff." Elena smiles brightly again then starts to slightly frown. "Where is Jeremy?"
   "He left early. Something about getting to wood shop early to finish a birdhouse." she messes with her hair still, then sees us still frowning and stops, "There is no wood shop is there?" she says catching on.
   "No." me and Elena shake our heads at the same time. Jenna sarcastically smiles.
   "Yeah." she says.
   "Originally discovered over 5 centuries ago, it hasn't been over Mystic Falls in over 145 years." Mr. drones on and on about a comet. "Now the comet will be it's brightest right after dusk during tomorrow's celebration." He looks at Stefan and Elena who are staring at each other. "Are we bothering you, Mr. Salvatore? Ms. Gilbert?" They both turn to look at him while I snicker. Elena shakes her head and the bell rings signalling the end of class.
   "I brought it. I told you." Stefan tells Elena handing her a book I look at it and read the title.
   "Wuthering Heights by Ellis Bell." I frown not having read it before, reading is Elena's thing.
   "You know, I can't believe she didn't use her real name." Elena says to him.
   "All the Bronte sisters used pseudonyms. It was the time. Female writers weren't very accepted then." he replies to her. Okay this is getting boring.
   "Where did you get it?" Lena asks him. He looks at the book before answering.
   "Uh, it was passed down. Through the family." he tells her looking at her. Gross.
   "Ah." Lena says interested.
   "I have lots of books. Go ahead. Keep it." he gives it back to her.
   "Oh, no, I-" she starts then look at the book again." But I would like to read it again. I promise I'll give it back." Oh my god...couples! Wheres Caroline?
   "Ok." he smiles.
   "I'm confused. Are you psychic or clairvoyant?" Caroline asks Bonnie when I finally find them. Oh not this again.
   "Technically, Grams says I'm a witch. My ancestors were these really cool Salem witch chicks or something. Grams tried to explain it all, but she was looped on the liquor so I kinda tuned out. Crazy family, yes. Witches? I don't think so." she replies but I know Caroline's not that interested.
   "Yeah, well, feel free to conjure up the name and number of that guy from last night!" Caroline tells her looking at me and smiling knowing I saw him too. Bonnie grins.
   "I didn't see him, you two did." she smiles." Why didn't you just talk to him?" she asks Care. Drunk Caroline flirting, hot mess.
   "I don't know." she starts.
   "She was drunk." I finish smirking at them.
   "Well, I was talking to Grams, and she said the is a sign of impending doom. The last time it passed over Mystic Falls, there was lots of Death. So much blood and carnage, it created a bed of paranormal activity." Bonnie tells Elena, Caroline, and I.
   "Yeah, and then you poured Grams another shot and she told you about the aliens." Caroline sarcastically comments. I inwardly snicker while Elena gives a pointed look. She thens turns to Elena. "So then what?" she questions her about last night.
   "So then nothing." Elena looks at her exasperated.
   "You and Stefan talked all night? There was no sloppy first kiss or touchy feely of any kind?" Caroline asks her with a look that reads be serious.
    "Nope. We didn't go there." Elena says not looking up. It's true. I practically died of boredom from all the talking.
   "Not even a handshake? I mean, Elena, we are your friends. Ok? You are supposed to share the smut." Caroline tells her. Lena looks up at us amused.
   "Yeah Elena, you're suppose to give us all the juicy details." I smirk at her. She looks at me with a 'you're not helping' look.
   "We just talked for hours." she tells us.
   "Ok, what is with the blockage? Just jump his bones already! Ok, its easy." Caroline looks at me for help. I smile.
   "Yeah, boy likes girl, girl likes boy, sex." I direct my smile to her.
   "Profound." she says back. Then she gets a look on her face then starts to grab her stuff.
   "Where are you going?" Bonnie asks her. I'd like to know too considering I am her ride. She looks back at us.
   "Caroline and Katherine are right. It is easy. If I sit here long enough, I'll end up talking myself out of it instead of doing what I started the day saying I was going to do. So get up Kat, we're going to take a little trip. I smirk at her new confidence and get up following her to the car.
   We arrive at the Salvatore boarding house and might I say, wow.
   "So what are we doing here again?" I question her walking with her to the door.
   "I need to talk to Stefan and you're my ride slash supporter person." she smiles. She walks hesitantly to the door then ring the door bell, I roll my eyes then knock on the door. It slowly opens by itself. I raise an eyebrow and walk inside. "Hey! Don't be rude." she whispers before following me.
    "Then they shouldn't leave the door open." I spoke normally making her cringe. "Stefan?" I call out looking around.
    "Stefan?" Elena then calls out but less confident then she was before. We head into what looks like the living room and I start to hear something creak.
   "Yeah this isn't creepy." I speak the same volume again making Elena cringe and look at me. "What? It's not like someone is here." We start to head for the door when a crow flies in scaring us Elena turns around while I back up into what feels like a wall until hands grab my hips. 'Whoa' I hear a masculine voice speak behind me and turn to come face to face with the guy from last night.
   "We're sorry for barging in. The door was..." We both look back at the now closed door. "Open." I finish explaining. I turn back around to see him staring at me still, I take a small step back.
   "You must be Katherine. And you, Elena." He says pointing at the correct twin. "I'm Damon. Stefan's brother."
   "I knew any sibling of Stefan's would be gorgeous." I compliment walking a little more in the room. I see him smirk then see Elena give a disapproving look, but I shrug smirking.
   "He didn't tell me he had a brother." she tells him still keeping an eye on me.
   "But he did." I sing-songly comment. Looking at all the ancient objects in their home.
   "Well Stefan's not one to brag. Please, come. I'm sure Stefan will be along any second." he says grabbing Elena's arm and pulling her into the room where I am sitting. I sit on the couch and she looks at me probably regretting bringing me along.
   "Wow. This is your living room?" I look at Damon still amazed by the house and his face. He looks at me and smirks.
    "Living room, parlor, Sotheby 's auction. It's a little kitschy for my taste." he says while Elena continues to look around and I stand up and look with her. "I see why my brother's so smitten." he says looking between us. I smirk while Elena looks at him curiously. "Its about time. For a while there, I never thought He'd get over the last one. Nearly destroyed him." I look at him and frown.
   "The last one?" Lena asks him frowning as well.
   "Yeah. Katherine, his girlfriend." he takes a glance at me. So that was why it was awkward to say my name. Lena looks at me too and I can see its awkward for her too, her boyfriends ex girlfriend has the same name as her sister. "Oh, you two haven't had the awkward exes conversation yet."
   "Nope." she says glancing at me telling me silently she'd like to leave now.
   "Oops. Well, I'm sure it'll come up now. Or maybe he didn't want to tell you because he didn't want you to think he was on the rebound. We all know how those relationships end." he says. I start to walk towards them and look at him.
   "You say it like every relationship is doomed to end." I look at him only at least a foot away. He looks at me.
   "Im a fatalist." he slightly smiles still staring at me. "Hello, Stefan." Me and Lena turn to see Stefan glaring at Damon, wow, and I thought my looks could kill.
   "Elena. Katie." Stefan says still glaring at Damon. "I didn't know you were coming over." Elena takes a short glance at me new to the whole nickname. Then she turns back to Stefan and walks closer to him while I still stand by Damon, us still looking at each other.
   "I know. We should have called, I just-" she starts until Damon cuts her off.
   "Oh don't be silly. You two are welcome any time. Aren't they, Stefan?" he asks looking at us then Stefan who is still glaring daggers at his brother. "You know, I should break out the family photo albums, or some home movies. But...I have to warn you. He wasn't always such a looker." He tells us and I couldn't help but laugh.
   "Thank you, for stopping by Elena and Katie. Nice to see you." Stefan tries to say politely, but I could tell there was intense tension between these two that I didn't want my sister, nor I, to witness.
   "Yeah, we should probably go. It was nice to meet you, Damon." Elena literally reads my mind.
   "Yes, it was very nice to meet you Damon, hope we get to see more of each other." I smirk looking at him. He smiles at us and comes closer to me.
   "Great meeting you, too, Elena, Kitty kat." he smirks grabbing my hand and kissing it. I blush at the nickname and head with Elena up the stairs.
   "Stay pretty." I call to him winking. We try to head up the rest but Stefan is blocking us.
   "Stefan?" Elena asks trying to get him out of his intense glaring at his brother. "Stefan?" she tries again and I can still he's scaring her a little. So I reach my hand out and gently grab his arm.
   "Stef?" I ask and he finally moves out the way. Elena then lets out a breathe and we leave.
Third person p.o.v.
   Stefan still glares at his brother, while Damon whistles.
   "Great gals. Whoo. They got spunk." he says dramatically, then stops looking at his brother," You, on the other hand, look pooped. Did you over exert yourself today? Let me guess- hospital." Damon says still trying to get a thing out of his brother.
   "Someone had to clean up your mess." Stefan answering blandly.
   "Well were you successful? Did the powers of persuasion work? Remember, if you don't feed properly, none of those little tricks work right." Damon says still jokingly.
   "How long were the twins here?" Stefan gets straight to it hating the idea of them being alone with his murderous brother.
   "Were you worried, Stefan? Scared we may be doomed to repeat the past?" Damon chuckles. "Isn't that why you play your little game, "I'm a high school human"?
   "Im not playing any game." Stefan refuses to stoop to Damon's level.
   "Of course you are. We both know you'll ever get to humanity is when you rip it open and feed on it." Damon says getting close to Stefan.
   "What kind of game are you playing...Damon?" Stefan asks.
   "Guess you'll just have to wait and see, won't you?" Damon answers smirking then leaving.
Katherine p.o.v.
   "He's on the rebound and has raging family issues." Elena tells Jenna while we are in the kitchen waiting for Jer.
   "Well, at least its an ex girlfriend. Wait till you date a guy with mommy issues or cheating issues or amphetamine issues." Jenna tells her while eating an apple. I nod in agreement eating an apple of my own. Just then someone enters the house and we all know who it is.
   "Jeremy." Aunt Jenna says, but he ignores her heading up the stairs. I smile to myself knowing hes not getting away while Elena shakes her head. "Jeremy, where were you?" she asks following him.
   "More stoner stories? Look, Jenna, I get it, you were cool. And so thats-thats cool." he tells her and continues up the stairs.
   "oh, no, no, no!" I hear Jenna say then hear a thump and know she threw her apple at him.
   "Ow! Why? Why-Why did you do that?" he asks her shocked.
   "Listen up! Quit ditching class or you're grounded. No discussion." she says. Even I have to admit that doesn't sound even remotely intimidating.
   "Parental authority, I like it. Sleep tight." he says and then heads to his room. I snicker, my brother is so much like me its awesome.

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