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You gasped.

Long, rough fingers slid down your body in a sluggish fashion, soft and with just the barest of contact that it was almost unnoticeable. It made you stretch and wiggle and you wanted so much more. A heat coiled in your stomach and you tensed, the hand now changing direction and back up your form. It brushed past your thighs first, moving in a swirling pattern like it was mapping out your skin, then it dragged to your hip. Here, his palm groped and pinched, making your limbs twitch and your heart race before he went to your stomach to stretch out and rub your naval. He did this for a few seconds before going upwards once more, fingers stretched across your skin until the tips brushed the swell of your breast. The calloused hand stroked and massaged your bust before finally cupping it, squeezing gently as his thumb quickly brushed over your pert nipple.

You mewled, body arching into the male as an aching need swelled inside your abdomen. He felt so warm and solid against you, naked form rubbing against yours with leisurely grace. Legs caressed each other's in an eager manner, hands explored every inch of skin they could reach, and hips bumped together multiple times, creating electric friction that made you ready to fall over the edge of pleasure.

You kept your eyes shut tight as your nerve-endings tingled, his face now burying into your neck and nuzzling with affection. It was almost too much, chapped lips and scruffy beard tickling your throat while also making your toes curl and your core hot.He was gripping your hips now, keeping them closer to his own while his mouth traveled to your jaw, your chin, then finally your lips. His kiss was slow, deliberate, sensual - it made you feel special and treasured. You reached up to grip the back of his head, clenching a fistful of blonde hair while your bodies pushed as close as possible. He pulled away from the kiss, heavy breath mingling with yours before you whispered his name in need.


Then you opened your eyes, frowning as you were greeted with the ship's ceiling and not the man you'd been daydreaming about.

You sunk low into the bathtub, warm water rising above your nose as you blew bubbles in frustration.

What the heck was going on with you??? For months Killer has been harassing you and making you feel confused and now you had to deal with him invading your leisure time? You just wanted to take a damn bath, not have a...a...!!

You blew more bubbles in anger as your already flushed face turned bright red.

A wet dream.

How the hell were you supposed to deal with all this?!! You hated the guy!!

At least, you thought you did... to be honest, he'd become less aggravating lately. You didn't feel frustration when he entered the room or when he gained immediate notice from your Captain. You didn't seem to mind that much when he outdid you in every task or that he was just great at everything.

At some point you'd grown out of that, maybe... Sure, you wanted Kid's attention, but not as much anymore. No, most of your focus seemed to go on avoiding Killer and worrying what he was going to do to torture you. It made you feel weird and awkward and dumbfounded. What was he trying to do? Drive you insane!?!

Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (Killer x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now