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I jumped out of the car on to the green grass. I smiled evilly, remembering that I was mad at cap. I started yelling, "HOME SWEET HOME!!! HOME SWEET HOME!!!" Over and over again. I saw Sam and gleamed.

The driver door opened and Cap got out of the car, and stormed in the beautiful building. "What's his problem?" I asked. I was very confused.

Sam looked worryingly at me and said, "He doesn't like this one bit. Steve wants you to be safe. When you told Hawkeye you were supposed to spy on him, he just got in the car and called Clint and Wanda to come with him."

"Aw that's soooo sweet!" I chirped. And sooooo idiotic! I can take care of myself thank you very much! I was furious! How dare he decide my fate! I choose my path! It's my life!

"Now if you excuse me!" I pushed Sam out of the way and steamed into Steve's room. "Hey knight in shining armor!" I sarcastically yelled. He winced at my words and exhaled sharply.

"I'm sorry." He sighed, not looking at me. "Hey! My eyes are over here you know!" I was so mad, I couldn't think! "So am I the damsel in distress? I don't need you to save me from a dragon! I could have handled Tony!"

"Stop it." Steve said, clutching his fists. As he did, I noticed drops of blood dripping off his knuckles. No doubt from punching those bags again. I walked over and picked up his still curled hands, I wrapped them with the cloth in my belt.

"You need to stop hurting yourself!" I grumbled, whacking him across the head. "You need to stop putting yourself in danger." He shot back. Ouch cap. That hurt. Ya got me in the feels!

"Like I said, I can handle it!" He finally faced me and sighed. "I won't lose you." I was so mad, my vision started to blur and I started screaming! "SHUT UP! IM TIRED OF PEOPLE THINKING I CANT TAKE CARE OF MYSELF! You... Tony.......... Ivan."

"Would you stop using the red room to make everyone feel sorry for you!" He shouted, yanking his hand away. My chest tightened. I'm not, I wasn't. "WHY WOULD I USE THAT?!" I yelled. How did it come to this?

"How dare you accuse me of using my pain at the red room. DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY TIMES IVE WHACKED MY HEAD AGAINST BRICKS TRYING TO FORGET?! I wish I could! I would never use that as an excuse for sympathy! Never!"

Wet drops landed on my hand. Huh? I'm crying. Man I must look like a little girl. No wonder he thinks I'm a damsel. Steve didn't say a word. I didn't care anymore. I walked out, not looking back.

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