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Hiding was all you could do in this situation. Sneak behind barrels, slip into closets, stay in your room. It was the only real solution to staying away from Killer. Killer and his giant, firm hands that liked to pinch lightly at your skin when you weren't looking, to poke and prod at your cheeks (both sets) when you were unaware of him, and grope whatever part of you he could when you didn't even give him the slightest bit of your attention.

You quickly learned from those encounters NOT to let him near you anymore, lest you were invited into some complicated situation where he molested you then leave you in a mess without a word or clue as to why he had done it in the first place.

You had been quite successful in your mission to ninja, but you avoiding the infuriating first mate only spurred him on to actively look for you as well. What sucked was that he did it so easily too. You could be hiding in the most obscure places on the ship and as soon as he wanted to locate you, he could within minutes. It was almost as if he had a sixth sense as to where you were at all times.

The only place he couldn't penetrate was your room. As soon as it was in sight and you knew Killer was on your trail, you would hurry inside and lock the door.

It was perfect.

Unfortunately, it was also hard to do anything you normally loved to do from inside your room. Things like chores, running around on the ship's top masts during a sunny day, or even see your Captain. But that last one seemed to only satisfy Killer the most. It was like he wanted you to suffer while he kept the Captain all to himself!!

It wasn't fair and you weren't going to let it pass!

But every time you tried to see Kid you found yourself running the opposite way because right by his side was that perverted, cocky, perfect, hunky, jerk! Over all, it was like he had planned all this and it only served to anger you more. It only hurt Kid when Killer kept him all to himself! Their Captain had a short enough fuse as is and if he was kept from talking to different people then he'd never learn to get better at communication!!

But Killer probably never thought about this horrible consequence like you have. Killer was probably so selfish of his desire for Kid to only being with him that he didn't take the time to see what Kid would want!!! You weren't the smartest person and you admit that, but you'd be damned if you let this horrible man stunt your Captain's growth!

Taking this revelation into account, you busted open the door to your room with your fists balled and fire in your eyes. You strode out with purpose, conviction, a personal goal to save your Captain from the masked villain....only to turn right back around in a scramble before shutting your door and clicking the lock in place.

Killer had been right outside.

Waiting for you.

You quickly crouched by the door and hugged your knees close as you rocked on the balls of your feet, face pale in shock.

"Psychic...that man is psychic," You hissed, hands feeling clammy and stomach twisting in strange knots. 

Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (Killer x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now