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You weren't going to do it. No way. Nu-uh. Foooooooorget it!!!

Wrap, wrap. Crinkle.

If anything, you were going to avoid it all together!! It seemed to be the only way.

Tape. Crinkle. Fold.

Yes, definitely the only way.

Fold, fold. Crinkle. Tape.

You smoothed down the brown paper before you stuck on the last piece of tape, stretching the clear strip down over the corner like an expert gift wrapper. Smiling, you picked up the wrapped item and nodded, deeming it a job well done.

No one would be able to tell this was Killer's shirt. It looked unassuming and boring, just the way you wanted it. You could walk down the hallway without anyone taking notice, they would just think you're carrying a plain old package; nobody would ask you why you had the man's shirt, where you'd gotten it, and what you needed it for. You were already embarrassed enough that you had to use it, but if anyone saw you carrying a man's shirt around they might get the wrong idea...

You already have enough confusing ideas to allow any wrong ones. Ideas that seemed to revolve around a certain masked man...

You were already confused and worried about seeing him again, not after what happened those few days ago when you were almost caught naked in the hallway. It'd been one of the most embarrassing moments of your life and it was only made worse that Killer was the one to catch it happening. Not only that, he helped you out. He had given you a false sense of security by lending you his clothing so you could get back to your room with some kind of cover. He'd been nice enough to turn around while you changed and even sounded sorry that he had no pants small enough to fit you.

And just when you thought he was being a good guy, he went ahead and demanded payment. That's right, payment!! The man had cornered you against his door, trapping you in his room with nothing but his silk shirt flushed against your skin as he pressed you into the wood.

Then he had told you to close your eyes.

You should have ran at that point. You should have pushed him away and wiggle free through the entrance and run back to your room without a backwards glance. But no, you did as he had ordered. You had anticipated him touching you, groping and petting until you were weak in the knees and wishing for more.

Wanting so much more.

You shook your head, face flushed as the thought crossed your mind and hugged the package tight to your chest. Then you glared at the bed in frustration, knowing it would be a bad idea to think about that day. To remember his featherlight kiss on your cheek. How his strong arms had enveloped you, body pressed close and rubbing against your mostly naked one.

The package fell from your grasp as you flailed your arms about, as if hoping that you could physically shoo away the events of that day like it was a mosquito. An annoying mosquito that just wouldn't leave you alone and was driving you insane as more and more images of Killer holding you, cooing over you, kissing-

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2016 ⏰

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