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"So that's our situation....." Loki smiled at me and leaned against the wall. I felt every muscle in my body tense as he spoke. "And why should I help you~?"

Thor stepped forward and shouted at his brother. "BROTHER! DO NOT GO DOWN THE ROAD TO DARKNESS! COME BACK! YOU CAN BE FORGIVEN."

Loki looked back and forth between Thor and I and nodded. "Anything to get away from this Lightning Child." I slyly smiled and corrected him. "Thunder Baby."

Thor growled slightly and grabbed my wrist. "Ack-" I yelp as he yanks me to the side. "What do you think you're doing?!" I shout while yanking my hand away. "I was getting him on my side!"

Thor shook his head and scoffed. "You think you can take him? He can't be trusted. Not one bit. He will manipulate you to bend to his will. I know..... he manipulated Amo-........ nevermind."

I raised an eyebrow at him and sighed. "I know how to take care of myself. Besides, I manipulate. Not get manipulated."

He pouted as I unlocked Loki's cage, clamping a bracelet to his wrist. "This will make sure you don't use magic.... not yet anyway."

I led Loki to the bridge, stepping back onto the glowing rainbow. We went down to a waiting jet, and started flying to Cap's hideout.

"So...." Loki broke the silence from the back of the jet. "You and the Captain huh? I honestly thought you were going to get together with the bird brain."

My grip on the controls tightened and I gritted my teeth. "Shut up. His name is Clint and for your information, he's married. Cap on the other hand. He's available."

I heard rustling, and then Loki was right behind me, his breath tickling the back of my neck. "You know~" he breathed onto my ear. "I heard he was with that Agent Carter girl. Sharron was it?" I didn't answer.

"Kind of makes sense too. He wouldn't want someone like you. A killer. He's want a girl who wouldn't have to hide her face from the public. Someone who isn't a monster."

I stopped the jet suddenly, sending the trickster into the window. "Didn't I tell you to shut up?" I calmly asked, trying not to show the panicked state I was in.

Loki grumbled and walked back to the end of the jet.

Is that why he doesn't want to see me.....?

Am I really a monster?

I started second guessing myself, thinking I should turn around and leave. But we were already here.

I slowly walked up to the door and knocked 2 short knocks, a long knock, and 4 more short knocks.

"Natasha....? You aren't supposed to be here." Clint's voice came from the closed door, barely audible. "Yeah well..... something has come up."

I heard some rustling before the door opened, beckoning me and Loki to come in. Clint scowled at Loki, still sore about the whole mind controlling thing.

"Steve.....?" I called out into the dark hall. That's weird...... they're usually illuminated by lights.

Then, I saw him. That is....... him and Sharron Carter. Her lips were pressed against his, Cap's eyes wide in shock. Thankfully, he pushed her off, still not noticing me.

"I'm sorry Sharon..... but you know where my heart lies." Loki stuck his finger down his throats and made gagging sounds. I slapped Loki's shoulder, and he accidentally bit his own finger.

"Ah-" Steve turned to me and instantly turned red. "N-Natasha! It's not what it looks like." I giggled and yanked Loki over. "I know. But hey..... I need to talk to you." I glanced at Sharron. "Privately."


Steve closed the door after him, sitting down in a metal chair in the meeting room.

I told Steve how Tony wanted me to assassinate him and how he wanted proof of it. He looked solemnly at the ground and muttered, "So Tony actually wants me dead...."

I reached across the table and took his hand in mine. My fingers ran over the scars he'd gathered from endlessly punching sand-filled bags, trying to clear his mind.

"I'm not going to hurt you....."

He nodded and stood up, walking towards Loki with an confused look. He obviously didn't know why the god of mischief was here. "He can fake your death...." I muttered under my breath. My eyes dropped from his gaze as it hardened.

"Nat.... I'm sorry but, I don't trust him." What he didn't need to say was, I'm going to protect you no matter what because I know he will hurt you. I grabbed a knife and stabbed it into the table, inches from Steve's fingers.

"I'll protect you Cappy Cappy Cappuccino~" I purred, and yanked the knife out of the table. "I know you can b-" I cut him off. "Then it's settled! I'll fake your death with Loki's help!"

Cap couldn't help a small smile that crawled onto his face. "You're a stubborn woman Tasha..." I felt myself smile too and threw myself on top of him, squeezing as hard as I could.

"Ah- you're squishing me!" I just giggled in response and rubbed my face in his neck. I felt like a giddy teenager. Like those teens who think their love will never part even in death and they must run away and fully come as one and blah blah.


It was only then I noticed that Loki was still there....... making gagging noises. Both Cap and I turned our heads and shouted at the same time, "GROW UP REINDEER!"

I turned back to cap and sighed. "Alright..... here's the plan."

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