Chapter 3

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Katherines outfit ^^^
Katherine p.o.v.
Today I actually rode with Bonnie and Elena since Caroline didn't answer her phone. Today I felt cutsie so I wore a pink themed outfit, and did a fish tail going over my shoulder. We hop out the car and Bonnie and Elena start talking about Stefan.
"I'm not saying don't date the guy, I'm just saying take it slow." Bonnie tells her. I wonder if it's about what happened last night when she wigged out.
"You were the one who said to go for it." Elena tells her pointing a finger at her.
"Now I'm saying take it slow." I kinda agree with Bonnie, like this is Lena's first time being single in school, I think she should enjoy it.
"Why the about-face?" Elena asks her.
"Its not an about-face." Bonnie says then I step in with my opinion.
"You're single for the first time in your entire high school career. It's the perfect time to play the field." I smile at her mischievously. She starts to laugh.
"Oh, because I'm so that girl." She tells me then looks to Bonnie. "Seriously, what are you not saying?" She asks her.
"Its stupid." Bonnie looks at her with a look. Then Elena grabs her arm stopping us from walking.
"Bonnie..." she says.
"What?" Bonnie says trying to lie.
"Spit it out." Elena tells her and thats when I know Bonnies gonna bring it up.
"I accidentally touched Stefan and got a really bad feeling." Bonnie tells her and I nod, yep thats what happened. Elena gives us a look like, really thats it?
"Is that it?" She says like we're crazy. Bonnie tries to walk away but Elena stops her. "Bonnie."
"It was bad-bad!" Bonnie tells her seriously.
"Is this the whole witch thing again?" Elena asks all funny and even I'm getting fed up with her, Bonnie trying to tell her something and shes not being serious.
"You know what, I'm just concerned. This is me expressing concern about my best friends new boyfriend." Bonnie tells her glancing at me with a sorry face I put my hands up signaling its okay. Elena smiles and puts her hands on Bonnies shoulders.
"And I love you for it, I do. But, I feel good. Its been a hard year, and I'm starting to kind of feel like things are getting back to normal again. And you know what, Stefan is a big part of that." Elena tells us and we smile at her. Aw.
While we're walking around Stefan approaches us.
"Good morning, Elena. Good morning, Bonnie, Katie." He says to me and Bon.
"Hey, um, I gotta go find Caroline. Shes not answering her phone so I'll catch you guys later." I say then look at Bonnie knowing she doesn't want to be around Stef. "Bonnie?" I ask like I'm inviting her with. She nods walking with me. We start to walk when Elena tries to stop Bonnie but we keep going.
"World war II ended in..." Mr. tanner pauses looking at all of us. "Anyone got anything?" He asks but no one answers. "Miss Juan?" She shrugs. "1945." He says.
"Psst. FYI-Our team sucks. They could use you." Elena tells Stef.
"Pearl harbor?" Tanner asks.
"Can't. Im a loner." Stefan tells her.
"Miss Gilbert?"
"Hmm?" We say at the same time. I see hes looking at Elena so I look back down at my french book since I suck at it while he asks her his question.
"Pearl harbor?"
"Um..." she obviously doesnt know.
"December 7th, 1941." Stefan answers for her. I turn to him impressed and Elena too.
"Thank you, Miss Gilbert." Tanner says sarcastically.
"Any time." He replies.
"Very well. The fall of the Berlin wall." Tanner says.
"1989." Stefan answers like its nothing. Damn. "Im good with dates, sir.
*to make it easy: stefan-italic tanner-non italic*
"Are you? How good?" He looks around at us. "Keep it to the year."
"Civil rights act."
"John F. Kennedy assassination."
"Martin Luther King."
" '68."
"Roe vs. Woe."
"Brown vs. Board."
"The battle of Gettysburg."
"Korean war."
"1950 to 1953."
"Ha! It ended in '52." Tanner looks excited about this but Stefan again looks confused on this statement.
"Uh, actually, sir, it was '53." Stefan nods knowing hes right. I already had my phone out trying to text Care, so I google it.
"Look it up, somebody." Tanner says. Everyone else gets there phones out. "Quickly."
"It was 19...53." I say looking at Stefan smiling. Then everybody starts to applaud Stef and I can tell hes embarrassed. Then the bell rings.
"How did you know all of that?" I ask him smiling impressed.
"Years and years of crossword puzzles. Its a loner thing." He says smiling proud.
After school Elena, Bonnie, and Caroline does cheerleading, and Matt and Tyler do football. I'm not that much into sports cause it involves running, sweat, and *shivers* tennis shoes. So while I wait for them to be done I sit on the benches and do homework or cheer them on. Today its homework.
Looking up I see Tanner giving it to Tyler then I turn to see Stefan here too. I smile and grab my stuff walking over to sit with him.
"Hey." I say sitting down.
"Hey." He says back looking at me. I look at the cheerleaders and see that Care still isnt there, shes captain, so shes like never late. I sigh then see Stefan standing up.
"What are you doing?" I ask.
"Im gonna ask to try out for the team." He says giving me a small smile.
"Good luck with Tanner." I tell him and he heads down to talk with him. Then I see him head away to get some gear. Yay Stef. But then I see Matt and Ty talking glaring at Stefan. They better not try anything. Then theres this music playing and a blue car pulls up and I see Caroline kiss someone then step out. I look closer and see that its Damon. Damn, of course he'd get with a beauty like Care, eh, it happens. I see her give Elena and Bonnie smirks and then sends me a wave. I wave back. She stands up front and captains them or whatever and I see Damon staring at me. He smirks at me then drives away.
Seriously, Elena really sucks at cheerleading, well mostly cause she missed out on alot. She goes to the back to watch the others when Stef runs back on the field in uniform. I head down and stand on the side if the beachers and look at Elena, she looks back at me and smiles. I signal her with my head to come over and join me and she smiles and does.
We watch Stefan and we both smile, hes really good. I look at her and see shes frowning looking back at the girls.
"You want to quit dont you?" I ask her. She nods and I give her a comforting smile linking our arms. We continue to watch Stef when he goes to catch the ball when Tyler rams him while hes in the air and slam him on the floor. Elena gasps and so do I, but he gets up with Matts help and he walks away giving us smiles signaling hes okay.
Right now Im up in my room relaxing while Elena and Bonnie are downstairs getting ready for our dinner with Stefan. But come on, I am not going to be in that awkward room alone with them. So of course I text Caroline and she tells me she'll come, then asks if Damon can too. I tell her its okay but secretly, Im dying to just girl talk with her, but I'll sound rude, and even though I am extremely rude, Caroline is my best friend.
While I'm releasing my hair from its braid the doorbell rings and I hear Elena call me down. Stefan must be here, yay, time for dinner.
So right now, we're all eating, in the most awkward silences ever. Then thats when Miss Gilbert who is the cause of this gathering speaks up.
"Did Tanner give you a hard time today?" She asks Stef.
"Well, he let me on the team, so I must have done something right." He says smiling. Oh god kill me. I tune them out since Bons just trying to get everything over with to look at my phone. I text Caroline and see when shes coming and she says soon. Ugh. I wish it was now. I look back up and hear then talking about the Salem witches when the doorbell rings. Finally!
"I'll get it!" I announce walking to the door but nosey Elena follows me. She opens the door and theres Care and Damon.
"Surprise!" She smiles. "Katherine said you were doing dinner, so we brought desert." Elena glances at me then back at them.
"Oh." I can tell shes slightly annoyed. I don't care, if I'm gonna suffer, so is she.
"Hope you don't mind." Damon says smiling. I smile back and drag Care in here. Then Stefan comes over looking at Damon.
"What are you doing here." He asks.
"Waiting for Elena and Kitty Kat to invite me in." I laugh at the name.
"Yeah I said he could come over, you can just-" I get cut of by Stefan.
"No, no, no. He can't uh...he can't stay." Stefan says. We all look at them confused. "Can you, Damon?"
"Get in here." Care says. Looking at me for help. I look at Elena who looks at Stefan confused.
"We're just...finishing up." He looks at Lena. I sigh annoyed and walk up to Damon.
"It's fine. Just come on in." I grab his hand dragging him in. Elena looks at Stefan like, wtf was that?
"You have a beautiful home, girls." Damon says.
"Thank you." We say at the same time then laugh.
"I cannot believe that Mr. Tanner let you on the team. Oh, Tyler must be seething." She says and I nod laughing with her. "But good for you. Go for it." She says.
"That's what I always tell him. You have to engage. You can't just sit there and wait for life to come to you. You have to go get it." Damon says looking at his little brother.
"Yeah, Elena wasn't so lucky today. It's only because you missed summer camp. God, I don't know how you're ever going to learn the routines." Care says when Bonnie jumps in.
"I'll work with her. She'll get it." She says defensively to Care.
"I guess we can put her in the back." Care says thinking. Elena turns to give her annoyed look. Hey, Carolines just being honest, its not all about Elenas feelings, but a whole team who will be held back by her. Plus she wants to quit anyway so whats her deal.
"You don't seem like the cheerleader type, Elena." Damon says to her.
"Oh, its just cause her parents died. Yeah, I men, shes just totally going through a blah phase. She used to be way more fun." Care says. Thats when I then glare a little at her, she knows I hate when...they're brought up. She looks at me and sees me looking at her. "And I say that with complete sensitivity." She adds.
"I'm sorry, girls. I know what it's like to lose both parents. In fact, Stefan and I have watched almost every single person we've ever cared about die." Damon says looking at us. Thats when I get up upset, they look at me shocked at my sudden mood change, then I march out of the room. I head to the kitchen and put my hands on the counter roughly. Trying to control my breathing. I hear someone come in and by the soft steps they take and how hesitant they take them, I know its Elena.
"You okay?" She asks. I take a deep breath and turn to her.
"Yeah. I'm gonna do the dishes." I then start to clean everything up. She nods saying she'll help. We used to do it all the time with our mom. Whenever we were upset, or needed to talk, we would do the dishes. When we're just about done, Damon comes in.
"One more." He says holding a cup.
"Oh, thank you." I say reaching for it when it slips, but he catches it. Me and Lena laugh and he hands it to me.
"Nice save." Elena tells him.
"I like you two. You know how to laugh. And you make Stefan smile which is something I haven't seen in a very long time." He says leaning against the counter while I sit on it next to him.
"Earlier, did you mean...Katherine?" She asks him. I must have missed some info back there.
"Mm-hmm." He says helping her put the dishes away.
"How did she die?" Whoa, she died, wow, my name is a burden now.
"In a fire. Tragic fire." He says.
"Recently?" I ask.
"Well, it seems like it was yesterday." He answers, kinda.
"What was she like?" I ask. He looks at me then Elena with a far off look.
"She was beautiful. Alot like you two in that department. She was just very complicated and selfish, and at times not very kind. But very sexy and seductive." He answers.
"Which Katherine are you describing, me or her or both?" I smirk and he smirks back with a wink.
"So which one of you dated her first?" Elena asks him raising a brow. He chuckles.
"Nicely deduced. Ask Stefan. Im sure his answer differs from mine." He tells her shutting the dish washer. Then it gets silent.
"I'd quit cheerleading if I were you." He tells her sitting down.
"Why do you say that?" She asks scrunching her brows together.
"Oh, I saw you at practice. You looked miserable." He says helping her fold the cloths.
"You saw that?" She asks.
"Am I wrong?" He asks back.
"I used to love it. It was fun. Things are different this year. Everything that used to matter doesn't anymore."
"So don't let it. Quit, move on." I tell her walking over to them.
"Problem solved. Ta-da." Damon adds. I chuckle and so does she.
"Some things could matter again." She looks at us.
"Maybe." I scrunch my nose looking at Damon to add on.
"But...seems a little unrealistic to me." He adds and I nod agreeing. Then Elena looks down.
"Im sorry." She tells Damon. He gives her a lost look and she elaborates. "About Katherine. You lost her, too." She tells him. Maybe thats why he gave me a nickname too, it hurts him like it hurts Stefan. I put my hand on his shoulder comfortingly and he stares at me for a moment.
"Hey." Bonnie says making us all jump. "Need some help?" She asks.
"Sure, why not?" Damon tells her with me and Lena smiling.
I walk in to Stefan and Elena making out and its very heated, so I walk out quickly and shut the door. I hear a knock on the door so I go down to see who it is and open it to see Damon.
"Forgot my jacket." He smiles. I smile grabbing it off the hook.
"You forgot it on purpose didn't you hot shot?" I smirk at him. He looks me in the eyes then chuckles.
"You caught me." He shrugs throwing it over his shoulder. We both chuckle then he looks into my eyes. "You look beautiful by the way." He smiles.
"I look good every day." I smile. He then comes forward and crashes his lips to mine and we get into a very heated make out session. He throws me on the couch and climbs on top of me and kisses me again. I rip off his shirt and then someone yells.
"Katherine?" We pull apart to see Caroline." I thought we were friends!" She shouts with a hurt face.
I wake up gasping and hold my chest taking shallow breathes. Did I really just dream of Damon? I get up and grab my glass from earlier to get a cup of fresh water.

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