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You blinked. Rubbed your eyes, then blinked again.

That wasn't right. There was just no way fate was that cruel. So cruel that it would decide to put you on Noon Watch, for several hours, in the tiny crow's nest at the very top of the ship (where no one could hear you unless you screamed) with KILLER.

Have you not dealt with enough?? Have you not suffered a thousand times over?!! First he continues to torment your everyday life by groping and pinching you, then he breaks the rules and goes into your room without your permission (to grope and pinch), THEN you're caught playing with his hair by the whole crew!!! It had been the most humiliating thing to ever happen to you and you had just wanted to hide until the whole thing was forgotten.

But now life wanted to kick you while you were down. Kick you over and over before spitting in your face.

You reread the list again and held in your groan, wanting to snatch it off the wall and rip it to pieces!!

"Aw damn it, I'm on watch with Heat." One of your crewmates was reading over the list, nervousness clear on his face as he realized who his Watch partner for the day was. He almost looked as upset as you did...

"I'm just not ready to face him, he's still mad at me..."

You blinked, remembering this man had inadvertently insulted the fire-breather just a week before. You hadn't been there to see it, but from what you'd heard, he'd told a really bad joke about circus people and fire breathers and there was something about clowns...? It wasn't important, the fact was, it had upset Heat enough to just outright ignore the man and it had gotten to the point to where some of the crew worried if Heat would ever forgive him.

It was kind of silly, but you didn't try to get involved like the rest of the crew. You weren't really sure what to do in those kinds of situations...but then an idea came to you and you acted quickly, slinging an arm over the shorter man's shoulders and giving him concerned eyes. "I'm sorry. I can't believe he's still ignoring you."

The man groaned and held his head, "I didn't mean was just a joke!!"

You gave his shoulder a squeeze, "There, there...Maybe he just needs more space?"

Your crewmate looked at you, face distraught, "That's gonna be hard when we have to spend four hours together on the Night Shift!!"

"True," You gave him a thoughtful expression before your face lit up in fake enthusiasm. "Oh! I know! You and me can trade watches!"

He stopped his moaning and looked at you with wide eyes, as if he couldn't believe his luck. "R-Really?!"

You nodded, giving him a wide grin. "You two just need more time! I can take one for the team and work tonight!"

The man cried out in relief before pulling you into a hug, thanking you a thousand times over before running off. You watched him go with a wide grin, mentally congratulating yourself for your quick thinking. Sure, Night Watch sucked, but it was better then spending hours with Killer alone.

Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (Killer x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now