Chapter -11 Coordination

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Hey Readers! We're nearing the end! Things are now about to wrap up and loose ends will come together in the next couple of chapters. No real action happens, but a lot of future events will be foreshadowed. Anyway, here's chapter 12.


An hour had passed since the reactor incident and the Jedi plus most of the clones were back on their cruisers leaving only a small detachment on the shipyard for use as a temporary base of communications and supplies for the invasion of Bothawui. Repair teams of Bothans had repaired the reactor core from the damage it sustained, but were not ready to reactivate it just yet, for safety reasons. While the Bothans were relieved that the Jedi saved the shipyard, there was some grumbling of how one occupying army just replaced another and nothing had changed. Obi-Wan made a note of this after he left the shipyards and returned to his cruiser. Most of the Republic fleet was still in orbit around Bothawui after the battle, with the exception of Luminara’s forces on the planet.

Anakin had just left to help with the liberation of the world. “Always on the move.” Obi-Wan had said after he left, but there was not much he could do about it. He had told Anakin to contact him once he had landed which should be right about…

A hologram of Skywalker accompanied by General Luminara appeared on the bridge. “Skywalker here, reporting as you suggested.” He said in a dry tone.

“Master Luminara, also reporting.” She said politely.

“Good to see you master. How’s the battle for the capital city Drev’stam?”

“Actually the battle is over and the Republic controls the city now.” Luminara said.

“What? So quickly?”

Indeed. There weren’t many droids guarding the city and once we broke through the outer defenses, there wasn’t much left to do except cleanup.”

Anakin chimed in. “Our forces around the planet have also completed most of their objectives and are nearing the end of their missions. The planet should be ours by the end of the day.”

“Well, this is a nice change of events. This invasion started off so precariously that I’m now beginning to think it was just a bluff, that the Separatists really didn’t intend on holding Bothawui in the first place.”

“That is one way of looking at it Master Kenobi.” Luminara thoughtfully responded, “But I prefer to think of it as they haven’t had a chance to really situate themselves here and gain a foothold.”

Obi-Wan noticed Anakin looked deep in thought. “Anakin, what’s troubling you?”

Anakin was broken from his thoughts and looked at Obi-Wan from his holoprojector on the surface. Well here goes nothing, he thought. “Is this line secure?” He asked Master Luminara. When she nodded, Anakin proceeded with his story. “I believe that the Separatist commander, Darkover, was convinced that he could stop our fleets and our landings with the forces that he had. We captured a Super Tactical Droid that held most of the plan that Darkover had.

“That’s how I was able to come to your aid Master.” He said to Kenobi. “His plan was to bottle up your fleet so that you would be distracted from his other actions. He personally led a Baking Clan frigate against my three ships. Darkover managed to disable the Adamant, and destroy the Firebird, with the use of his fighters and a single ship. He then attempted to capture the Dauntless and planed to capture the Adamant as well to attack your fleet. He would have succeeded if Ahsoka and I hadn’t stopped him.”

Anakin paused, unsure how to reveal this next piece of information. “That seems like a lot of work for one person, even for an admiral. Is there more?” Obi-Wan asked.

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