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I plopped on my bed, exhausted from briefing with Tony. He gave me papers to memorize. Ha. Not doing that. The pillow feels like clouds. Could get used to this! I soon fell into slumber.


I opened my eyes slightly and looked at the window. Someone was breaking into my room. Because my eyes were squinted, I couldn't see who it was. Who ever it is, they are getting a bullet in the mouth.

I slowly grabbed my gun and, "Natasha?" The figure whispered. I opened my eyes and pointed the gun at none other than Clint. "What are you doing here?!" I yelled at him.

He ran up and covered my mouth. Gross. He has sweat and mud on his hands. My communicator started to buzz. It was a call from Tony. Clint saw it and frowned.

"Listen. You're going to tell Tony to send backup to your room. Say Steve, Wanda, and I are here. I'm going to put you in this sack. Cap and Wanda are outside waiting for us. Make it look like there was a struggle. Ok?"

I hesitantly picked up the communicator and Tony was screaming his head off. "Natasha are you ok? We heard yelling!" I put on a worn-out voice, like I was running. "Tony! Get here fast! *pant* Cap, Wanda, and Clint are here!"

I threw my communicator on the ground and smashed it. "Alright Clint, you have less than twenty seconds." He quickly threw the sack on me and I punched around in the dark.

"Clint stop!" That must be Tony. Well then. Scratch that, it was twelve seconds. "Tony I swear if you don't get me out of this!" I yelled while tying myself up with the rope that was placed in the bag.

Ouch! Man I tie good knots. Clint yelped as he was getting shot at from vision and Tony. Now I could help him. Or I could let him get a little scratch! "Tony stop shooting at him! You're going to hit me!" Guess I have a soft spot.

I guess he stopped because I didn't hear any blasts or Clint screaming. "Gaah!!!" I plummeted down before whacking into what is I'm guessing Clint. "We are coming for the spider next!" Clint yelled.

I was thrown into a car and we sped away. "So. No rush but can you untie me?" I asked. My shoulders were aching. After a little bit of fumbling, I saw light again.

Clint untied me and helped me to a seat. Where is Steve? I really miss him... I turned to Wanda. "Hey." I awkwardly said. Last time I saw her, I was fighting against them all.

She didn't even glance at me. Gee. She keeps a grudge. "Hey Clint. Where is Steve?" He stiffened and didn't answer. I smiled. I knew how to get the answer from him.

"Hey Clint." I purred, "remember the time in Budapest? You know when you w-" he cut me off. "He is in the drivers seat. Please please PLEASE don't mention that!"

I smirked. "We'll see." He sat down, face in his hands. I snuck over to the front where Clint said Steve was. Sure enough, his sandy blonde hair stuck up, not combed.

"Did you just wake up?" I asked, leaning against the chair. Steve gritted his teeth and said, "go away Nat." I stuck out my bottom lip and pouted. Why is he so grumpy? Dang two-faced lover.

Despite his grumpy attitude, I swung myself into the passenger seat. "humph." Steve grumbled. Fine grumpy cat. Be that way. Just to annoy him, I cracked jokes.

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