Chapter 5

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*Katherines outfit above*
Katherine p.o.v.
Today I surprisingly woke up before Elena, well not too surprising since my brother isn't the most subtle about bringing a girl home. So, with the early morning rise, I took a well needed relaxing shower and blew dry my brunette hair curling it to perfection adding make up and a comfortably glam outfit. Once I was finished I headed downstairs and was met with Jenna making coffee with a knowing look on her face. When she sees me enter the sarcasm instantly took over her face causing my eyes to roll.
"Do my eyes deceive me, or is Katherine Gilbert actually awake on time?" She says widening her eyes in amusement. "Or are you Elena trying to impersonate your sister?" She raises a brow.
"Ha. Ha. Your so funny Aunt Jenna." I mimic her sarcasm grabbing some coffee. "I could barely sleep so I decided to just get up and try to get an early start." I tell her shrugging, which is the truth. Ever since our encounter with Caroline about Damon and Damon about Caroline then Caroline's breakdown about Damon, I just can't help but feel for my friend and worry about her. Then there's the feeling of ripping Damon's spleen out and beating him with it. Then, like I said, my brothers inability know...sneak a girl in, have fun, and sneak her out. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and instantly know it's Elena since Jeremy is obviously occupied.
"Guys." She whispers pointing upstairs. "Are you aware of whats going on upstairs?" She looks more at Jenna.
"Uh-huh." She replies simply. I chuckle at her nonchalant response.
"And you have no objection?" Elena raises her brow looking at me with the same look. Me and Jenna share a look and look back at the suspicious older Gilbert twin.
"He could be craftier about it." I shrug looking at my Aunt to continue.
"At least make an effort to sneak her in and out." While Jenna jokes Elena makes her way to the coffee maker pouring a glass. "Oh, and, uh, just so you know, I won't be home for dinner." She continues writing with a smile on her face. I raise a brow at this looking at my identical sister with the same look.
"Oh, so you're actually going to do it." Elena jokes.
"You're gonna go out with Logan." I say smirking in a teasing voice taking a sip of coffee.
"I'm going to show up and torture him, yes." She replies glancing at Elena who's making a bowl of cereal. "And have you heard from Stefan?"
"Not since he left that vague message three days ago." She says and to tease her a bit I mimic it.
"Hi, um, Elena, I, um, I have something I have to do. I'll uh, explain in a few days." I say in a convincing Stefan voice causing them both to chuckle. "If he had to do a speech of any kind... Winging it is definitely not an option." I laugh getting up and putting my empty cup in the sink and walk over to Elena leaning over the island.
"Haven't you called him?" Jenna asks.
"Nope. Not going to, either." Elena says staring down at her breakfast.
"And you're okay with everything?" Jenna asks softly but it still set something off in Elena as she smacks her hands down.
"No, I'm not okay with any of it. But I'm not gonna cry about it, either. You know, I was going to write in my diary this morning, and then I thought, what am I going to write?" She rants. I interrupt her with one of my little comments.
"That you have the greatest and most amazing sister ever!" I tell her giving a little twirl causing her to crack a smile. It didn't last long as she looked back at Jenna and continued her rant.
"Honestly, I'm not going to be one of those pathetic girls whose world stops spinning because of some guy." She says all snarky like taking a bite of cereal. I raise my brows looking at Jenna who does the same.
"Okay then." She simply says obviously not wanting to poke the bear.
"I'll be fine." She states walking away leaving me and Jenna to think about her words.
"The sexy suds carwash is tomorrow. The football team and the band have committed. Well not all the band. Just the ones who can pull off a bikini. I want in your face sexy." Caroline says handing flyers out. "I mean, it's a fundraiser, for god sake" she chuckles making me and others chuckle with her. She looks to me and raises a brow with a look that say 'I dare you to challenge me'. "Your coming right?" I look up pretending to think about it but once I see her pretty blue eyes catch fire I laugh nodding.
"Of course I am. A reason to wear a bikini and check out hot guys, you know I'll be there." I give her a smile full of mischief and she gives me one back linking our arms and continuing handing out flyers. I turn to glance at my sister and friend only to find Stefan walking up to Elena and I knew I just had to witness this. I'm not the only one to notice as Caroline then drags me with her up to them.
"Stefan? Where's Damon?" She asks and I scoff instantly. "He has some serious apologizing to do."
"He's gone, Caroline." He tells her making me frown slightly. What does he mean gone?
"When's he coming back?" She questions with a falter in her eyes.
"He's not coming back." He says and this makes Elena look at him as well. "I'm sorry." He gives us all one final look and then leaves. We all sit there for a moment before Elena puts a hand on Cares shoulder. "This is a good thing, Caroline." Care gives a small nod.
"I know that." I give her a small smile which she returns.
"You okay?" I look up to see Jeremy looking at Elena who's slumped on her bed. I look back down painting my toes not really caring about the conversation seeing as it has nothing to do with me so far.
"Is Vikki in there?" She asks back all snippy.
"Don't answer a question with an another question. Maybe. What's wrong with you?" He asks again chuckling. Elena sighs but answers.
"I'm miserable." She replies this makes me look up and frown closing the nail polish and hug my knees.
"Well, you should go get something to eat." Jeremy smiles all secretly like he knows something.
"And me some too while you're at it." Even though I can't see her face I know she's smiling. She gets up and throws a pillow at me giggling making me squeal. "Elena! My toes!" I gasp looking to see she thankfully didn't ruin them. She laughs at me walking away Jeremy smiling after her. After a few moments I get a feeling she wasn't coming back upstairs so I sigh getting up and heading down only to hear a voice that doesn't belong to a Gilbert member.
"Elena I told you to bring me some foo-" I stop when I see Stefan making what looks to be chicken parmesan. I raise a brow and look to the unexpected visitor. "Hello Stefan. I hope I'm not interrupting." I say even though I don't mean it considering chicken parmesan is also my favorite.
"Oh, no you're welcome to join too, Katie." He smiles kindly and I grin looking at Elena plopping on a chair watching the interaction between the two.
"I don't know what you're trying to accomplish." She says giving me a final glance before turning to her hunky chef.
"You want to know me, right?" He looks at her and nod then to me and I nod to wanting to know more about my twins mysterious interest. "Well, I figure if youre going to dump me," he looks at Elena, " and defriend me," he looks at me," you should at least, um, know who you're dumping and defriending." He says and Elena looks at me and we both look back to him.
"Go on." I say clasping my hands together and resting my head on them.
"So let's start with Katherine." He says going back to cutting.
"Stefan..." Elena shakes her head but he cuts her off.
"She was...the most beautiful girl I had ever met. She had this perfect olive skin. And she had this laugh. It was ridiculous. I mean, her laugh made you laugh. And she was fun. She knew how to have a good time. But Katherine was also very impatient and entitled and selfish, and, um, and impulsive. Enter Damon. He claims that he was with her first. I don't know. I do know that I did some things that...I'm not proud of. And my biggest regret is not being able to make it right before she died." He pauses to look at us and Elena, who has been listening understandingly nods for him to continue while I sit there not knowing what to say. "I miss her, but...I'm no longer crippled by her loss." He finishes.
"I'm an avid reader. Huge Fitzgerald fan. "The Great Gatsby", his masterpiece. But I'm no snob. I love some good grisham. I think "Seinfeld" is the best american television show for the past 50 years, but "I love Lucy" is all time. The loving cup episode was the best, I think. Huge Scorsese fan. I can watch Taxi driver over and over again." Stefan begins to say all his favorite things to Elena and I while we all set the table.
"Here, let me." Elena says helping him set things down.
"As far as music, its pretty much across the board. Um, Dylan, Hendrix, Patsy, Willie. Oh, Kanye. You know what, I even like that one Miley song." He says causing Elena to scoff playfully and me to burst in giggles never in a million years expecting Stefan to like Miley. "Easy." He says grinning himself.
"I didn't say anything." Elena says shaking her head. I snort finding this dinner actually fun.
"Hey, this is for the garlic bread, right?" I ask pointing to garlic looking to Stefan and then Elena knowing she wouldn't want to go on the night with garlic breath.
"I'm not eating garlic unless you agree to, too." She says smiling.
"Are you kidding? I love garlic." He says walking back to the food, Elena looking to me chuckling. I lean in so Stefan can't hear.
"I think hes a keeper." I whisper and she nods smiling all blushy and cute. While she is all distracted and junk she then accidentally cuts herself.
"Ow! Ahh." She says looking to see her finger bleeding hissing in pain. Stefan turns concerned and walks over.
"You okay?" He asks.
"Um...yeah, think so." She sets the knife down and goes to the sink to wash the blood.
"I'll get a band aid." I say reaching in the, as we call it, first aid drawer, and grab her a band aid. I look up and see Stefan looking tense and I swear when I saw his face...I don't know how to describe it, and Elena noticed too.
"Your face..." She starts but he turns away.
"I-i, uh, I think I got something in my eye."
"Stefan." I say walking behind him with Elena. She puts her hand on his shoulder trying to get him to look at her but he doesn't let her.
"Hey." She says. "Stefan!" She says trying to get his attention. He looks forward and takes a deep breath. He then turns to her like nothings wrong but I still cross my arms and frown. There is definitely something up. Elena on the other hand brushes it off chuckling.
"Um, I think that my paranoia has turned into full blown hallucinations." She says lightly smiling. I smirk knowing she wasn't hallucinating.
"Yeah, weird." I sarcastically say but she doesn't catch it but Stefan does. He looks to her though and smiles.
"Part of your charm." He tells her and then they get really close and one thing led to another and, they started kissing. I scoffed shaking my head and looking away from them. They pull apart and smile turning when they obviously remember I was there too.
"Done?" I ask and Elena takes a step back blushing tucking a price behind her ear nodding. Stefan looks at her smiling and then sees me looking at him with a not so friendly glance. There was something about him, I don't know what, but I'll find out.

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