Chapter 5- First Duel

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On board the Dauntless, Captain Rex and his squad had almost caught up with the droids they were pursuing. Firefights inside the ship were slowing as both sides found places to bunker down. Thankfully, the bridge and engine room had not been taken as both sections had an entire clone company apiece defending them. Several decks however had been damaged due to several severe encounters. Some floors had collapsed onto lower decks, forming makeshift ramps that aided and hindered both sides, transforming the nature of the battle. Blaster marks were in almost every corridor and there were groups of destroyed droids and dead clones everywhere.

Rex had passed one such battle scene where the celling had collapsed when he spotted one of the last battle droids of the group he was pursing go around a corner. He motioned for his squad to form up and they continued their chase. They got around the corner and were confronted with a four-way passageway. They had little time to decide which way to go when Rex’s head was almost shot off from the right side. As he ducked and returned fire, one of his men behind him was shot from the left. Rex realized that they had been led into a bad position and called out “Fall back!” His men then took up firing positions in doorways and around the corners shooting at the droids on both sides of the corridor. Rex shot a droid right next to the tactical droid and had to duck as the droid fired at him. As he ducked behind the corner, Rex thought, Well this is just great.

From behind a line of droids, RW-47 fired his blaster at the clones. Upon reaching this four-way passage, he ordered his troops to split into two groups, thereby attacking the clones on two sides when they reached them. Droid communications were getting more chaotic as they encountered more and more resistance. RW needed to coordinate their takeover, but didn’t have the time with these clones on its trail. As soon as these clone were eliminated, RW would continue with the invasion plan. A battle droid got blasted apart right next to RW, who then fired at the clone who shot it. The clone with blue decals ducked behind the wall as the blaster bolts put two holes in the wall. Droids on the other end of the hall were also taking hits, but the clones were out maneuvered as they were getting hammered from two sides. It’s only a matter of time before the clones are eliminated. RW thought.

Fives and his small squad of troopers reached the hallway behind where the fight was taking place. Hearing the blaster fire, he decided that a frontal confrontation would result in more casualties than he was confortable with. Looking around, Fives saw a collapsed ceiling leading to another deck. A plan emerged in his mind.

“Alright,” he said to his troopers, “we can go smack right into the fight and win, but I have an easier plan. Shots, Nathan, and Rath,” pointing to each clone as he called their name, “You three see if there is another collapsed section that leads behind those droids. Maybe we can ambush them and take them in a crossfire. Contact me if you find anything.”

“Yes sir.” Shots responded, then the three clones went up the makeshift ramp and disappeared from sight. Fives waited and listened to the battle ahead making sure that the DC-15 blasters that the clones had kept firing. His patience was rewarded a minute later when Shots opened up his comm. “Sir, there’s an opening dropping down behind the droids on the left side of your position.”

“Copy that Shots, the rest of us are coming.” Fives said. “Come on! Let’s move!”

On the frigate, Anakin and Ahsoka were almost to the bridge. They needed to make several detours after finding their hallway blocked by a ray shield. Almost like we’re being herded, thought Ahsoka. “I have a bad feeling about this.” She said. Anakin didn’t respond, but Ahsoka knew he was thinking it as well. Passing by a ray-shielded hole in the hull, probably created by turbolaser blast from the battle, they crossed the hallway to the door leading to the bridge. “This is it master.” Ahsoka said.

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