A Bad Feeling

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I stopped at the infirmary on my way to my room. I had to make sure Rhodes was ok, even if he was a pain in the neck. Apparently I put too much force...

I broke one of his bones. He was expected to be ok. I sighed in relief and walked down the hallway to go to my room. I had some time to think before Tony's Stupid plan to capture Cap commenced. Should I warn him.....? Or should I let it be....?

My head told me to go with Tony. Don't you want to get rid of the title monster? These accords will keep people safe. Steve will get you nowhere but jail.

My heart however...... told me it was ok. Steve is the man I fell for. And bars were better than the gap between us. But he told me he wanted me gone....... he obviously hated me. So why should I risk my life to only be heartbroken again?!

Natasha. Please come to my office. Alone.

I felt my muscles tense up, screaming in fear and anxiety. Crap. I thought as I forced my shaky feet to move down the hall. My every instinct told me to run the other way. Head over heart. Head over heart. Head over-

I stopped at Tony's door. I heard shouting and large crashes. "Uh Tony.....? You ok? This is Natasha. You sent for me right?"

........ no response.

I stepped closer to the door, the fresh paint smell overwhelming me. "Tony........?"


"Tony. I'm coming in." I shouted before kicking the handle off the door. I yanked my gun out of the holster and rolled into his room, pointing the gun in front of me.

There was no sign of Tony anywhere. The stuff that was on his desk was scattered around the room, like a tornado had been here. I cocked the gun and kicked open the closet door.

"Tony?!" I practically screamed. "What are you doing?!" He was climbing on boxes to get a file on top of the shelf. "Can't.....reach!" Tony grunted as he stood on his toes.

I rolled my eyes and pushed Tony off the boxes.  As he screamed and fell over, I easily grabbed the file and strutted past him. He won't mind if I take a peek~

The file had a large red, white, and blue shield on it. Crap...

I opened it up and read aloud, "Steven Grant Rogers. Mission is to assas...... assassinate......" my voice trailed off at the assassinate part. Tony's smug smile was wiped off when I chucked the mission file at his face.

To my pleasure, it left a thin cut on his cheekbone. "What was that?! Assassinate the Captain America?! Did you forget he was our friend?! Or did you forget because he took your little frisbee back?!"

He flinched slightly before walking over to me. With a quick tug, he pulled my wrists over to him and........

My eyes went wide and I yanked my head back. "TONY WHAT THE F-" he put his sweaty hand over my mouth and yanked me under the table. "Natasha. You don't need him. You know that right? He'll just push you away."

He's delusional if he thinks I'll agree with him! But..... if I want him to trust me. Heh. I guess it's up to my famous technique~

"You know what.... you're right! He'll never love me like you would~" his face instantly turned bright red. "U-Uh Uh yeah! Um. So you'll assassinate him...?"

I smiled and pecked his lips with a few kisses. "Anything for you~" I stood up and walked out.


After I washed my mouth out a couple of times, I got ready for the long trip. I packed my weapons, clothing, and the small pearl I needed for the trip.

I raced outside and into a large field. This should be far enough.... Let's just hope he hears this. "HEIMDALL!!! I NEED TO CASH IN THAT FAVOR!"

I threw the pearl at the ground, smashing it into the soil. It began to glow and open up a long bridge. "Oh good..... so he really did mean it when I saved him...."

The road developed as I walked onto it, twisting and curving to my feet. When I got to the top, the first person to greet me was the one person I wish wasn't there.

"WIDOW OF BLACK?! WHAT IN MIDGARD ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" The thunder prince tackle-hugged me, almost making me topple over. "I was uh. Looking for your brother. I need a favor."

Thor slammed me against the wall, making me yelp in surprise. "What quarrels do you have with Loki?!" He twisted my shirt and slammed me against the wall again. "Answer me!"

I softly muttered. "Tony wants me to kill Steve.... I need someone that will fake his death." Thor was unresponsive for a while but slowly nodded. "Fine...." he growled, dropping me.

"OW!" I smacked into the ground. Hard.

Thor tried to stifle a laugh but managed to let a small giggle out. When he caught my glare he turned around and cleared his throat, catching my warning to shut up. "Do you want me to assist you up widow of the Black?

I rolled my eyes in response and swung onto my hands, then to my feet. I strutted past Thor, bopping his nose on the way. "Nice try Thunder Baby."

"THUNDER BABY?!" He shouted, running after me. "Eek!" I yelped as he picked me up, glaring at me. "Thor. Put me down. Or do you
/want/ a large crater where your face used to be?!"

He dropped me yet again. This time I was ready. I landed on my feet and hands, landing in a "Spider-Man" pose. Thor almost looked impressed. Ya know, if he wasn't such a boastful idiot.

I stood up and swung my hips to the side, placing my fist on one side and letting my other hand swing down freely. "Are you done gawking or are we going to talk to the reindeer?"

He turned a little red and turned around. "By reindeer you mean my brother right! Ok. Let's go." I rolled my eyes and followed him.

I have a bad feeling about this.....

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