Chapter 1

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Katherine p.o.v.
I wake up to the continuous blaring of the alarm. After a few more rings, I finally get up and turn it off quite roughly.
"Whoa, what did it do to you?" I hear a voice that sounds just like mine say. I look at my twin sister, Elena, who is writing in her little journal or whatever.
"It was annoying, what are you doing?" I ask her standing up and going to the closet we share trying to figure out what outfit to wear. I settle on some nice dark tight skinnies, a very pretty blue top, and a leather jacket with some spunky heels. Then to pair it off, I add a simple necklace and head to the bathroom to get fully transformed.

 Then to pair it off, I add a simple necklace and head to the bathroom to get fully transformed

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"Just writing, you know Bonnie said she'll give us a ride today." she calls to me. I sigh then continue curling my hair.
"Yeah, that sounds great." I reply sarcastically. Dont get me wrong, I love Bonnie, its just, I know shes gonna want to know how we're doing, and to smile and say fine doesn't always work with her.
When we're both ready we head down and find aunt Jenna hurriedly getting ready.
"Toast! I can make toast!" she says seeing us walk in.
"Its all about the coffee aunt Jenna." I smile to her while taking Elenas cup and take a sip giving it back to her.
"Is there coffee?" our little brother Jeremy comes into the kitchen.
"I'm going to wait outside." I say no waiting for a reply. On the way out I get a text and when I see who it is, I roll my eyes slightly at what they sent.

Carebear <3: Omg! Are you okay to come today?? With everything thats happened and the whole Tyler thing?

Tyler. Tyler Lockwood. Hes my ex boyfriend. I broke up with him after my parents...after the accident. It changed me, and I just couldn't continue our relationship. I was about to reply when she sent another text that made me smirk.

Carebear <3: I'll pick you up

I smile and reply a quick okay. Not even 5 seconds later she pulls up with a big smile.
"I was already gonna come whether you liked it or not!" her perky blonde head popping out the window shouted. I laugh walking to her car and hopping in. I send Elena a text telling her Caroline came and kidnapped me and she replied a simple okay :).
"You know Bonnie was going to give us a ride." I raise my eyebrows at her. She looks at me with a look that screams 'you're kidding'.
"No! I love that we're all friends but lets be real, she has Elena as her best friend, I have you! And I am not giving you up!" she tells me slightly seriously, slightly joking. I look to her and smirk thinking the same thing.
When we get to school we see Elena and Bonnie just getting here heading to their lockers. We head over to them and Caroline hugs Elena likes shes about to break down.
"How is she? Is she good?" I hear her ask Bonnie. I laugh and start to head to my locker when I see Tyler talking with his friends. He looks my way and I give a small smile, but he looks away. Caroline heads my way and sees what happened.
"He hates me." i sarcastically smile.
"He doesn't hate you, he doesn't particularly like you at the moment, but he doesn't hate you!" she tries to make the situation better. I give her a smile and continue to my locker.
"Is that Elena?" she asks pointing to a determined gilbert heading into the boys restroom.
"Yeah. Either shes now ballsy, or Jeremy did something fun." I say popping some gum in my mouth. You see, Elena is little miss goody two-shoes, miss perfect, and shes also little miss no fun. Shes like a parent in teenage form.
"Shouldn't you go help him?" she smiles looking at me.
"And listen to miss perfect give a lecture about how having fun is a big no no? No thanks." I smirk turning heading to class when I run into someone. I look to see its a guy with sandy hair and grassy eyes. I bet hes all about the environment.
"whoa careful." I say smirking at him, hes not bad looking. He scrunches his brows together while looking me up and down.
"Katherine?" hes asks like I'm not real. I look at him confused then smirk.
"Yes and your creepy guy who some how knows my name." I say sarcastically then start to walk away. Then he grabs my arm turning me back to him. I give him a curious look.
"Do you not remember me?" he looks kinda sad, kinda mad. I give him a confused look.
"No, because I never met you before. Trust me if I did I'd definitely remember. But question, you know my name how?" I raise a brow at him. He looks bewildered for a sec then clears his throat.
"You look like a friend of mine and I guess you guys have the same name." he smiles nicely. "Sorry for the mix up, um, I'm Stefan by the way." he awkwardly smiles.
"Cute, it fits you. Anyways, I bet your friend is beautiful then. Nice meeting you though, hope we can see more of each other." I wink at him and go on to history seeing Elena and Bonnie already here. I take my seat beside Elena and soon Stefan enters giving me a smile then looking at Elena smiling at her too. He sits behind me and I look back at him then to Elena and Bonnie wiggling my brows. This is gonna be fun.
We're all sitting here listening to Mr. Tanner when I feel my phone vibrate.
I see Elena get her phone out too. I look to see a message from Bonnie.
Bon bon ;): Hawt-e staring @ u.
Me and Elena both turn to see Stefan staring at us Elena blushes while I smirk. Of course he is, we're identical twins, and gorgeous, though im the prettier one.
After school Elena goes to the cemetery while I head to the grill. When I get there I see Tyler and Matt here which wasn't awkward at all, and Jeremy talking to Matt's sister, Vicki. Shes a tacky whore, but shes Matt's sister so I tolerate her. I see Caroline and Bonnie so I join them and Caroline starts talking about Stefan.
"His name is Stefan Salvatore, he lives in the old Salvatore boarding house with his uncle, he hasnt lived here since he was a kid, military family and all, he's a Gemini and his favorite color is blue." she smirks proud.
"You got all that in one day?" Bonnie asks. She obviously doesn't know Caroline that well.
"Please, I got all that between 3rd and 4th period." she smiles widely. "We're planning a June wedding." I laugh at her and head with her to a table while Bonnie is probably silently judging.
While we wait for Elena to arrive I overhear Matt talking to Bonnie about Elena and me.
"Hows Elena and Katherine doing?" he asks. Bonnie gives him a look.
"Their mom and dad died. They're putting on a good face, but its only been four months." See. Bonnie can read people so good it scares me.
I stop listening when he gets more on the topic of Elena so I head closer to Care who is standing with Tyler. He gives me a smile which I return. We all look up when we see Elena enter with Stefan right behind her. No. Way. That trollop. Matt gets up and heads over and most likely introduces himself to Stefan. They soon come and sit with Me, Bon, and Care, when Caroline starts interrogating him.
"So you were born in Mystic Falls?" she asks all sweet like which makes me snort.
"Yeah and I moved when I was still young." he answers.
"Parents?" Bonnie asks. He looks down then back up.
"They passed away." He says then looks to me and Lena. She gives him a sympathetic look.
"I'm sorry." she says sincerely.
"Any siblings?" I join in. He gives a far away look then looks back to me.
"None that I talk too. I live with my uncle." So he does have some...I bet they're gorgeous too.
"So Stefan, if your new then you don't know about the party tomorrow." Care tells him flirty like.
"Its a back to school thing at the Falls." Bonnie adds. He looks towards us and smiles slightly.
"Are you two going?" he asks. Before Elena could reply I pipe up.
"Of course we are." I smirk. Elena looks to me then smiles back at Stefan looking down and blushing.
The next day we are sitting in class listening to Mr. Tanner yap again.

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