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Killer was so polite. So charming. So very, very nice~!

He would clean up after most the messes on the ship. He would help Kid with whatever he needed even if the Captain was in the worst temper, Killer would just show infinite patience and do what he could. And what he could was always amazing and flawless. He was even one of the best fighters on the ship, able to take out opponents with such ease that it was like he had been doing it all his life.

Killer did it in style too. Even if he didn't realize it, he was graceful and swift, bending in ways his bulky body shouldn't be able to do and slicing through enemies as if they were paper.

He was perfect.

And you hated him so much!!

It was Killer this and Killer that!! You may be a lowly crew member while he was the first mate, but you knew a jerk when you saw one!! And Killer was the worst of the jerks around!!

You continued to seethe, moving onto the next stack of dirty plates and washing one angrily in the bubbly water. You never turned down a job on the ship, hoping to get recognized by your amazing Captain for your hard work - but this time was different.

This time, he was helping you.

You chanced a peek over your shoulder to see the masked first mate drying some cups on the other side of the small kitchen, somehow making them look cleaner with just an old rag then you had with soap and water. 

You resisted the urge to throw the dishrag into the sink and just walk out, but you stood firm; sucking up your angry feelings for the man and continued your work. You weren't going to abandon a task, not after what happened around the holidays.

Face turning slightly flushed, you rubbed the plate harder then was necessary to get the stain off, teeth grinding painfully together.

That damn gift. It had all been a joke to him, you just know it! A ploy!! You had been on your way to give Kid the best gift ever only to be derailed by your arch rival instead. Not only had he given the exact same thing to your glorious Captain that you were going to give, he had stopped you in the hall and...and!!!

Deep breath.

Distracted you from giving your gift to Eustass Kid at all!!

You had been the only one on board who hadn't given the red head a present and it hadn't gone unnoticed. The crew had thought you had been selfish towards your Captain and you were sure there was going to be some hazing coming your way.

No, no that was not what happened though. 

As if he thought himself a hero, Killer had stepped in and told them to lay off of you and said there had probably been a good explanation. Of course, everyone listened to him and apologized and there was no mention of it again-!!


You froze and looked down at the plate in your hand, the item snapped cleanly in half from your washing rage.

"Damn it," You muttered, pulling the broken plate out of the water to inspect it. You tried to think of a way to salvage the item but quickly froze when you felt someone come up behind you. Your body was slowly pushed hard into the sink as you felt the male's chest pressed flushed against your back, strong arms encircling around you as Killer's hands took hold of your own to look at the broken kitchen ware.

His body heat was enough to make you squirm, breath quickening when he pushed you harder into the counter so you couldn't get away at all. The masked man still kept his large hands on your own, moving one high over your shoulder so he could get a good look at the damage.

He tsked lightly at you, as if you were a naughty student who didn't do a math problem right, before forcing you to place the plate on the counter then plunging your hands back into the water where another one rested. Killer managed to get the rag back in your hand and moved it to where you were washing the other plate with his assistance, not saying a word as he moved to rest his chin on your shoulder to watch.

This was extremely awkward. Not awkward in a 'This guy is nuts' way, but awkward in a way that made your face turn completely red, body grow hot, and legs tremble.

You could feel his hot breath through the holes in his mask, spreading over your shoulder and even a little down the front of your shirt (was he peeking? Why did you have to wear a tank top today!?). You could even feel his damn goatee tickle your neck when he moved his head a little to do...something? You couldn't really see, but you bet it was inappropriate!!

Killer forced you to do this with his help for a while, like some weird instructor who was giving someone lessons on how to hit a baseball, or how to swing a golf club. Except for some reason, it felt more sexual then you wanted to admit; especially since you were sure he was pressing his lower body closer to your ass and you didn't need to be a genius as to why.

And all you two were doing was washing a damn plate.

But as quickly as it started, it ended. Killer had pulled away as soon as the plate was clean and pulled it out of your hands and moved back to his own station to dry it off. He didn't look at you or say anything, just went about his task as if nothing had happened.

All the while you stared with soapy hands, mouth open wide and face flushed in confused embarrassment.

Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (Killer x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now