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I stepped out of the cold shower. Crud, I forgot a towel! Flicking my soaked hair to the side, I grabbed the fluffy white towel. How am I supposed to spy on Tony when I have to spy on Cap?

I held my head in frustration. I just need a cup of coffee. I walked down the plain gray halls, not like the beautiful blue ones that I was used to. Suddenly, a red light flashed and an alarm went off.

Apparently coffee will have to wait. I ran to the main hall where the team was waiting. "Robbery at Stark Industry's!" Tony shouted, clearly angry. "What kind of dumb *** would steal from me!"

"Language." I calmly said. My remark made the Spider-Kid laugh, while Tony was enraged. All averting eyes were on him as he threw the metal table to the side, shooting daggers at me."Let's just go." He grumbled. Snickering, we left.

A couple minutes later, we were fighting Wrecker and batroc the leaper. Booorring... I knocked out Wrecker in two seconds flat. I started to run at batroc when. *swish* *fwatang* an arrow flew past my face, inches from my nose.

You've got to be kidding me. "Dang it Clint." I muttered as I tore the arrow from the wall. It had a rolled up piece of paper tied to it. I silently cursed under my breath as I read the crumbled paper.


For your sake please leave this place right now! Don't ask any questions, don't come to me, just LEAVE! Remember. We will apprehend you if we see you.

I'm so sorry,

Idiot idiot idiot. He's gonna get them all arrested. Also how nice of him to say apprehend like it is no big deal. I know what that means Rogers. Prisoner...

I (again) disobeyed Cap and ran back to Tony, paper and arrow in pocket. I had to make sure they didn't get them. "Tony! They are here." I said, putting as much concern I could muster in there so it seemed believable.

"What proof do you have?" Rhodes asked. Who does he think he is? He isn't even an actual avenger yet! "Oh. I don't know Rhodes? Maybe this?" I smirked as I held up the arrow.

Rhodes glared at me and almost robotically said, "That could be anyone's arrow!" I shook my head. I knew those marks from anywhere. After all, he was my partner.

"No." Spider-Man piped up. "Even if it isn't Hawkeye, we should take precaution." Hm. Smart kid. Maybe he will be a better avenger than that wannabe ironman. At least he doesn't back-talk an avenger.

I looked to Tony and nodded. He nodded back. "We will send in Natasha." He stated. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Rhodes so mad steam could be coming out of his ears. Serves him right.

I ran past them as they headed to the prison to drop off the two villains. Where are you Clint? *swish* *fwatang* nice timing Clint. I ran to the arrow and tore off the paper attached to it. It only had two words.

Good choice.

Let's see. Clint shot a straight arrow, at a 45 degree angle. I looked up at the building he must have been on. Bingo. I climbed the wall with the new suction cups spider-kid invented. He had hated the nickname.

Sure enough, Clint was up there. He was picking at his teeth. What a well mannered gentleman. "Clint." I said, my voice almost knocking him off the building.

He quickly stood up and got in a fighting stance. See here is the thing about Clint. He never trains in new ways. He thinks his way is the best way. I've been his partner since I got out of the red room. I know him, his moves.

But I'm not here to fight. "Clint, I just want to talk." I calmly stated, putting my hands up. He smiled and attacked. Idiot. Here we go.

Five seconds later

"Alright Natasha you got me you got me!!!" I had him pinned to the ground in a stance I knew he couldn't get out of. "You've gotten better!" I gleamed, enjoying every second of this. "This time it took me five seconds!"

I got off of him and helped him up. "Ready to talk?" I walked very close to him and gave him an evil grin. "Or I could get what I want the hard way. Either one would satisfy me." He sat down in defeat.

"Fine. Whatcha wanna talk about?" I smiled and sat down in front of him. "Well Tony gave me a mission to spy on you all." He quickly rolled over to his bow and aimed it at me.

Idiot. I took off all my weapons except the one in the secret compartment in my boot that he didn't know about. "If you want, you can handcuff me, tie me up, you know. To make you feel safe." He gave me a sly grin and raised his eyebrows. I walked up and *slap*

"Pervert. I didn't mean it like that." I slapped him again for good measure. Later after he stopped bawling like a baby, I told him what Tony wanted me to do and his plans.

He told me fake plans that I could give to Tony and we parted ways. I really hate that guy :)

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