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Clint escorted me to my room and locked me in. "Aww Clint!!! I thought we bonded!" I shouted through the door. He responded with a grunt and his footsteps eventually faded out. I changed into the pjs they laid out and fixed my invisibility device. It had broken after my failed escape.

Hey I came back didn't I? So why am I locked up?! I tugged on the boards over the window and sighed. If I shoot at them, someone will hear! My saw is still at Tony's, knife with Cap, and taser won't do anything.

I screamed in frustration and kicked the bed, sending a sharp pain through my foot. Aw man! That hurt. I cradled my foot as I thought about my decision. Should I have ran? I could have took Tony but... Cap's face.

I shook my head as if trying to forget his saddened eyes. Stop it Nat! You're supposed to be mad!!! I suddenly had a idea! I used the technic that I had learned from Ivan to make it look and sound like my heart stopped.

I slammed the buzzer as hard as I could and sprawled out on the floor. About three seconds later, Steve and Clint knocked down the door and rushed over to where I lie. Clint started to scream and called Sam so he could use his military service to test.

Cap started giving cpr on me. Well then. Hello to you too! Man... The only time we kiss is during life endangering situations. I decided to "come back to life" and shot up, coughing. I saw Clint crying in the corner and bit my lip to keep from laughing.

Cap picked me up and carried me out. Gee... My hero. STOP CARRYING ME! I punched him in the jaw and started to run to the exit. Now I remember why I wanted to go! Puppy dog eyes won't stop me!

I ran into the woods as twigs and who knows what slapped my legs. That didn't even slow me down. My name echoed through the thick, dark woods as I neared the edge. I felt the all too familiar liquid thick as honey run down my legs on the grass. Guess I should have changed out of my pjs.

I saw a cave fit for a bear and crawled in. The damp air made my hair poof and made me chilly but otherwise, it was perfect. I grabbed the phone I brought and called Tony. I am so going to regret this...

A few minutes later, a jet landed beside the cave and vision floated through. He held out his hand. Ha! Guess everyone thinks I'm a princess. I swatted his hand away and limped to the hunk of junk.

Rhodes scowled at the sight of me. He got some bandages and cloths. That's when I looked down. Crud. My legs looked like I had gotten into a fight with an angry badger, and lost.

Then he cleaned and wrapped the gushing cuts. Aww! Did Rhodes accept his feelings! He loves me! I smirked at him and batted my eyelids mockingly. He rolled his eyes and left. "Aw no smooches?!" I yelled after him.

He poked his head out and stuck his middle finger up. I see you haven't changed. Once we got to the tower, Tony wanted to know everything I saw, heard and did. Of course I wouldn't betray Cap but... I have to tell tell them something.

I told them about the kidnapping of Spider-Man. That they want to take all of Tony's team. That wasn't true though. They captured Peter just to cover up why they took me. Also, I told them the hideout was in the desert.

Rhodes just had to question me and ask how I was in the forest then. I explained that I ran into the woods to get away. He walked out and slammed the door.

After the meeting, I walked to my room and locked the window this time. The bed looked very comfy at this moment! Dropping on the bed, I looked at the pictures I had of Steve. I didn't notice I was crying until my pillow suddenly became soaked.

I didn't stop them.

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