Chapter 6

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Third person p.o.v.
     Stefan walks out the doors excitedly and waits on the porch with his hands behind his back. He watches as a carriage makes it's way over.
     "Whoa." The driver says bringing the horses to a stop. Stefan waits patiently looking inside to see silhouettes of two woman. The door is opened and a colored girl steps out first with an obviously handmaidens dress and pink flowered hat. He doesn't pay much attention to her since then another girl gets helped out. She wore an elegant lavender tan striped gown and a simple straw woven hat. Her hair pinned up with curls peeking every here and there. When she was out she finally showed her face looking to the handsome young human. She had olive skin and the prettiest doe brown eyes you've ever seen. She looked Stefan up and down and gave the slightest smirk in approval finding him absolutely delicious. Stefan walks down the steps still with a smile and stood a respectable distance from the guest bowing slightly.
     "You must be Miss Pierce." He says acknowledging the beauty. She stuck her hand out for him to take, which he did and curtsied.
     "Please, call me Katherine." She smirked again holding his gaze without falter.
Katherine p.o.v.
    "What are you?" Elena asks again not even bothering to notice that I was behind Stefan. They stood there for a few seconds before Stefan sighed.
    "You know." He says still looking to my freaked out twin.
     "No, I don't." She says trying to deny the fact that her boyfriend is a vampire.
     "Yes, you do. Or you wouldn't be here." Stefan says and she shakes her head .
     "Its not possible. It can't be. She then finally sees me and her breath hitches a bit. I could tell she wanted to grab me and hold me close but she stayed still. Stefan follows her gaze to me giving both of us a frown. He turns back putting the stake down and tries to approach her but she takes steps immediately back. He stops and glances between us finally deciding to land on the ground.
     "Everything you know...and every belief that you have is about to change. Are you ready for that?" He then looks to Elena who works up the courage to reach out to me and brings me close to her probably thinking that i m a helpless victim.
     "What are you?" She asks again this time harder and with a colder gaze. He just stared with his mouth slightly opened then finally told her the truth.
    "I'm a vampire." Elena looks stunned for a millisecond until she looks to me seeing that I'm not as shocked as her realizing that I had to of known and looks back to her probably now ex boo.
    "I shouldn't have come." She starts to walk back tightening her grip pulling me with her. Stefan sees this and tries to stop her.
    "No. Please. Please." He says but then she starts to run telling him no obviously trying to get me and her out of here but I knew he wouldnt let us go that easily and just as I guessed once we got a few feet away he sped in front of us. Elena gasps and looks back trying to comprehend what just happened.
     "How did you do that?" She asks breathing heavy. I then, after this whole encounter, finally start talking. I turn to her grabbing her hands trying to get her to focus to me which took a hot minute but I caught her glance.
      "Elena just take a moment and breathe." She shake her head turning back to Stefan glaring at him. "No, hey! Elena, you don't have to be afraid of him just breathe and calm down. There's nothing to be afraid of." She takes a breath and looks at Stefan again still hesitant that is until he speaks.
    "Please don't be afraid of me." He says keeping distance but his concern is defiantly there. She tries to back away looking for a easy way to run, him still frightening her.
     "Let us go." She tells him. I see that right now she's not going to listen and the best thing to do right now is to let her take a moment away from him. So I look to Stefan and give him a hard, but not killing like my sisters, look.
     "Stefan, let us go." I try to say calmly but he doesn't let us still and grabs us when we try to walk away.
     "No, there's thing that you have to know and understand." He tries to hold on but soon I get a little fed up and fight him with Elena.
     "Let us go!" Elena shouts frustrated and we finally get out of his hold her sprinting to the car and me throwing him one last look before jogging behind her.
    "Elena! Katherine please." He begs. Hearing him use my full name makes me look back to see his hurt expression. Elena is in the car first and automatically starts it up and so I jump in with her and she takes off. With a few minutes on our hands until we get home she glances at me and asks me what I knew she wanted to ask since she saw me.
     "Did you know? For how long Katherine?" She glares and I roll my eyes at her overdramaticness.
     "Elena...(I take a needed breath) I just found out not that long before you. Why do you think I'm still in these clothes? I don't just walk around in biki-" she cuts me off which surprised me since shes never done that before.
     "Katherine, please just tell me an answer without you putting some sarcastic commentary." I see her looking serious and I sigh realizing she's taking this dramatic tantrum a bit high.
     "I found out just a little bit before you. All I know is that he is a vampire and so is Damon." I tell her making her eyes pop.
     "Damon too?" She looks forward but not before I give her a nod confirming it. She soon pulls up to our house and she runs out quickly going to the door looking around making sure I'm close. She fumbles trying to open the door but she does and hurries in running upstairs. I stand for a moment until I shrug and make my way to the kitchen feeling peckish. I open the fridge until I hear someone shout my name.
    "Katherine!" I know its Elena and I close my eyes letting my head fall back. Stefan.
    I sigh frustratedly and make my way upstairs to our room. I hear a door open and close but not far apart that someone exited, more like someone not letting another someone escape. I hurriedly walk faster and try to open the door but something or someone is blocking it.
     "Stefan open the door or I swear I'll make a stake and kill you." I say loud enough for him to hear since I know Jeremy probably doesn't want to be in this. The door opens enough for me to slide in and once I'm in the door closes and Elena hugs me looking as if she might cry.
     "I would never hurt you. Your safe with me." Stefan says trying to calm a scared Gilbert and an angry Gilbert.
    "All those animal attacks, those people who died..." Elena looks to him with tears threatening to poor making me hug on tighter to comfort her and Stefan try to.
    "No. No. That was Damon." He says and she frowns again. Like did she really forget already?
      "Yes" Elena continues shaking her head while he tries to clear up any fear she has for him. "I don't drink human blood. That's not how I choose to survive, but Damon does. I'll explain everything to you, but I beg you, Elena, do not tell anybody." He says so intense that he made me get a little bit of chills.
     "How can you ask me that?" She asks disbelieved.
      "Because you knowing this is dangerous for so many reasons. You can bate me, but I need you to trust me." He says.
      "Stefan, I get it, you're scared too, but right now is obviously not the time. So why don't you leave." I tried to sound nice but of course my bitchyness made it sound a little harsh, but whatever. He stayed for a bit looking at Elena.
   "Just go. Just go, please. Go." She begged him. "If you mean us no harm, then you'll go." She shook her head tears starting to threaten to fall again and I could practically feel her nails penetrating my skin.
     "I never wanted this." He says one last time before back up but Elena still didn't move which made me think I was being a bit underestimative of how scared she truly was. Seeing as he made no movement of keeping us hostage still, I reached to the door but once it was opened I heard a whoosh and he was gone. Elena then walked hurriedly to the window and locked it sitting down and looking to me holding my gaze as she tried to control her breathing. I walk over to her sitting next to her and knowing she doesnt want to talk about it I try to lighten her mood.
     "How about we get in our PJs and watch Courage the Cowardly dog with some Ben and Jerry's?" I smile and I see Ber trying to fight it but she let's out a small giggle before looking to me with a raised brow.
      "Courage the Cowardly dog?" She scrunches her nose a habit we both have when were nervous...and on instinct. I smile bigger nodding and then link our arms putting on a smaller smile.
     "Like when we were little and mom thought it was our favorite show but It wasn't. Well until she done it so many times that it did become it." She smiled and nodded. We each went to our dressers and got what we want to where to bed out, hers being a simple tank top and yoga pants a d mine being one of those suit ones that was pink, fluffy, and had a rainbow pocket on the breast. I walk down the stairs and look in the freezer. Well, me and Jenna certainly eat a lot of ice cream since all that was left was vanilla and cookie dough. Vanilla? Who gets vanilla?? I grabbed two spoons though and walked back seeing my sister getting the show ready.
     "Okay, all that was left was vanilla and cookie dough." I tell her and she smiles grabbing the vanilla. I look at her shocked, then shrug, at least I get cookie dough. I walk over to my bed and when I'm about to sit she speaks up.
     "What if we slumbered together?" She asks looking at her spoon . I sigh knowing she was still shooken so I was over to her bed and got under the covers without complaint.
     "Play please." I smile eating a scoop.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2017 ⏰

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