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You didn't think about Killer all the time. 


You were a normal person. You worried about the crew, about the next island, the next adventure. You also enjoyed the thrill of the unknown, the crazy life at sea, and just being a pirate.

And right now, this pirate was eager to make a cup of hot chocolate.

Your bare feet padded down the ship's hallway and towards the kitchens, humming softly while leaning towards the right when the ship rocked violently to the left. There was a huge storm going on outside, waves crashing, winds blowing, the sea trying to gobble you all whole while lightning danced across the sky.

You loved it. Storms were always the best, on and off the ship. The first time you were on board when a storm passed over you had been terribly sick, the ship teetering back and forth and causing your stomach to flip and turn; you had thought you were dying. 

It was also the first time your amazing Captain noticed you, realizing you were sick during this hectic time he had come down to yell at you to get up on deck to help out. But when he saw you in your gross state he had opted out of the yelling and just left, only coming back a few minutes later with a mug of hot chocolate. You had refused the drink at first, finding the smell nauseating but after he forced it down your throat you were instantly better.

"Specially made." Kid had grunted, wiping some of the spilled liquid off his hands when he had forced your mouth open. "Now get your ass up on deck."

In that glorious moment, you had realized what an amazing person Eustass Kid was. What other captain would do that for their lowest ranking crew member? He was truly incredible.

To say you were easy to please might be an understatement.

You yawned when the ship rocked once more, your hands instantly moving forward before a picture could fall off the wall next to you. Stopping, you took the time to hang it back up while the ship settled for a moment, smile still on your face as you bounced on your toes in anticipation. 

It had become a tradition to you now to drink hot chocolate during a storm, it was a thing you always looked forward to now. What was great about this night was that you weren't on duty, so you got to enjoy a big mug of it without having to go out in the rain and fight the storm itself. You could already taste the sweet concoction on your tongue as you walked into the kitchens and headed towards the pantry, fingers itching to grab the tin of powder like some drug addict.

You opened the door to the tiny storage room and looked around until you spotted the tin can up on the top shelf, way too high for someone of your height. Sighing, but not deterred, you grabbed the step ladder underneath all the shelves at the bottom and unfolded it, letting the ship rock once more before taking the first step.

Even when using the ladder the powder was out of reach, your fingers brushing over the metal and even pushing it back a little. You scowled and stood on the tips of your toes, tongue out in concentration when you touched the top of the can and made it slant towards you-

Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (Killer x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now